Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1139: Snow Queen

After resting for a while, Su Jinyue and her team continued to walk towards the depths of the bee forest.

As it continued to penetrate the bee forest, the level of the flame bee gradually changed from level one to sānjí, and in the end even level four flame bees appeared.

Facing the Level 4 Flame Bee, Lei Yi didn't have much pressure. Zhan Yifeng and Zhan Yilin were a little hard to fight. Zhan Yiping and Qin Xiaoyun had already given up and left the team that killed the Flame Bee, and Su Jinyue and the others looked at Lei Yi and the others.

"Fortunately, I didn't come alone, otherwise I would definitely not be able to get out of this bee forest." Zhan Yiping said thankfully. It's okay to deal with the first-level flame bee with her strength, the second-level flame bee can only barely, as for the sānjí fourth-level flame bee, don't even think about it.

"I don't know when I will be like you." Lin Qingqiu said with envy. When she came to Tianyue Continent, she knew that the world was far beyond her imagination.

"Sansao, our Feng Tianzong is full of aura and has a time situation. It will take less than a year for your cultivation to be about the same as mine." Zhan Yiping said. Because of her previous injuries, her cultivation level can only stop at the Nascent Soul Stage at best, unless she can find Fake Soul Grass.

Lin Qingqiu smiled and nodded, looking at Zhan Yilin who was killing the Flame Bee. I really want to fight side by side with him now, just like the eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law.

After killing all the surrounding flame bees, Lei Yi, Zhan Yilin and Zhan Yifeng packed up their trophies and walked back to the crowd.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, I don't think we need to go in for further training. With the strength of my second brother and I, we can only stop here." Zhan Yilin said. When dealing with the fourth-level Flame Bee, he was burned many times by the flame bee's sting and bee fire. If he hadn't had the protective armor given to him by his older brother and sister, he would definitely not be able to withstand the flame bee's attack.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded.

"You rest first, and we will go back tomorrow morning." Su Jinyue said. Now in the depths of the bee forest, she can't sacrifice the spaceship, only when she waits out of the bee forest can she sacrifice the spaceship.

"Good." Everyone nodded. They have become accustomed to Fenglin for more than ten days, and it doesn't matter if they stay for a few more days.

Raising their hands to arrange a formation, everyone sat down on the spot.

Su Jinyue took out three pills and handed them to Zhan Yilin, Zhan Yifeng and Lei Yi, "After you take the pills, adjust your breath and recover. Yihan and I will go to the deepest part of the Fenglin." Enter From the depths of the bee forest, her two snow bee eggs in the golden leaf world and in the small world of Zhan Yihan began to move around. Before Lei Yi and the others were killing the Flame Bee, they wanted to protect Lin Qingqiu and their safety and it was not convenient to leave.

"Good." Everyone nodded. There must be a reason for the eldest brother and sister-in-law to make such a decision.

After Zhan Yihan threw a few array flags again and protected everyone in the formation, he and Su Jinyue left the place and ran quickly towards the deepest part of the bee forest.

The Flame Bee saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan passing by, and began to attack them in groups. Human monks rarely come to the deepest part of this bee forest.

With the cultivation bases of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, those Flame Bees naturally couldn't do anything to them.

Half an hour later, a huge honeycomb appeared in front of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

At the same time, the snow bee eggs in their space began to vibrate violently, as if they were about to break out of their space.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan sacrificed the snow bee eggs from their space.

As the eggs of the snow bee came out, the hive in front of them seemed to have exploded, and countless flame bees of level five and six flew out. Two huge flame bees flew out of the hive and landed on the snow bee. The eggs crawled on the ground in front of them, as if they were welcoming the arrival of the king.

Seeing the queen bee and queen bee crawling on the ground, other flame bees also fell on the ground, followed by the queen bee and queen bee crawling on the ground.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked aside and watched. When they got these two snow bee eggs, they knew they were not ordinary bee eggs. It’s just that they don’t understand why the flame bee and the snow bee are two different species.

Egg's attitude is so respectful.

"Kacha!" A faint voice sounded.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan saw a crack appeared on the snow wasp egg, and it was obvious that the snow wasp egg was about to hatch.

As time passed by, the cracks on the eggs of the snow wasp became more and more like a spider web.

"Kacha! Kacha!" Two cracking sounds sounded.

Two snow-white snow bees squirmed and flew out of the broken snow bee eggs. They looked around and flew towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue stretched out her hand, and the snow bee landed on her hand, lying lazily on the palm of her hand, gently touching the palm of Su Jinyue's hand with her tentacles.

Su Jinyue amusedly nodded Snow Bee's head with her finger, "Little thing, why are these Flame Bees so respectful to you?"

"Master! I am not an ordinary Snow Bee, but Snow Queen Bee, and the King of Thousand Bees." Snow Bee's thin voice sounded, with pride.

Su Jinyue smiled clearly, "That means you can let all bees listen to you." There are thousands of bees on the Tianyue Continent. If this little thing can be listened to by all bees, then She and Yi Han are equal to another force.

"Yes, master." Snow King Bee nodded proudly.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and smiled, very happy in their hearts. Although they have an army of spirit beasts, who would think that they have more combat power.

"Master! The flame bee's hive contains extremely fine fire, which is a ninth-level material." said the Snow King Bee. Own master, who does not benefit her, who does her benefit.

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