Su Jinyue took out their identity cards and handed them to the deacon in charge of the transmission.

The deacon indifferently swept the ten jade identification cards on the table with his spiritual sense. The next moment, the deacon opened his eyes in shock and looked at Su Jinyue in disbelief, " "

Seeing the appearance of the deacon, the young female sister glanced at Tian Fengxun's four people, and curled her lips in disdain.

"You..." The deacon, you were speechless for a long time. It is really shocking that these few people appear here, and there is no need for them to pass by when these monks appear.

"I have seen Beicheng Lord! Tian Huizhu! Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master!" The deacon slowed down and respectfully saluted Su Jinyue. These four people are famous in the Tianyue Continent, especially Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Bei Yunjiang waved his hand, "No need to be polite."

The deacon respectfully handed the identity jade plaques to Su Jinyue four people, and opened the teleportation array: "Please, four!"

The young female nun and the remaining five monks wanted to follow in, but they were blocked by the deacon.

"Why can't we go in?" the young nun asked dissatisfied. Those four must be disciples of the Dazong Sect. What is so great about the disciples of the Dazong Sect. When she goes to Riyao Country, she will go to Fengtianzong. I heard that Fengtianzong recruits disciples all the year round, as long as they pass their requirements.

The deacon activated the teleportation formation. After Su Jinyue and the four of them teleported away, she looked at the young female nun and said coldly, "Do you know who they are?" In their capacity, how could they be qualified to sit with Lord Su and the others? Transmission array.

"Isn't it a sect disciple? What's so great." The young female cultivator said with disdain. She will also become a strong one day, standing on top of the world.

The deacon smiled tauntingly, "You look down on them too much. They are the city lord Beiyunjiang of Pill City, the leader of the Alchemist Association Tian Fengxun, and the lord Su Jinyue of Fengtianzong, and they are the same. the Lord."

"Huh?" The young female sister and the surrounding monks were all dumbfounded on the spot. Aren't those four people trapped in the Demon Realm? Why did it come out? Are they going to Riyao Country again this time?

"Impossible." The young sister shook her head in disbelief. How could they be? Didn't she just offend them? Isn't she unable to enter Fengtianzong?

The deacon stopped talking, and looked at the young female nuns, "Are you still in the teleportation formation?"

The young female cultivator recovered and nodded vigorously, "I'm going." She is going to see Sun Yaoguo. Even if Feng Tianzong does not accept her, she believes that as long as she works hard, she will become a strong one. Of the person.

As soon as Su Jinyue and the four walked out of the teleportation formation, they saw all the elders in Dancheng, as well as Su Yanyue, Su Yanqi and Su Yanxi were already waiting in the teleportation hall. They rushed over as soon as they received the Feijian Biography.

"Big brother! Second brother! Third brother!" Su Jinyue rushed over happily when seeing Su Yanyue three people. But the three of them are in the Tianyue Continent, who is managing the Earth's Medical Valley?

"Little girl, you are finally back, you are almost worried about us." Su Yanyue reached out and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, his eyes filled with joy. Knowing that Jinyue has not returned since going to the Demon Realm, how can he stay on Earth with peace of mind.

Su Jinyue sucked on her slightly sour nose and raised a smile, "Worry everyone, what about the three sisters-in-law?" It feels better to be back with her family.

"They are all waiting for you at the sect." Su Yanqi said. Originally they were also coming over, Yingli and Youyou were pregnant, and Nana was entangled again. So they let them stay in the sect.

"Sister, why did you go to Yuezhao Country? Aren't you in the Demon Realm?" Su Yanyue asked. In order to rescue them from the Demon Realm, they jointly issued a notice with Pill City, recruiting the world's Array Masters, and went to the Demon Realm to study how to break the formation together.

"We said as we walked." Su Jinyue said. She hasn't seen her family for a long time and really miss them

"Zhan Yihan, Wei Yuanxing sent a message saying that his wedding period has been postponed." Su Yanxi said. Originally, Wei Yuanxing wanted to have a wedding in May. After learning that Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue were missing, he postponed the wedding.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded, feeling a little moved and a little sour in his heart. Yuan Xing guy, getting married is a major event in life, how could it be delayed for him?

Several people got on the animal cart, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan talked about their experiences these days.

"You are already an immortal formation master?" Su Yanyue's trio were shocked and envious when Su Jinyue talked about their formation. Compared to the younger sister and Zhan Yihan, they are really too bad. Now that the younger sister and Yi Han are back, they have to go out and practice.

"Little sister, show me the heart of time." Su Yanqi stretched out his hand. It was the first time he heard the Heart of Time.

Su Jinyue took out a handful of Hearts of Time and handed them to three older brothers respectively, "You hold these Hearts of Time, they contain the rules of time, you can comprehend and try." Understanding the rules of time has absolute benefits.

"Okay." Su Yanyue and the three took over the Heart of Time. They have to work hard, even if they can't compare with the younger sister and Zhan Yihan, they can't lag far behind.

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