Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1098: Ice city

The spacecraft flew quickly in the sky, and along the way, I kept encountering major forces heading to the Lingyun Medicine Garden.

Seeing Su Jinyue and her party on the spacecraft, knowing Su Jinyue and the forces of Zhan Yihan, they all came forward to say hello. If you want to say which school is the strongest in Riyao Country, it is Feng Tianzong.

"Master Su, can I ask you something?" The lord Fei Jin of the Langshan School bowed his hand to Su Jinyue respectfully.

"Sect Master Fei, please say." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Lord Su, I am also an alchemy master, but I have never been able to break through the eighth-level alchemy grandmaster, so I want to ask Sumen master to help refine some eighth and ninth-level pill. This map is an aura medicine. The inner map of the garden was drawn by the former sovereign of our school. With it, you can quickly find the location of the eighth-level spiritual medicine garden and the ninth-level spiritual medicine garden." Fei Jinyue got on Su Jinyue’s spaceship and took out Pass a map to Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue glanced at the map in Fei Jin's hand, and a cold arc formed at the corner of her mouth, "I'm not sure about the nine-level pill." The Nine-level Spirit Medicine Garden is not something you can enter if you want. In the Level 9 Spirit Medicine Garden, it is necessary to refining the pill on the prescriptions given by the Ninth Level Spirit Medicine Garden, otherwise it would not be able to enter.

Feijin pondered for a moment and said: "If Lord Su has the opportunity to enter the Ninth-Level Spirit Medicine Garden, he only needs to help me refine a furnace of Qingyang Pill. If I can't enter the Ninth Level Spirit Medicine Garden, then help me refine some. The eighth level pill, this is reward." He took his storage ring and handed it to Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue raised her hand and pushed the storage ring back, "If the master of the Fei Sect wants to buy an eighth-level pill, he can go to Fengtianzong to buy it." In addition to the nine-level pill, Fengtianzong's inner market The elixirs are all complete.

"Then please ask Master Su to accept this picture." Fei Jin pushed the map in front of Su Jinyue.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Su Jinyue’s eyes, "Pei Sect Master keep it, I don’t need the map, Fei Sect Master, please come back." There are signs on the top and bottom of the map. As long as she accepts the map, her whereabouts All are under the control of the other party.

Fei Jin was a little unwilling, but Su Jinyue didn't want it. It was useless to push him hard, "Farewell!" He arched his hand at Su Jinyue and turned back to his spaceship.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze, and with a movement of her spiritual consciousness, the speed of the spacecraft was accelerated again.

Looking at the spaceship going away, Feijin snorted angrily, "What's so great, I can find the Ninth Level Spirit Medicine Garden even with a map."

Coming to the outside of Binghai City, Su Jinyue slowly lowered the spaceship, and Zhan Yihan and the others jumped off the spaceship and walked towards the gate of Binghai City.

"Please show me your identity jade badge." The guards guarding the city stopped Su Jinyue and his party.

Su Jinyue and his party took out the identity jade card and handed it to the guard. The guard checked it and handed it back to Su Jinyue and his party respectfully, and handed each of them a blue jade card.

"Is this blue jade card useful?" Su Yanqi looked at the blue jade card in surprise. They are all coming to Ice Sea City for the first time.

"It's a temporary identity jade medal. With it, we can live in Binghai City temporarily." Su Jinyue explained while walking. She didn't know it originally, but North City Lord told her.

"That's almost the same as the jade card that enters our Fengtianzong." Su Yanqi smiled and put the jade card away.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Sister, are we going to find the inn now?" Su Yanxi asked.

"The Lord of North City and the Lord of Tian Hui have already arranged it for us. Let's go over and go through the formalities." Su Jinyue said. Lord Tian Hui had already come to Binghai City before she returned to the Tianyue Continent, and Lord Beicheng had also come before her.

The opening of the Lingyun Medicine Garden this time is a major event for the alchemists in the Tianyue Continent, and it is indispensable to improve their alchemy level. As long as you can enter the Lingyun Medicine Garden, you will get a lot of spiritual plants, and most of the spiritual plants are extremely outside.

Hard to find.

When they walked into the inn where Tian Fengxun was staying, one of them greeted him and said politely: "I'm sorry, a few guest officials, our inn is already full, please go and take a look elsewhere."

"We have already booked the room, and the Lord Tian Hui arranged it for us." Su Yanxi said.

The guy's eyes lit up immediately, "Are you Feng Tianzong's monks?" No one on the Tianyue Continent doesn't know Feng Tianzong right now.

"Exactly." Su Yanxi nodded.

"A few of you, please, the younger one will go through the formalities for you immediately." The dude enthusiastically led Su Jinyue and the others to the counter.

"Please show me your temporary identity jade card, and the younger one will help you register." The guy walked into the counter and said to Su Jinyue and his party. Even if the room has been booked, it is necessary to register again with a temporary identity jade badge. This is the rule of Binghai City.

Su Jinyue's group took out the jade card of temporary identity and handed it to the buddy.

The dude took it with a smile, and a deep voice came from the side of the registration, "Give us three rooms."

The shopkeeper on the side looked at the visitor, and said apologetically: "The three guest officers are sorry, our inn is full, you can go to another place to check it out, I'm really very sorry!"

"How can they have a room when they are full?" One of the tall and thin monks pointed to Su Jinyue and the others and asked.

"They booked in advance. The three guest officials are really sorry, we really don't have any rooms at the inn." The shopkeeper said in embarrassment. If there is a room, how can he drive the guests out.

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