Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1059: night market

Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled, "I know that we arranged that formation."

"Huh?" The woman in the red dress opened her mouth in surprise, looking at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in disbelief.

After a long time, she recovered, "Which level of formation mage are you?" She couldn't see the level of the formation, but she guessed that the formation was at least the sixth level.

"Level eight." Su Jinyue said. She didn't tell the other party that they were a first-level immortal formation master, otherwise she had to frighten the other party, and it would be better to keep a low profile.

"What!?" The woman in the red dress almost didn't fall. It was the first time she heard of the eighth-level array master, who are they? How could they have such strength?

"Are you a casual cultivator? Or a sect disciple?" Su Jinyue asked.

"I am a casual cultivator. I have also participated in the assessment of recruiting disciples by the martial arts, but the assessment failed." The woman in the red skirt said embarrassedly. It's not that she has a bad cultivating aptitude, it's just that she has bad luck. At the time of the assessment, the opponents encountered were stronger than her.

"Then do you still want to join the martial arts?" Su Jinyue asked. Although the opponent's cultivation base was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth here, she could see that the opponent's cultivation base was in the middle stage of Yuan Ying, and it was not bad for Tianyue Continent.

The woman in the red skirt nodded and said frustratedly: "There should be no sect who is willing to accept me as a disciple. Although Mercury Sect no longer chases me, but I still have grudges against them. The little disciple went to fight the Mercury Sect as an enemy."

Su Jinyue took out a spiritual essence and handed it to the woman in the red skirt, "I have a spiritual essence here. If you can advance within ten days, we recommend you to enter the sect."

Seeing the woman in the spirit marrow red dress, her eyes suddenly brightened, and her expression was struggling. For a long time, she shook her head, "I can't ask for this spirit spirit. You can give me a jade card to let me return to the Tianyue Continent. Satisfied." Her biggest wish would be able to return to the Tianyue Continent.

Su Jinyue handed the spirit essence to the other party, "You take this, after returning to the Tianyue Continent, if you want to join the sect, you can go to the Fengtianzong of the Sun Yao Kingdom, where is our sect." At a very young age, a casual cultivator who can cultivate to the middle stage of Yuan Ying at such an age will certainly not be bad for his cultivation qualifications.

She didn't know whether the Mercury Sect would chase and kill her after the other party returned to Tianyue Continent, but if she could safely reach Sun Yao Nation and reach Feng Tianzong, she would accept her as a disciple of Feng Tianzong.

The woman in the red dress looked at the spiritual marrow on the table, her eyes full of hesitation. She bit her lip, reached out and picked up the spiritual marrow, stood up and bowed to Su Jinyue, "My Lan Xiyu is right. God swears, if I can reach Riyao Country alive, I will go to Feng Tianzong, from then on I will only be loyal to Feng Tianzong, and I will not regret my life or death!"

After returning to the Tianyue Continent, if the Mercury Sect did not chase and kill her again, she would go to the Fengtian Sect of the Sun Yao Kingdom. Before she was sure whether the Mercury Sect had forgotten her, she would definitely not harass Feng Tianzong. She had been in the Tianyue Continent for so long and had never heard of Feng Tianzong, and she wouldn't be a big sect if she wanted to come.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Lan Xiyu took a deep look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Thank you! I'll leave first." She couldn't wait to go to the teleportation formation now.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and looked at Zhan Yihan, "Her aptitude is very good. If she is cultivated, she will definitely become a great help for Feng Tianzong in the future." With her and Yihan's current cultivation base, it will not take a few years. You can ascend, and now recruit more monks with good qualifications, and they won't have to worry about the safety of Feng Tianzong when they ascend.

Zhan Yihan nodded clearly, and scratched Su Jinyue's pretty nose with affection, "You are really a heart that can't be done all day long."

Su Jinyue put out her tongue mischievously, and took Zhan Yihan's hand, "Let’s go out and stroll, I want to eat Xiangjiang’s rice noodles." When she came to Xiangjiang in her previous life, her friends would treat her to it. Steamed Vermicelli Roll.

"Good." Zhan Yihan smiled

Nodded, and Su Jinyue walked outside.

The Xiangjiang River is very lively at night, and the whole night market is full of people coming and going.

The scent of all kinds of delicacies is scattered in the air, making people salivate.

"There are some rice noodles there." Su Jinyue saw a stall that made rice noodles and pulled Zhan Yihan towards that way.

"Pretty boy, pretty girl, would you like to have a rice roll?" The middle-aged man making rice rolls saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walking over, and smiled and greeted them.

"Boss, bring us two rice rolls and two bottles of Coke." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan sat down at an empty table in front of the booth.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The boss responded and started to make rice rolls.

Su Jinyue looked around, with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes, "When I came, I would come to the night market to eat rice rolls. I haven't eaten it for a long time. I don't know if the taste is the same as I remembered."

"It's definitely better." Zhan Yihan took the Coke handed over by the boss and handed Su Jinyue a bottle.

"Why?" Su Jinyue asked inexplicably after taking the Coke.

"Come with me to have a beautiful meal." Zhan Yihan took a sip of Coke with a smile. He doesn't like to drink Coke very much, but he likes to drink with Jin Yue.

"Cheeky." Su Jinyue couldn't help laughing.

"If you don't have a thick skin, how can you marry a beautiful wife like you?" Zhan Yihan smiled.

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Su Jinyue gave Zhan Yihan a grimace.

"Brother, buy a flower for sister." A soft voice rang beside Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

The two turned their heads and looked around, and saw a seven or eight-year-old girl carrying a basket full of red roses.

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