Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1109: Pay attention to

Hearing the sound of cars, Lin's mother and Lin's father immediately opened the door and walked out.

"Dad! Mom!"

"Uncle! Auntie!" Lin Qingqiu and Zhan Yilin greeted them when they saw the two come out.

"Yilin, what did your parents say?" Mother Lin asked with a smile. She would like to know how Yilin's parents' impression of Qingqiu?

"They want to meet with you and discuss my marriage with Qingqiu, uncle! Auntie! You set a time and I will arrange it." Zhan Yilin smiled.

Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at each other, their eyes filled with joy.

"How about tomorrow?" Father Lin asked. He has handed over the company to his two sons and now he has time every day.

Mother Lin nodded and agreed. It was hard to wait until I met Yilin's parents. Naturally, the sooner the better.

"Okay, then I'll call you tomorrow morning. Uncle and aunt, you rest early, I'll go home first." Zhan Yilin turned his head and smiled with Lin Qingqiu, walked to the car and opened the door to sit in.

"Slow down on the road!" Mother Lin smiled and waved to Zhan Yilin, and watched Zhan Yilin's car drove away.

Withdrawing her gaze, Mother Lin looked at Lin Qingqiu and asked expectantly: "Qingqiu, tell mom how is Yilin's family?"

"They treated me very well, and they gave me gifts." Lin Qingqiu took Mother Lin's arm and walked towards the house with her.

"What gift? Show Mom quickly." Mother Lin couldn't wait. I want to know that Yilin's parents don't pay much attention to Qingqiu, as can be seen from the gifts they gave when they first met.

Lin Qingqiu stretched out his hand and pulled up his sleeves to let Mother Lin and Father Lin see the bracelet in their hands, "This bracelet was given to me by Yilin's mother."

"This bracelet is not cheap. At first glance, it is made of high-quality jade, at least more than 100,000 yuan." Father Lin saw the value of the bracelet at a glance, and at the same time sighed in his heart for the mastery of the Zhan Family.

Mother Lin immediately opened her eyes and smiled, "It seems that Yilin's parents attach great importance to Qingqiu, so I can rest assured." If she doesn't pay attention, she won't give such an expensive gift.

Father Lin was also very happy, "Then see you tomorrow, shall we bring some gifts?"

"This is for sure. Yilin's parents gave such a valuable gift to Qingqiu. We have to prepare a gift for Yilin. Let's sit down and discuss it." Mother Lin said happily.

When Zhan Yilin returned home, he saw that everyone was waiting for him, and said with a smile: "Qingqiu's parents stated that they are free."

Wang Meizhen smiled and nodded, looking at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Yihan, Jinyue, you are more familiar with Yangcheng, where would we be better to meet?"

"How about Jiangnan Tower?" Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yilin and asked. Jiangnan Tower is also an industry under her. The guy Han Yiyuan is particularly fond of tossing. Now he has not only invested in restaurants and hotels, but also in real estate, but they have done everything well. I have to say that he is really a business wizard.

"Of course." Zhan Yilin nodded with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, why did you choose Jiangnan Tower? Is it the largest restaurant in Yangcheng?" Zhan Yiping asked.

"Jiangnan Tower is a sister-in-law's industry. It has branches in every city. It is now one of the best restaurants in China." Zhan Yilin explained. I want to ask who is the person he admires most? Except for the eldest brother, it is the sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law has an industry here?" Zhan Yiping and Qin Xiaoyun asked in surprise. The eldest brother and sister-in-law rarely return to the earth. Where does she spend so much time developing her own industry?

"These industries are all invested by Han Yiyuan." Su Jinyue smiled.

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Xiaoyun said suddenly. When she married Yifeng, Han Yiyuan helped arrange the car, so she is no stranger to Han Yiyuan.

"Who is Han Yiyuan?

Huh?" Zhan Yiping curiously asked. She has a lot of memories missing, and she can't remember who Han Yiyuan is.

"Sister-in-law's right-hand man. Okay, let's not talk about this first, we will decide on Jiangnan Tower." Zhan Yilin said.

"Good." Everyone nodded in response.

Lin Qingqiu was very happy when he received a call from Zhan Yilin. She ran downstairs in her pajamas and saw his father reading the newspaper in the living room. "Dad, Yilin called and said we will meet at Jiangnan Building."

Before Father Lin had time to speak, Mother Lin had already walked out of the kitchen, "When will we meet?"

"Eleven o'clock, Jiangnan Building No. 1 box." Lin Qingqiu said happily.

"What kind of clothes should I wear? Will it be too cold to wear a cheongsam?" Mother Lin began to struggle. Last night she had been thinking about what to wear today and tried all the clothes, but she still didn't make a decision.

"You can try the ones you tried last night." Father Lin shook his head speechlessly, shaking the newspaper and continuing to read.

Mother Lin gave Father Lin a white look, "What do you know? The first time you meet with your in-laws, you always have to dress more formal. Qingqiu, wait for you to choose for your mom." This is how the future in-laws can be sloppy. ?

"Mom, is something burnt? Why is there a burnt smell?" Lin Qingqiu asked, sniffing his nose.

"Oh! My cake is battered." Mother Lin shouted and rushed towards the kitchen.

Lin Qingqiu and Father Lin looked at each other and shook their heads with a silent smile.

Mother Lin made breakfast and took Lin Qingqiu to her room.

"Qingqiu, do you want to ask your eldest brother and sister-in-law to go with you?" Mother Lin changed her clothes and walked to the mirror to take a photo. The more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became.

Lin Qingqiu frowned, "I'm worried that my sister-in-law will talk nonsense and make Yilin's family unhappy." She can have no good feelings about her sister-in-law, and I really don't understand why the eldest brother chose her in the first place.

"If you only call your eldest brother, but not your sister-in-law, she will definitely make trouble if she knows it." Mother Lin worried. She is very clear about the eldest daughter-in-law's temper. Besides, she is Qingqiu's sister-in-law. If she is not called, she can't justify it.

"Then call her." Lin Qingqiu sighed in his heart. Who made her his sister-in-law?

"Okay, I'll go tell her." Mother Lin lifted up and walked outside.

Lin Qingqiu shook her head and followed Mother Lin, "I will go with you." She hoped that Li Shuangshuang didn't want to go.

Li Shuangshuang heard the knock on the door, stepped forward to open the door, and saw Lin Qingqiu and Lin’s mother, "Is there something?" She knew they were going to see Zhan Yilin’s parents today, and was waiting for them to come and call her. They don't come to call her, and when they come back, she will never make them feel better. Whether she wants to go or not is her business, and whether they call her or not is another matter.

"Qingqiu is going to see Yilin's family, so let's go together." Mother Lin looked at Li Shuangshuanghe, who had already come close to Lin Yisheng.

"Okay." Lin Yisheng nodded. Shuang Shuang told him about it last night.

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