Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1062: The concert was cancelled

"Yes...Yes..." The leading man nodded repeatedly, got up from the ground tremblingly, and waved to the wailing men who were still lying on the ground, "Let’s go..." If this person changes his mind , They can't leave alone.

Hearing the words, the subordinates endured the pain and got up from the ground, staggeringly following the lead man in the direction they came, leaving only a stick in the ground.

Su Jinyue put the coke bottle in her hand on the table, stepped forward and put her hand in Zhan Yihan's hand, smiled at him, and walked towards the hotel.

After listening to his report, Tang Jiyao sank, "Go to find out where the two people live, I will meet them in person." It has been many years since he founded Tangmen, and this is the first time he was slapped in the face. If he doesn't find this place back, how will he mess around in this land boundary in the future.

"Yes." The young man who took his hand to deal with Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan before respectfully replied and retired. He has already said everything that should be said, and Brother Tang must go to meet that terrible man, and he has no choice.

Tang Jiyao held the tabletop lightly, with a trace of contemplation in his eyes. According to what A Tao said before, that man should be a practicing family. But what about that, he comes from an orthodox martial arts family, and not many people can defeat him.

A Tao walked in and said to Tang Jiyao, who was thinking, "Brother Tang, it has been found. The other party is now living in the VIP suite of W Hotel. They are from the mainland. They just arrived in Xiangjiang this afternoon. They are the same as the singer. Together, the two sides should know each other."

Tang Jiyao raised his eyebrows in surprise, "It seems that the identity of the opponent is not simple." But even if the opponent is a strong dragon, so what? When you come to his site, you have to be crushed by his snake.

"Make arrangements. I will meet them tomorrow morning." Tang Jiyao decided.

"Yes." A Tao replied.

"By the way, let the organizer cancel this concert." Tang Jiyao ordered. When the other party gave him a slap in the face, he let the little singer suffer a bit first.

Ringer returned to the hotel, checked the time, and walked towards the rooms of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Don't know if they are asleep at this night? But he must report this matter to President Su.

Arriving outside the room of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, Ringer hesitated for a moment, raising his hand to knock on the door.

At this time, the door was opened, and Zhan Yihan was standing inside the door looking at him.

"Brother Zhan! I have something to call President Su," Linger said. He has always been in awe of Zhan Yihan. The high-level aura that exudes from the inside out on him makes him feel very stressed.

"Come in." Zhan Yihan turned and walked inside.

Ringer walked into the room, closed the door, and saw Su Jinyue sitting on the sofa eating fruit, "Mr. Su!"

"Sit down." Su Jinyue pointed to the sofa aside. She already knows what's going on. Although she has never been to Xiangjiang in her life, the Pretty Beauty series has already entered the market in Xiangjiang, and she has a lot of contacts in Xiangjiang.

Ringer walked to the sofa opposite Su Jinyue and sat down, "I just received a notice that my concert was cancelled."

"It was ordered by Tang Jiyao, the master of Tang Sect." Su Jinyue put down the spirit fruit in her hand, took the towel on the side and wiped her hands.

Lin Ge was taken aback, and asked in surprise: "Why is he targeting me?" He had no feast with Tang Sect, even this was the first time he heard of Tang Sect.

"We just had some conflicts with his forces. Don't worry, the organizer will notify you tomorrow morning." Su Jinyue said confidently.

Lin Ge nodded, stood up and said, "Manager Su, then I will go back first." He absolutely believed Su Jinyue's words. It's just that he didn't expect that Mr. Su could turn his hands into the clouds and cover his hands into the rain. The respect for Su Jinyue in his heart is even deeper.

Tang Jiyao is preparing to go to bed, the door is covered

People rang.

Frowning, he got up and opened the door, "What's the matter?" He knew that if there was nothing important, his subordinates would not dare to disturb him at this time.

"Brother Tang, Brother Wei just called and said that he can't do the things you asked him to do, and our own brand has been taken off the shelves by major shopping malls." The subordinates just received the news and told Tang Jiyao in detail. Reported again.

Tang Sect is not just a force, it also has many industries under its umbrella, chain KTV, movie theaters, clothing, cosmetics, and the entertainment industry are all involved. It is also because of this that Tang Sect's position in Xiangjiang cannot be shaken.

Tang Jiyao was shocked and took out the phone and dialed out. It seems that someone wants to engage him, but who is it that has such great abilities? Although Tang Jiyao didn't dare to say that no one dared to move in Xiangjiang, he was almost there.

"Brother Tang." A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Awei, who is that person?" Tang Jiyao asked straight into the subject.

"It's the boss behind the beautiful women." Li Wei said. Although Beautiful Beauty is not a local industry of Xiangjiang, its strength is unfathomable, because he has received several calls from big people, and those big people usually make people tremble even listening to them, let alone talk to them directly. Up. He is really curious about who the boss of that beautiful and pretty girl is? How could there be such a great ability to let those big shots come forward.

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