Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1093: Monk's lifespan

Slowly descending the spaceship, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yi Cold Zone led the three elders to the Xueyu Peak. Originally, they wanted to use Feijian to take the three old men to Xueyu Peak. The three old men wanted to see the scenery along the way, so they suggested walking.

"My master and they all live on this mountain." Su Jinyue said. Each peak of Fengtianzong can accommodate thousands of people, and Xueyu Peak currently has the fewest people.

"The air here is so good, isn't it because of the aura?" Old Man Lin asked.

Su Jinyue nodded, "You haven't become a monk yet, and you will know the benefits of Reiki in the future."

"Can we also control the flying sword in the future?" Mr. Wei asked yearningly. He also wanted to be able to fly in the sky with his flying sword one day, that kind of feeling must be good.

"As long as the cultivation base reaches the foundation building period, you can control the flying sword." Su Jinyue nodded. Only by reaching the foundation-building period can God consciousness be produced, and with God consciousness can the flying sword be controlled.

"Then how long will it take us to reach the foundation building period?" Bai Laozi retracted his sight of the scenery and looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. He had already seen all the people he should have seen since he was alive now, and this is the best place for him to live in the future.

"It will take ten years soon." Zhan Yihan said. Although the three elders usually pay great attention to health preservation, they are all old after all. Even if they take the Spirit Enlightenment Pill, the effect will not reach the best, and therefore their cultivation speed will not be very fast.

Of course, compared to some monks who have poor qualifications and can't afford medicinal pills, they can be promoted to the foundation building stage within ten years, which is already considered fast. Moreover, in the Tianyue Continent, the age of the three elders is not too old, and there are countless monks who are hundreds of years old and thousands of years old.

"It will take so long?" The old man Bai was disappointed. He is now seventy-five, isn't it eighty-five in ten years? Even if he advances to the base-building period, can he still fly?

Seeing Grandpa Bai's expression, Su Jinyue knew what he was thinking, "Grandpa Bai, it is normal for the monks of the Tianyue Continent to advance to the foundation building at the age of 70 or 80. Do you know how old the city lord is now?"

Elder Bai thought of Bei Yunjiang's energetic face, "At most forty."

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "North City Lord is now 1,242 years old."

"What?!" The three old men opened their eyes in shock and looked at Su Jinyue in disbelief. That North City Lord is obviously a middle-aged man, how could he be more than a thousand years old.

"Are you kidding us?" The old man Bai returned to God's way. He believed that at the age of forty-two, he did not believe that he was killed at the age of 1,242, that people could live so long there.

"The cultivators are different from ordinary people. The levels of the cultivators are divided into the Qi Refining Period, the Foundation Building Period, the Golden Core Period, the Nascent Infant Period, the Distraction Period, the Conjugation Period, the Mahayana Period, and the Tribulation Period. The life span is two hundred years, and the life span of a monk who breaks through the refining period to become a foundation is three hundred years old. Entering the golden core period, there is a one-thousand-year-old lifespan. Yuan Ying can even live to five thousand years. The higher the cultivation base, the more alive. The older you are. Once the monk reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, his appearance will remain forever. This is why you rarely saw old people in Dancheng before.” Su Jinyue explained.

"Can a monk live that long?" the three old men asked in shock. They thought it would be a miracle to take Jiazi Pill to live sixty years longer, but they didn't expect that cultivators would have such a long life span.

"Then what level can we cultivate to?" Old Man Lin asked expectantly. Can live long, who wants to die.

"There is definitely no problem with Yuan Ying." Su Jinyue said. Feng Tianzong's strong spiritual energy, coupled with enough supply of pills, can definitely make Master and the others advance to the Nascent Soul.

"That doesn't mean that we can live to at least five thousand years old?" Old man Wei shook his head in disbelief. In the past, he felt that it was his luck to live to be a hundred years old. But now Su Jinyue told him that he would have endless life in the future, which is simply unreal than dreaming.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

While several people were talking, they had already arrived at Xueyu Peak.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan saw Xu Tiansheng and his party waiting there from a distance, and waved to everyone.

"Yihan, Jinyue." Everyone also waved at the two of them. They have received the news early in the morning, so they have been here waiting for them to come back.

The three of Wei Wei looked at everyone. Xu Tiansheng and Zhan Yihan's parents had all met. Although they didn't speak much, they were not unfamiliar.

"Hello three elders! Welcome you." Xu Tiansheng and Wang Meizhen and his wife greeted the three elders with a smile.

"Hello! It's been a long time." The three old men nodded to the three with a smile.

"Yeah, this dazzling, we have been here for more than two years." Zhan Dafeng smiled. Over the past two years, they have changed a lot, and sometimes they look back on the past as if they were a lifetime away.

"Three elders, we have arranged a house for you. Go and see if you are satisfied." Wang Meizhen smiled. After receiving news from Yihan, she, Xiaoman, and Shuyi helped the three old men clean up the house. It has been more than two years since she came to Tianyue Continent, and she has also practiced for more than two years. She is now a cultivator in the early stage of Qi refining.

"Thank you!" Mr. Wei smiled and thanked the three of them. From the looks of the people, you know that they are doing well here, and they will definitely live well here in the future.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and then they saw Su Lihe and Lin Suwen driving down with flying swords.

"Dad! Mom!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shouted.

Su Lihe and Lin Suwen smiled and nodded, and looked at the three elders, "Welcome to the three elders! Please forgive me if you missed a long way."

"The two are too polite, and I will bother you in the future." Old man Bai smiled. He and Su Lihe and Lin Suwen are relatives. When Su Lihe and them live in the capital, he often visits them. Although he is the head of a large family, his status is far inferior to that of Su Lihe.

"Let's go to the house and sit and chat first, three of you please!" Su Lihe made an inviting gesture to the three old men.

The three old men smiled and nodded, and walked to the house side by side with Su Lihe.

The houses where the three old men lived were all next to each other, and everyone randomly chose a room and walked in.

"The houses of the three old men are all arranged according to the style on the earth. If there are any dissatisfactions, the three old men just tell us." Wang Meizhen said with a smile.

"I make you bother, it's very nice here." Old man Wei looked at his house with satisfaction.

Elder Bai and Elder Lin glanced at each other, "You talk first, let's go back and have a look and come back. Seeing Elder Wei's house, they are also very curious about their own house.

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