"But that's the money I paid for my family Xiaoyu's tuition." Boss He said with red eyes. He really regretted putting all the money together. He thought he had paid the money yesterday, and these vampires would never come again. He really underestimated their greed.

"Okay, that's it, big deal next time we will charge less." The red-haired young man picked up a bottle of Coke, bit the cap and took a few sips, and smiled with the young man with a Mickey Mouse pierced on his shoulder. Walked to the stall.

After two steps, the two came back again, looked at each other, and walked towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. They rarely see such a beautiful woman.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan saw the gangster coming, their eyes flashed with chill. The reason why they didn't take action was because of the safety of the boss. They helped the boss, they can leave, but the boss will have to set up a stall here in the future. Will these gangsters let him go? And this kind of thing is very common. They helped once, but they couldn't help the second time.

"Pretty girl, accompany my brothers to the bar for a drink." The red-haired young man laughed. This woman looks better than she just looked at up close, and those movie stars can't match her.

Zhan Yihan stood up, his figure flashed, and the next second, the two gangsters flew out and landed in a trash can not far away.

The two gangsters crawled out of the trash can after a long time. They looked at Zhan Yihan in fear, and threatened with trembling, "Give us wait..."

After the threat, the two dared not stay anymore, and limped in one direction. Needless to say, it must have moved to rescue soldiers.

"Hurry up, you won't be able to leave when they come." Boss He stepped forward and reminded. He knew the horror of those people, and they would definitely bring people over soon.

Zhan Yihan shook his head indifferently, and handed the money in his hand to Boss He, "This is the money they took."

Boss He froze for a moment, and looked at Zhan Yihan gratefully, "Thank you!"

Zhan Yihan shook his head, "Boss, you close the stall first, those two gangsters will definitely bring people here soon."

Boss He glanced around and saw that the other stall owners were closing their stalls, "Then you are careful." He was not afraid of death, but he could not die, his whole family pointed at him alone. When he died, his home was over.

It's just that in a short time, the original lively night market suddenly became deserted. The stall owners know that a **** battle is about to take place here, and where do you dare to risk setting up a stall here, making money is more important, but life is more important.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked up, only to see more than two dozen **** with baseball bats walking toward this side aggressively.

With a slight smile, he continued to drink Coke and chat, as if those **** were all decorations.

"It's them." The red-haired young man pointed at Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

The leading man looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan inquiringly. If ordinary people offended them, they would have escaped long ago, but not only did the two of them not escape, they still had the intention to drink Coke here. Are they too bold? Still too bold?

After thinking about it, the leading man stepped forward and came to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's side, "Why don't you run?"

"Is running useful?" Zhan Yihan looked at the leading man. If they are ordinary people, even if they run away, they can be found out very quickly.

"It's a sensible person. For the sake of you so well, you can take out five thousand yuan and pay our brothers for medical expenses." The leading young man turned his head and looked at Su Jinyue." Just stay with her words." Such a superb woman is rare.

As soon as the leading man's voice fell, he felt a pain in his stomach and he flew backwards.

The surrounding gangsters recovered, and immediately rushed towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue sat on the chair and the old **** was drinking Coke, as if she was right now

Being in the courtyard and looking at the scenery is generally leisurely. Not to mention that Yi Han was a Mahayana monk, even if it weren't for his combat power, it would be impossible to please him in his hands.

In less than half a minute, all the aggressive gangsters were lying on the ground and rolling. Of course, this is the result of Zhan Yihan's mercy.

The leading man had long forgotten the pain, and looked at Zhan Yihan in shock. Who is this person? How could the combat effectiveness be so strong?

Seeing Zhan Yihan walking towards him, the man in the lead backed away in fear, "That was a misunderstanding..." If he knew that the other party was so strong, he would rather admit it.

Zhan Yihan stopped and looked at the leading man condescendingly, "Go back and tell your boss, if I dare to come here to collect protection money, I will talk to him about life."

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