Seeing Su Jinyue and his party coming with the sword, Lin Suwen, who had been waiting outside the sect, all smiled excitedly.

"I'm back, I'm really back! I saw Yihan and Jinyue." Wang Meizhen smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She knew that Yi Han and Jin Yue would be fine.

"These two children are really worrying. Fortunately, they finally came back safely." Lin Suwen smiled.

"Yan'er, look, aunt and uncle are back." Bai Lina said to the beautiful little girl in her arms.

The little girl blinked her big eyes like black grapes, staring at Su Jinyue and the others who had fallen in front of her. Seeing Su Yanyue, she immediately waved her small hand and leaned her body in the direction of Su Yanyue. ,"father!"

Su Yanyue walked to Bai Lina, reached out to take the little girl in her arms, and kissed her pink cheek, "Yan'er, do you want Dad?"

"Yes." Su Junyan giggled, pursed her little pink mouth, and leaned forward to kiss Su Yanyue's face.

"Let's meet my aunt and uncle." Su Yanyue hugged Su Junyan and walked to Su Jinyue's side, "Yan'er, called aunt, uncle."

"Aunt, uncle." Su Junyan cried out cleverly. Although only more than one year old, his speech is very clear.

"Come on, Auntie." Su Jinyue stretched out her hand and looked at Su Junyan with a smile. She has black natural curly hair, fair and pink skin, big eyes, a small but pretty nose, and a rosy mouth like a peach, beautiful like a doll.

Su Junyan looked at Su Jinyue and thought for a while, stretched out her hand and leaned against Su Jinyue. She likes this aunt.

Su Jinyue took out a bell, shook it, and handed it to Su Junyan, "Yan'er, do you like this bell?" This bell is also a magical artifact, as long as it shakes, it will make a jingle. , But it still needs a contract to start.

"Yeah." Su Junyan stretched out her little hand with joy, took the bell in Su Jinyue's hand and shook her, giggling when she heard the bell making a crisp sound.

"Brother Han, Jinyue, didn't you go to the Demon Realm? How come back from Yuezhao Country?" Bai Lina took Xiao Yuer to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's side. She was really happy when she received the news that they were coming back.

"We will talk together when we go back." Zhan Yihan took out a storage ring, knelt down and handed it to Xiao Yuer, "Xiao Yuer, this is a gift from my uncle and aunt."

"Thank you, uncle! Thank you, aunt!" Xiao Yuer took the storage ring and happily thanked Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. He is already cultivating now.

"Good!" Zhan Yihan rubbed Xiao Yu'er's hair with a smile.

The group of people walked and talked, and walked towards the sect.

"Master, Master, are you still used to staying here?" Su Jinyue looked at Xu Tiansheng and Lin Junman. After not seeing each other for more than a year, the master and her mother are getting younger and younger.

Lin Junman smiled and nodded, "It's good here, I like it very much." She is not only practicing but also learning alchemy. And the relationship with Tiansheng is getting better and better. Tiansheng often takes her out to travel around, and they live very happily. Fortunately, I came with Jinyue at the beginning.

Xu Tiansheng saw the happy smile on Lin Junman's face, and the corners of his mouth also raised a happy smile. It would be more perfect if he and Xiaoman had a child of their own.

Everyone came to the hall and sat down. What they want to know most now is where Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan have gone this year.

"Big Brother, Sister-in-law, please tell us what has happened to you over the past year." Zhan Yiping looked forward to it. After more than a year of cultivation, her cultivation level has also reached the initial stage of Qi refining. Sister-in-law had told her that because of her injuries, her cultivation could only stop at the Golden Core Stage at best, and it was impossible to break through the Nascent Soul. But she is not in a hurry, she is fortunate compared to many people.

Zhan Yihan nodded, and briefly said what he and Jin Yue had seen and heard over the past year.

"It's exciting! When I become stronger in the future, I will also go to the Motian Continent to see it." Zhan Yifeng said.

"My second sister-in-law and I will also go together, eldest brother, sister-in-law, will you take us to the Motian Continent in the future?" Zhan Yiping looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, waiting for their answers. Following the older brother and sister-in-law, she doesn't have to worry about safety.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "We will take you with us when we have time." In their spare time, it is also a good choice for everyone to travel together.

"Great!" Zhan Yiping laughed happily.

"We are going back to Earth in a while, any of you want to go back together?" Zhan Yihan looked at everyone and asked. Yuanxing postponed the wedding for him, and he really felt sad.

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