Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1106: Surprise

Lin Qingqiu returned home, saw her mother sitting on the sofa watching TV, and walked over, "Mom, I'm back."

Mother Lin nodded and pointed to the place beside her, "Mom wants to ask you something."

"Yeah." Lin Qingqiu walked to Mother Lin and sat down, waiting for her to speak.

"Qingqiu, you and Yilin have been together for almost three years, has he said when will he take you to see his parents?" Lin asked. She likes Yilin very much, and she can see that he is sincere to his daughter, but they have been together for so long, and they are settled. Yilin's parents have never seen what happened to Qingqiu? Do they have opinions about Qingqiu?

"Yilin explained that the annual meeting will take me to see his parents. His parents are not in the country and live with his eldest brother and sister-in-law. He wants to ask their opinions." Lin Qingqiu said.

Mother Lin nodded, "You're not young anymore. It's impossible to keep waiting like this. You have to discuss your marriage with Yilin." Girls are not like boys who can wait forever. Once girls run out of youth , There is nothing left.

"Yes, if Zhan Yilin had another girlfriend, then you would cry." A mocking voice came.

"Sister-in-law, I know you don't like me, but you can't talk like that." Lin Qingqiu was angry and looked at the incoming person. The person here is her sister-in-law, Li Shuangshuang, who usually dislikes herself, so it is best for her to marry earlier.

Mother Lin also scowled, "Shuangshuang, how can you talk like that?" She has two sons, only Qingqiu and one daughter, so she naturally loves Qingqiu more.

"Mom, I'm also thinking about Qingqiu. She is twenty-three, and no one wants to marry anyone." Li Shuangshuang walked to the sofa opposite the two and sat down. This dead old woman knew she was partial to Lin Qingqiu. Don't forget that she would rely on herself in the future.

"When will no one want Qingqiu?" Mother Lin said angrily. Everything is fine at home, but this daughter-in-law looks upset, and irritates her if she is okay.

"A woman is an old girl after twenty-five, Qingqiu, I advise you to talk to that Zhan Yilin, and get the marriage done sooner." Li Shuangshuang looked at Lin Qingqiu and said. Lin Qingqiu is at home, and what she eats and uses is hers. Can she not feel bad?

"This is my business, so I won't worry about it. Mom, I'm tired, I went up to rest." Lin Qingqiu stood up, turned and walked upstairs. She also wanted to get married earlier, but Lin didn't mention this kind of thing, how can she mention it as a girl.

"You just can't tolerate Qingqiu?" Mother Lin glared at Li Shuangshuang, stood up and turned off the TV, then turned and walked upstairs.

Lin Qingqiu closed the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up the unfinished magazine on the table and looked at it. After reading it for a while, he left the magazine irritably. She is really irritable now, what should she do? How to tell Yilin?

With a sigh, Lin Qingqiu picked up the phone on the desk and put it down after thinking about it. Forget it, Yilin must be dealing with official business now, so let's wait until we meet.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left the teleportation formation, then sacrificed their flying swords and headed towards Yangcheng.

Coming to the residence in Yangcheng, Zhan Yihan allowed Wang Meizhen and his party to come out of the small world.

"Are you here so soon?" Wang Meizhen looked around, smiling happily on her face.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "I called Yilin."

"Good." Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng nodded with a smile. It's been so long since I saw Yilin, I really miss him.

Zhan Yilin just finished the meeting and walked into the office. He heard the phone ringing on the desk, and stepped forward to answer the call, "I am Zhan Yilin."

"Yilin, I am the eldest brother, we are in Yangcheng now." Zhan Yihan's vigorous voice came from the other side.

Zhan Yilin was taken aback, and a surprised smile immediately appeared on his face, "Where are you? I'll come over now." This is really too good.

Surprised, eldest brother and the others came to Yangcheng.

"We are where you live." Zhan Yihan said.

"Okay, I'll come now." Zhan Yilin put down the phone and rushed outside quickly.

Su Jinyue and the others were chatting and heard the sound of a car coming outside, knowing that Zhan Yilin had returned.

"I'll open the door." Wang Meizhen stood up, stepped forward and opened the door, waiting for Zhan Yilin to come in at the door.

"Mother!" Seeing Wang Meizhen, Zhan Yilin quickly rushed to her and hugged her, "Mother, are you still used to living there?" It has been almost three years since I saw my parents. , I really miss them.

"It's used to it, it's really good there. You will also go and check it out in the future." Wang Meizhen looked at Zhan Yilin with red eyes, and reached out to stroke his handsome face. By your side, you have to take good care of yourself, otherwise how can you rest assured?"

"Mother, I'm fine, I'm not thin, let's go in." Zhan Yilin inhaled a slightly sour nose, and walked inside with Wang Meizhen.

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