After chatting with everyone, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to their rooms and sat down on the sofa.

Su Jinyue leaned on Zhan Yihan's shoulder and chatted with him without a word, "Yihan, when the Lingyun Medicine Garden opens, you stay in the small world. I will try to take you in, okay? "You must pass the teleportation formation to enter the secret realm. Both she and Yi Han are now first-level immortal formation masters, and there should be a way to pass.

"Good." Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile. He thinks so too, if he can't, he can only give up. Anyway, if he can be separated from Jin Yue, he doesn't want to be separated.

Su Jinyue smiled happily, "Yihan, I found one thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhan Yihan lowered his head and gazed at Su Jinyue tenderly, his deep eyes filled with love.

Su Jinyue smiled slyly, "I find that I love you more and more."

The smile at the corner of Zhan Yihan's mouth deepened, and her slender fingers scratched Su Jinyue's pretty nose, and said, "Me too!" His heart had been filled with her long ago, and there was no room for it.

The night passed by, the sun slowly rose, and the sun shone through the layers of white clouds, brightening the whole world.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked among the mountains and forests, enjoying the beautiful surroundings together.

"Big brother, sister-in-law." Zhan Yiping saw Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue rushing over.

"Are you going out?" Zhan Yihan asked.

Zhan Yiping nodded, "I'm going to the market, brother and sister-in-law, do you want to go together?"

"Okay." Su Jinyue replied. They haven't visited the bazaar for a long time.

Fengtianzong’s bazaar is divided into inner and outer bazaars, both of which are very lively.

The inner bazaar must have a passable jade medal to enter, while the outer bazaar does not have many requirements. However, if you want to buy medicines, magical implements, and talismans of level 7 or higher... you must enter the inner bazaar.

The shops in the inner market are managed by the disciples of Feng Tianzong, and the shops in the outer market are open to all rivers. As long as you can pay the rent, you can open a shop here.

In Fengtianzong, whether it is the inner bazaar or the outer bazaar, the prices are very fair, so countless monks come here admiringly, which also makes Fengtianzong's bazaar more prosperous.

The three of Su Jinyue strolled around the outer market, walked into a restaurant and sat down.

The guy saw the three welcoming enthusiastically, and handed a menu to Zhan Yiping. "The three of you look at the menu. The specialty dishes of our store are all in the first row. Yunlingcao wine suggested a pot. For the monks Cultivation is very good." Su Jinyue and the three of them didn't wear Feng Tianzong's uniform, so the guy didn't know that they were Feng Tianzong's.

"Then have a pot." Zhan Yiping nodded. She often visits the bazaar below the mountain. There are strict regulations here. No monk can fight or bully the weak, otherwise she will not only be severely punished, but will also be blacklisted by Feng Tianzong and will not be allowed to enter Fengtian. Zong’s bazaar step.

Although Feng Tianzong had not established the faction for a long time, it had a reputation in the Tianyue Continent, and no one dared to provoke it.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, Yunling grass wine is delicious. Every time I go down the mountain with my mother, I will order a pot." Zhan Yiping said when the buddy left.

"Do you and your mother go down the mountain often?" Su Jinyue asked.

Zhan Yiping shook his head, "It's not often. We haven't practiced to the foundation building stage. We can't use flying swords. Walking down the mountain is very troublesome." It takes at least half a day to go from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. blacken. Every time she and her mother went down the mountain, they would stay overnight in the market, and it was very inconvenient to go back to the mountain the next day. She only hopes that she can practice early to the foundation building stage and control the flying sword earlier.

"Didn't we arrange disciples to send you down the mountain?" Su Jinyue asked in confusion. Knowing that they can't control Feijian, she and Yihan specially sent a few disciples to guard the snowy peaks, and they would use those disciples as long as they needed them.

Feijian sent them down the mountain.

Zhan Yiping stuck out his tongue, "We are ashamed to disturb those disciples." Moreover, as they went down the mountain, it was inconvenient for those disciples to follow.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads and smiled.

Seeing the guy bringing the food, Zhan Yiping picked up the chopsticks and said to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan: "Brother, sister, you guys have a try. The food in this restaurant is delicious." Come to this shop when you go down the mountain.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan raised their lips and smiled, and Yiyan picked up the chopsticks.

Zhan Yiping put a spirit bean in her mouth, chewing with enjoyment, and saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan also eating, "It's delicious, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded. Their demand for food is now small, and eating is just a habit.

Zhan Yiping smiled triumphantly and said: "Of course, what I recommend would be wrong. You can try this Yun Lingcao tea. This dish is the best flavor with this Yun Lingcao tea." In time, she had already picked up the Yunling Herbal Tea on the table and helped Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan each pour a cup.

"Yiping, are you here too?" At this moment, a voice with a hint of surprise came from the side.

The three of Su Jinyue turned their heads and looked around, only to see a pair of young men and women walking towards this side.

The man is handsome in white, and the woman is pretty in pink skirt.

"Jingya, mellow, come and sit down quickly." Zhan Yiping happily waved to the two of them. Once she came to this restaurant, and when she saw that the restaurant had no space, she wanted to leave. Jingya stopped her and said that if she didn't mind, she could sit with them. After two visits, she became very good friends with them.

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