Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked up and saw a very distinctive building.

"This building was just completed last year. It has a total construction area of ​​129,000 square meters, 70 floors above the ground, and a height of 315 meters. It is the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong, and there is no pillar inside. Do you think its appearance is very good? Like bamboo, it represents steadily rising, symbolizing strength, vitality, vigor and aggressive spirit; the granite exterior wall on the base represents the Great Wall and China.” The middle-aged man said, his face lifted up and proud. Smile.

The car slowly leaned to the side of the road and stopped. The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in the back seat. "You can go straight to the hotel entrance. The room is 2103 on the 21st floor. number."

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan thanked each other. This middle-aged man is very talkative. He not only introduced some of the buildings in Xiangjiang, but also introduced many famous local snacks along the way.

"You're welcome, call me if you want to go out. By the way, my name is Zhang Zhensheng." The middle-aged man smiled and waved to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. He waited until the two of them were far away. Retracted his sight and started the car.

Before Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan arrived at the door of the hotel, they saw the woman in the red dress waiting in the lobby of the hotel.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming over, the woman in the red skirt stood up and looked at the two with a smile, "You go to my room or your room to talk?" This is the only cultivator she has encountered on earth. .

"Go to our room." Su Jinyue said.

"Okay." The woman in the red dress nodded.

When they came to the room of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, the three of them sat down on the sofa.

"Are you cultivators?" the woman in the red skirt asked. Although she was certain in her heart, she still wanted to get a definite answer from Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue nodded, "We are cultivators."

"Then who taught your cultivation techniques?" the woman in the red skirt asked.

"We can't tell you this." Su Jinyue raised her lips.

The woman in the red skirt thought for a while, "Then have you ever left the earth and been to the true cultivation continent?"

Su Jinyue nodded, "How about you?"

"Actually, I am a cultivator from the Continent of Cultivation. I am from the Tianyue Continent. I fled to Earth because I offended a force. I thought that the other party would chase it, but I didn’t expect that force would never chase it. I went to see what I sent over That teleportation formation knew that the teleportation formation was blocked by someone with a formation method." The woman in the red skirt said. If it hadn't been for the teleportation array to be sealed by someone using an array, she must have been caught by the opponent now.

"Are you teleported from the teleportation formation in Shennongjia?" Su Jinyue asked.

"Do you know where? Have you also been to the Tianyue Continent?" The woman in the red dress looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in surprise. Before coming to Xiangjiang, she deliberately went to see the teleportation formation, which was still sealed by the formation. Unless you are proficient in the formation, you will not be able to transmit it at all.

"Yes." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Then do you know how to return to the Tianyue Continent?" The woman in the red dress said with a trace of anxiety and expectation, looking at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. It has been more than two years, that force must have forgotten her existence, and she should be fine when she goes back now.

"Which country in Tianyue Continent are you from?" Su Jinyue asked.

"Xueqiu Country, I offended the Mercury Sect because I discovered a magic weapon with a disciple of the Mercury Sect at the same time. The two robbed the magic weapon and fought. Later, I killed the disciple and was chased by the Mercury Sect. In desperation, I escaped into the wind and snow forest and came here." The woman in the red skirt said.

"Do you want to go back?" Su Jinyue asked.

The woman in the red dress nodded, "I want to go back." She has exhausted all her cultivation resources in the past two years, and since she practiced again, her cultivation level would not be improved. She doesn't want to be on the ground

She spent her life on the ball, so she traveled all over the world, looking for other teleportation formations.

Su Jinyue took out a plate of spirit fruit and put it on the table, "Are you not afraid that the force will cause you trouble?"

The woman in the red dress saw the Lingguo and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Her eyes were full of desire, "Can I have one?" She hasn't eaten the Lingguo for a long time.

"Please." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

The woman in the red dress picked up a spirit fruit and put it in her mouth, chewing it, with a satisfied expression on her face, "I haven't eaten it for a long time, thank you!"

Su Jinyue shook her head, "If you like you, eat more."

The woman in the red dress nodded and picked up another one and put it in her mouth, "I am also worried about that power, but the cultivation resources on my body have been used up. If I don't go back, my cultivation level will not improve, but will go backwards. Do you have a way to send me back?"

Su Jinyue took out a jade card and handed it to the woman in the red skirt, "This is a jade card of formation, you can use it to enter the teleportation formation through the formation of Shennongjia."

The woman in the red skirt was taken aback and took the jade card of the formation and looked at it, "That formation is a high-level formation." She also knows some formations, but her formation level is really bad.

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