Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1092: Lingyun Medicine Garden

"Hello, the lord!" The three of Wei Wei was flattered. They weren't people who hadn't seen the world before, let's not talk about Bei Yunjiang's identity, just the breath of a superior person in him was not comparable to them.

While on earth, although they were the rulers of the major clans, they still had to be respectful and respectful in the face of those of the ancient martial arts sect. And now in Beiyunjiang, a person who is not many times stronger than the ancient martial arts faction, the lord of a city has such an attitude towards them, how could they not be flattered. Of course they also knew that this was because of Su Jinyue's relationship with Zhan Yihan.

"If the three elders are not in a hurry, let's sit in my mansion." Bei Yunjiang invited.

Elder Wei and the three of them turned their eyes to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, waiting for their decision. Even the City Lord's attitude towards them was a little respectful, which showed their status in the Tianyue Continent. They had overestimated the strength of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan before, but now it seems that they still underestimated them.

"Then let's go and sit down." Su Jinyue decided. She saw the longing in the eyes of the three old men, and since they wanted to see it, she couldn't let them down.

A group of people led down to the city lord's mansion in the belt of Beiyunjiang.

Seeing the luxury of the City Lord's Mansion, the three of Wei Wei was shocked again. They weren't people who hadn't seen the world before, but when they got here, they felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

The group walked into the banqueting room and sat down.

Beiyunjiang immediately brought people some delicacies and delicacies, knowing that Mr. Wei and the three were not cultivators, they specially prepared food suitable for them. Many spiritual fruits are good for monks, but they are fatal to ordinary people. If they can't absorb the spiritual energy inside, they will be burst by the spiritual energy.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master! Did you just come back from the earth?" Bei Yunjiang asked. He is very clear about their origins.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Then you won't leave in a short time, right?" Bei Yunjiang asked.

"Is there anything going on with North City Lord?" Su Jinyue asked. Bei Yunjiang must have a purpose to ask this question.

"That’s right. Lingyun Medicine Garden will open next month. Lingyun Medicine Garden is a medicine garden left over from ancient times. Are you interested in medicinal herbs?" Bei Yunjiang smiled. The Lingyun Medicine Garden was opened only once in a thousand years. When it was opened last time, he was just a low-level alchemist who was not well-known. He was naturally not qualified to enter. He finally waited until the medicine garden opened again. Of course, he did not want to miss this opportunity this time .

"Is there really a level 9 herb?" Su Jinyue asked. There are very few ninth-level herbs on the Tianyue Continent, and if she hadn't been lucky enough to get some, she wouldn't be able to become a ninth-level alchemy master. But if you want to improve your alchemy level, you still need to practice constantly.

"I only heard from my master that he had entered Lingyun Pharmacy. He said that there are many pharmacies, but each pharmacy has a different level. If you want to enter a high-level pharmacy, you have For the approval of graded medicine gardens, only medicines of the same grade as higher medicine gardens can be refined to enter." Bei Yunjiang said. With his current level of alchemy, he should be able to enter the eighth level medicine garden.

Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows with interest, "Are there any conditions needed to enter?"

"As long as the alchemy level reaches 6 or above, you can enter." Beiyun Jiangdao.

Su Jinyue nodded. There are still many disciples in Fengtianzong who have reached level 6 or above in alchemy. Her three elder brothers are already seventh-level alchemy masters, and some disciples in Medical Valley have also reached the level of sixth-level alchemy masters.

"How long has the Lingyun Medicine Garden opened?" Su Jinyue asked. It's not that the alchemist can't enter the medicine garden, but she doesn't want to be separated from Yihan for too long.

"Ten days." Beiyun Jiangdao. It's really because the time is too short, so this opportunity is even more rare.

Su Jinyue nodded and continued to ask

Said: "Where is Lingyun Medicine Garden?"

"Ice Sea City." Beiyun River Road.

"I see. Thank you, North City Lord, for telling me." Su Jinyue thanked. She naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity, but she didn't know if she could use Yihan's small world to bring him in.

After chatting with Bei Yunjiang for a while, and finalizing the time to go together, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan bid farewell. I want to come to Beiyunjiang to invite them to visit the mansion, just to discuss this matter.

After getting on the spaceship, Su Jinyue and her team continued to fly in the direction of Feng Tianzong.

When the towering mountains appeared, the three of Wei Wei's father were really shocked. The mist was wrapped around the clouds and the peaks were beautiful, and the shadows of cranes fluttered and danced. Optimus One Pillar topped the top, looking across the mountains and mountains. I thought that Pill City was already terrible, but only when I saw Feng Tianzong did I know what a fairyland was.

"Is this Feng Tianzong?" Mr. Wei looked at the scenery in front of him in awe. In addition to shock or shock in his eyes, it was the first time he saw such a beautiful place.

"It's really like a fairyland here, no, it should be said to be a fairyland." The old man Bai said in admiration.

"Don't say living here, just looking at the scenery here will make people feel happy, hahaha..." Old Man Lin laughed.

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