Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1110: Discuss marriage (1)

The Lin family came to Jiangnan Tower and saw Zhan Yilin waiting for them at the door.

"Uncle! Aunt! Brother Lin! Sister Lin!" Zhan Yilin greeted everyone and smiled at Lin Qingqiu.

"Yilin, are your parents here?" Mother Lin asked.

"It's all here, let's go in." Zhan Yilin led the Lin family toward the box.

Arriving in Box No. 1, Zhan Yilin opened the box door.

Seeing the luxurious decoration in the box, the Lin family were taken aback. They have seen the world, but this is the first time they have seen such a luxurious box.

"Hello, family! We are Yilin's parents." Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng walked up to Mother Lin and Father Lin to greet them.

Seeing the faces of Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng, Lin's father and Lin's mother were taken aback again, "Are you really Yilin's parents?" They look like Yilin, but are they too young? If they hadn't said it was Yilin's parents, they would have thought it was Yilin's eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Lin Qingqiu couldn't help but lifted her lips when she saw the look of her parents. When she first met Yilin's parents yesterday, she was actually shocked, but she was a little nervous at the time, so her performance was not so obvious. On the way here today, she told her parents that Yilin's parents were very young, and they didn't take it too seriously at the time. They would never have imagined that Yilin's parents would be so young.

"Yeah." Wang Meizhen nodded with a smile. They are cultivators, and they have taken the Yan Pill refined by Jin Yue, their appearance is naturally young.

"In-law, how do you take care of it? How come you are so young?" Mother Lin asked enviously and curiously. Everyone wants to be young, and she is no exception.

"Let's go in and sit down and talk." Wang Meizhen smiled. She is no longer the former Wang Meizhen who only knew that she was busy with farm work and housework all day long, and she didn't know anything else. Of course, she knew what to say and what not to say.

"Okay." Mother Lin nodded and followed Wang Meizhen into the box.

"Qingqiu, what are the origins of Yilin's parents?" Li Shuangshuang leaned into Lin Qingqiu's ear and asked. At first, she heard Mother Lin say that when Zhan Yilin came from the countryside in Licheng, she secretly laughed at Lin Qingqiu. She couldn't find anyone, so she found a kid from the countryside.

"I don't know." Lin Qingqiu said quietly. Li Shuangshuang is a person with standard eyes on the top of his head. When he knew that she was with Yilin, he said a lot of Yilin's bad things in front of her parents, saying that if they married her to Yilin, Yilin will be When my family comes to Yangcheng, they will all live at home, not only eating, but also taking.

Li Shuangshuang curled her lips, she asked herself if she didn't say the big deal.

The group just sat down and saw the waiter bring the dishes.

Looking at the dishes being served, Mother Lin smiled and said, "My husband! You are so polite. We are embarrassed with so many dishes."

"My family laughed. We are embarrassed. Qingqiu and Yilin have been together for three years. It's really hard for us to come to see you now." Wang Meizhen apologized. She is also a mother, and of course she can understand her mother's mood. If Yiping had been with a man for three years, and the other's parents hadn't listened to her, she would have opinions in her heart.

Mother Lin shook her head, "You must be too busy to have time. Listen to Yilin saying that you are abroad now?"

Wang Meizhen nodded, "It's far away and it's not convenient to come back. So we want to have the wedding of the two children this time. My husband, when do you think it is better to have the wedding?"

Mother Lin looked at Father Lin on the side, and Father Lin shook his head, "It's all you need to decide."

Mother Lin glared at Father Lin, and looked at Wang Meizhen, "Mother-in-law, or you decide, I don't know how to choose a date."

Wang Meizhen thought for a while, "It's the 28th of next month, it's just past the first month." Get married in the first month.

It is inauspicious. In ancient times, there was a saying of "raising their heads red", that is, men and women get married on the first month, but the moon is too old to pressure their heads, which is not good for children and grandchildren. Therefore, few new couples get married in the first month. Although she doesn't believe those anymore, Qingqiu's parents don't necessarily care. Marriage is a big event, of course everyone should be happy.

"Then set it for that day." Mother Lin happily decided.

Li Shuangshuang looked at Su Jinyue on the side, "Are you Zhan Yilin's sister-in-law? I heard that you are a doctor." She has heard of some things about Su Jinyue, but those things are not true, Su No matter how good Jin Yue's medical skills are, it is impossible to cure a vegetative.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded lightly. Her impression of Li Shuangshuang is not very good.

"I heard that you are abroad now, what are you doing abroad?" Li Shuangshuang continued to ask without caring about Su Jinyue.

"Selling medicine." Su Jinyue said.

"What kind of medicine?" Li Shuangshuang continued to ask.

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