Tang Jiyao frowned, "I don’t have a holiday with each other, why should he deal with me?" He still knows a little bit about the product of Pretty Pretty. At first, Pretty Pretty was just a little-known brand in the mainland. Later, it not only entered the Japanese market, but also gained fame in the European markets, and became an international brand. From this we can know how difficult it is to be the boss of the beautiful pretty lady.

"I don't know this, I only know that the big people have come forward." Li Wei said. He knows pretty girls, but it's the first time that he knows that pretty girls are so powerful.

Tang Jiyao thought of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in his mind, "Could it be them?" Tang Sect only had friction with the two mainlanders today. But A Tao said that the couple were only in their twenties, and that they should not be able to create such a force as beautiful women at that age. But if it wasn't them, who would it be?

"Who?" Li Wei asked puzzledly.

"It's the thing I told you before. I just guessed that the two mainlanders are too young and they are unlikely." Tang Jiyao thought after thinking about it, but still felt that it could not be Su Jinyue and Zhan Yi. cold. He had seen the information of the two before. Zhan Yihan was only 28 years old, Su Jinyue was only 24 years younger, and the beautiful and pretty girls entered the market four years ago. It should not be them at their age. built.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Wei asked.

"I will meet the two mainlanders first tomorrow. Although the beautiful pretty girls cannot be theirs, it does not rule out that they know the boss of the beautiful pretty girls." Tang Jiyao decided. He thinks this possibility is the greatest.

Putting down the phone, Tang Jiyao picked up the teacup on the side, drinking and thinking. If the two mainlanders really know the boss of the beautiful and pretty girl, then he can only regard it as having never happened. Although he is a local snake, he can only shrink when his strength can't beat the strong dragon. .

Ringer was full of surprises when he received the notice from the organizer. After putting down the phone, he walked towards the rooms of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Mr. Su is really amazing, he got this deal done so quickly.

Hearing a knock on the door, Su Jinyue opened her eyes lazily, facing Zhan Yihan's gentle eyes, with a sweet smile on her face, "Someone is knocking on the door."

"I know." Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile.

"Then why don't you open the door?" Su Jinyue sat up, hit a Qingshui Jue, and changed her clothes.

"Let him wait." Zhan Yihan stared at Su Jinyue and saw that she had been sorted out before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Brother Zhan!" Seeing Zhan Yihan, Ringer straightened his body involuntarily.

"Come in." Zhan Yihan turned and walked towards the room.

Ringer nodded, walked into the room and closed the door, and saw Su Jinyue come out from the room, "Mr. Su!"

"Sit down." Su Jinyue walked to Zhan Yihan and sat down, taking the juice and bread in his hand.

"President Su, the organizer just called me and said that the venue has been settled and the concert will be held as usual." Ringer said happily.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"President Su, do you also know any friends in Xiangjiang?" Ringer asked curiously. He knows that Mr. Su is very capable, but this is Xiangjiang after all.

"Pretty Pretty Lady has a branch here." Su Jinyue swallowed the bread in her mouth and took a sip of juice.

"It turned out to be like this." Linge said clearly. Su is always the boss behind the beautiful woman, he knows, but he doesn't know how powerful the beautiful woman is.

Su Jinyue picked up the tissue and wiped her mouth, "Linger, have you arranged the TV series?"

"It has been arranged. I have made an appointment with Wang Ruoyao this afternoon, and a newcomer will come to meet at the hotel, President Su, are you free to have a look together?" Linger asked. That name

The newcomer heard that the external conditions are very good, and some people want to promote her as the heroine, but there is no suitable script for the time being. The boss who wanted to support the newcomer, heard that he was going to make a TV series, so he approached him, and let him see if the newcomer was suitable. Anyway, just take a look, it doesn't fit, he refuses.

"Good." Su Jinyue nodded. She will stay in Xiangjiang for about a week, and wait for tomorrow to find her friends. The other party doesn't know her yet, she still has to think about how to get acquainted with each other.

"Knocking!" There was a knock on the door.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan turned their heads and looked around and saw a tall man standing at the door, followed by four men behind him.

The two smiled at each other. The other party came earlier than they expected.

"I'll open the door." Ringer stood up and stepped forward to open the door.

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