Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1091: Extraordinary

"Good!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile. Anyway, with them, the three old men wouldn't be in any danger.

The spacecraft drove fast in the sky, flying out of the desert, and a huge and majestic city appeared in front of everyone.

"The city in front is so majestic, what kind of city is that?" Old Man Wei asked. He has lived for so long, and it is the first time he has seen such a beautiful city, even the capital of China cannot compare with it.

"That's Pill City, you can smell it carefully, can you smell the faint fragrance of medicine?" Su Jinyue smiled. Naturally, the cities on the Tianyue Continent are not comparable to cities on the earth. Most cities are built with refining materials, such as the main hall of the Alchemist Association, which is a magic weapon. And every major city has a defensive formation, so it seems to give people a sense of unreality of seeing flowers in the fog.

"Sure enough, there is a medicinal fragrance, and I feel refreshed by smelling this medicinal fragrance."

"The Tianyue Continent is really extraordinary."

"Yihan, Jinyue, can we visit Dancheng?"

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other with a smile, nodded, and slowly descended the spaceship. The spacecraft can fly over the city of Pill, but it cannot directly enter the city of Pill.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master!" The two guards guarding the gate of the city saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan and quickly saluted them respectfully.

"Yihan, Jinyue, why are they so respectful to you?" Elder Wei asked curiously. He also asked Origin Star some things about the Tianyue Continent before. Origin Star said that the Tianyue Continent is a place where the strong are respected. Could it be that Yihan and Jinyue are already so powerful?

"Jin Yue is the elder Keqing of Dancheng." Zhan Yihan said.

"Elder Ke Qing?" The three elders looked at Su Jinyue incredulously. Of course they understand what the elders mean, but after all, this is the Tianyue Continent. No matter how good Su Jinyue's medical skills are, she cannot be as good as the monks here. How could she be the elder of a city?

They had no idea about the Tianyue Continent now. Although they knew that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had established a sect here, they had never seen it, and did not know what the sect looked like, and the sects had different sizes.

Walking into Dan City, the three old men were immediately shocked by the prosperity of Dan City. The most important thing is that after they came here, the whole body felt a comfortable indescribable feeling. If they stay here all the time, they might really live a few hundred years old.

"Master Su! Master Zhan!" The monks kept coming up to greet Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

The three old men were not used to it at first, and gradually they became disapproving. After all, Su Jinyue is the Keqing elder in Dancheng, and it is normal for many people to know her. Zhan Yihan is Su Jinyue's husband, and people who know Su Jinyue will certainly be familiar with him.

The three old men were strolling in the street, and when they saw something novel, they picked it up and asked the stall owner.

The stall owner knew that they were with Su Jinyue and others, so naturally they didn't dare to neglect. Which sect on the Tianyue Continent is the strongest, it must be Feng Tianzong, which cultivator is the strongest, it must be Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. So as long as the disciples of Feng Tianzong came out, everyone wouldn't dare to embarrass them when they met, because Feng Tianzong was strong and because their backstage was tough.

Bei Yunjiang received the news of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's arrival, and immediately took everyone out of the city lord's mansion in person. Besides being grateful for Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, he also deeply admires them. Without them, he must still be trapped in the Demon Heaven Continent now, no, it should be said that he may have become a puppet of the Demon Realm.

Seeing Beiyunjiang, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled slightly and stepped forward to meet them.

Seeing this, the three old men knew that a big man was coming, and immediately followed Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master!" Beiyunjiang bowed his hands to Yihan and Su Jinyue in salute.

"North City Lord!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan also bowed their hands in return.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master! The mansion has already prepared a banquet, it is better to go over the mansion." Beicheng Master smiled and invited. He hadn't seen the Zhan Sect Master and Su Sect Master for a long time, and wanted to chat with them.

"Next time, we have to rush back to the sect after a while." Zhan Yihan refused. The three elders have just come to the Tianyue Continent, and there must be many discomforts.

"It's not anxious to rush back to the sect. Who are these three?" Bei Yunjiang asked with a smile when he saw Su Jinyue and Mr. Wei behind Zhan Yihan. He would not underestimate the three of them because they are ordinary people.

"They are our elders." Zhan Yihan said.

"The three are good!" Bei Yunjiang greeted the three of Wei Wei with a smile.

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