"Two seniors! Please let our brothers and sisters go." Dongfang Jingya pleadingly looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. As long as she can live now, she doesn't think of anything else anymore.

"Senior! As long as you can let our brothers and sisters go, our brothers and sisters must stay far away, and never step into the scope of Feng Tianzong again." Dongfang Fengjin also pleaded. He had already realized the horror of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and he never wanted to provoke them anymore. Before, he was whimsical, thinking that as long as he could enter the core of Feng Tianzong, with his own mind, he could slowly turn Feng Tianzong into his own. Now I realized that he was too naive.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand and waved, and as the two flames rolled out, Dongfang Jingya and Dongfang Fengchun could not even scream in time, and disappeared into the flames silently.

He smiled at Su Jinyue, waved away the formation, and disappeared in place.

The days went peacefully, and it was a week in a blink of an eye.

Su Jinyue, Zhan Yihan, Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi took the five disciples of Feng Tianzong on the spacecraft, ready to go to Binghai City. Binghai City is also in Sun Yao Nation, and it only takes a week to reach from Fengtianzong. Now there is still about half a month before the Lingyun Medicine Garden opens, and there is still plenty of time.

"Big Brother, Sister-in-law, you have to go early and return early. Don't worry about us for one or two years as soon as it disappears." Zhan Yiping said with concern. When she came out of the acceleration formation yesterday, she immediately sent Feijian a letter to Feng Chun and the others, but she didn't know why, until now Feng Chun still hasn't heard back from her. After this training in the acceleration formation, her strength has also improved a lot, but it is not enough to go to Fenglin to use her current strength.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded, "We will." The Dongfang brothers and sisters are dead, they have nothing to worry about, but in order to prevent such things from happening in the future, they still sent two disciples to protect secretly. Zhu Yiping.

Watching the spacecraft fly to the sky, until it disappeared into the distance, everyone withdrew their sights.

"Father! Mother! I'm going to the market." Zhan Yiping said to Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng. She didn't receive Dongfangfeng's Feijian Biography, she felt a little uneasy, she wanted to go to the inn where they lived to see if they were still there.

"Are you going to buy something?" Wang Meizhen asked.

"I will go shopping and be back soon." Zhan Yiping smiled. Of course she would not tell her mother about Dongfang Fengqing, otherwise she would have to think more about it. She has a good impression of Dongfang Fengchun, but she has not yet married him, and Dongfang Fengchun did not say that she likes her.

"Then you go early and return early." Wang Meizhen exhorted.

"Yeah." Zhan Yiping replied, and looked at Zhan Yifeng on the side, "Second brother, you can send me a trip."

Zhan Yifeng nodded and sacrificed his flying sword, "Come up." After more than two years of cultivation, his cultivation is already in the early stage of foundation building.

When Zhan Yiping stepped on Feijian, Zhan Yifeng moved her feet, leading her to the bazaar.

After dropping Feijian, Zhan Yiping asked Zhan Yifeng to wait for him in the teahouse and walk towards the inn where the Dongfang brothers and sisters lived.

"Treasurer, do Dongfang Fengchun and Dongfang Jingya still live here?" Zhan Yiping came to the counter and asked.

"They have left, are you Zhan Yiping?" the shopkeeper asked.

"I am." Zhan Yiping nodded.

The shopkeeper took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhan Yiping, "They left it for you."

Zhan Yiping took the jade slip and read it on the center of his brow. When he saw the content on the jade slip, his brows suddenly wrinkled. Yujian was left to her by Dongfang Fengjin, and he told her that they had already gone to Fenglin, and would see you again if they were destined.

I walked out of the inn listlessly and came to the teahouse where Zhan Yifeng was located, "Second brother, let's go back." It seems that Dongfang Fengchun didn't like her, and everything was her own passion. If he likes her, he won't wait for her for a few days.

"Why are you upset?" Zhan Yifeng asked.

"No, it's just a little tired, let's go back." Zhan Yiping said in a low mood. Fortunately, she only had some good feelings for Dongfang Fengchun at the beginning, and she hadn't completely liked him yet, otherwise Dongfang Fengchun would leave without a word, she would definitely feel uncomfortable, but even so, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

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