Seeing everyone in the living room, Zhan Yilin's eyes couldn't help but become red again, "Father! Big brother! Second brother! Big sister! Second sister! Yiping." Except for big brother and sister, he hasn't seen everyone for a long time. .

"Yilin." Zhan Dafeng and Zhan Yifeng stood up excitedly, their eyes were full of joy as they watched the increasingly calm Zhan Yilin.

"Three brothers!" Zhan Yiping ran to Zhan Yilin quickly and hugged him.

Zhan Yilin raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes, and rubbed Zhan Yiping's hair with a smile, "Yiping, I can't be as headstrong as before." Fortunately, she was still alive.

"No, I'm obedient now. I heard that the third brother has a girlfriend. When will you bring it to us?" Zhan Yiping smirked and blinked against Zhan Yilin.

Zhan Yilin smiled and clicked on the tip of Zhan Yiping's nose, "I'll see it soon."

Turning his head to look at the Zhan Dafeng people, "Father! Mother! Are you going to live longer this time?" He hasn't seen them for a long time, and really hopes they can stay longer.

"Wait for the new year to go back." Wang Meizhen smiled. She was used to the quietness of Feng Tianzong, and she was really not used to coming to this bustling city all at once.

"Isn't that going back soon? How about going back in two months." Zhan Yilin said. He really didn't want to be separated from everyone so soon.

Wang Meizhen thought for a while, "Yilin, otherwise, please tell Qingqiu to arrange a day for us to meet with her parents and discuss your marriage. We will go back when your marriage is done." We won't come back next time. Knowing when it is, it is better to take care of Yilin's marriage this time, so that she is not worried about her.

"This is a good idea, you can call Qingqiu now." Zhan Dafeng agreed with a smile.

"Brother San, call Sansao, I haven't met her yet." Zhan Yiping urged with a smile.

Seeing that everyone looked expectant, Zhan Yilin took out his eldest brother and dialed out.

Lin Qingqiu was lying on the bed looking at the magazine. She has been sleeping poorly these two nights, and since that day, her sister-in-law has become even worse, making mockery of her every day. She also wants to marry Yilin earlier, but Yilin's parents don't show up, what can she do?

Hearing the phone ringing, Zhan Yilin reached out and took the phone, weakly saying, "Hey."

"Qingqiu, I am Yilin, are you free now?" Zhan Yilin asked.

Hearing it was Zhan Yilin, Lin Qingqiu immediately became energetic, "Yes, I am at home now."

"Then I will pick you up." Zhan Yilin smiled. He believed that his parents would be very satisfied with Qingqiu.

"Okay." Lin Qingqiu happily put down the phone, put the magazine on the bedside table next to him, got out of bed and came to the closet, opened the closet and took a look, chose a pink sweater and a pair of jeans, thought about it again, Took a black coat.

Seeing Lin Qingqiu coming downstairs, Li Shuangshuang sneered, "Where is this going?"

Lin Qingqiu didn't bother to pay attention to Li Shuangshuang, saving her good mood.

Mother Lin walked out of the kitchen and saw Lin Qingqiu in his go-to-go clothes, "Qingqiu, are you going out? It's going to be dark this day, let's go out tomorrow."

"Mom, it's okay, Yilin will come to pick me up." Lin Qingqiu glanced at the time, and a small smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"It's not safe for lone men and widows to go out so late, don't let the time pass, you can't find a place to cry." Li Shuangshuang mocked.

"Shuangshuang, how do you talk? Qingqiu is your sister-in-law." Mother Lin said with a calm face. This eldest daughter-in-law has become more and more disrespectful recently. She also told her son that there was no follow-up after only a few words of persuasion. She had known that she would not let her wife leave the company to his son so early.

Sighed in my heart. Forget it, anyway, she and her wife have already discussed, and they will move to Lao when Qingqiu gets married.

Second, go live there, the second daughter-in-law is much better than the eldest daughter-in-law.

"Auntie!" Zhan Yilin walked in.

"Yilin, did you have dinner?" Mother Lin smiled and looked at Zhan Yilin. She is still very satisfied with this son-in-law, good character, polite, and a very good young man.

"Not yet, I'm here to pick Qingqiu to have dinner at home. Auntie, when are you and uncle free these days?" Zhan Yilin asked.

"I use all the empty ones, what's the matter?" Mother Lin asked. Qingqiu told her before that Yilin was going to his parents, but she didn't plan to take Qingqiu with him. This made her a little dissatisfied. Qingqiu has been with him for more than three years. What happened to him taking her to see his parents? Does her daughter look shameless?

"My parents are here, and they want to meet you and discuss my marriage with Qingqiu." Zhan Yilin said.

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