Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1140: Elite disciple

"How did the eldest brother and sister-in-law practice?" Lin Qingqiu asked incredulously.

Zhan Yilin shook his head, "The danger that the eldest brother and sister-in-law have experienced is beyond our imagination." After practicing, I realized how difficult it is to cultivate. They have the protection of their eldest brother and sister-in-law, and they have a powerful backstage like Feng Tianzong, but the eldest brother and sister-in-law do not have these. All these things that the eldest brother and sister-in-law have today were obtained after countless lives and deaths.

"Brother, sister-in-law is back." Qin Xiaoyun said happily when Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue came out of the forest.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, with happy smiles on their faces. It is precisely because of their eldest brother and sister-in-law that they can live comfortably in this world where the power is respected.

Zhan Yihan frowned when he saw blood on the ground not far away, "Has anyone attacked the formation?"

Zhan Yiping nodded, "Just now a man and a woman two monks came here. They asked us to hand over the storage ring. We refused to do so. The man attacked our formation. Later I heard that we are Feng. The people of Tianzong fled." She didn't dare to tell her elder brother, she carried them out to show off.

Zhan Yihan nodded, raised his hand to put away the formation, "Let's go back."

"Good." Everyone nodded. It has been more than a month since I went back to the martial art, I really miss the martial art.

The group walked toward the outside of the bee forest, and they kept meeting the monks who had come to experience them along the way.

Seeing Su Jinyue and his party coming out from the depths of the bee forest unscathed, all the worries in the hearts of the cultivators disappeared. Since the other party can come out, they must be able to come out too.

But what they didn't know was that the flame bees had nowhere to vent because they lost the depression in their hive. They just happened to be the targets of their vent.

Back to the school, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan took over all the matters of the school, allowing Su Yanxi, Su Yanqi and several elders to go out to practice. Only by practicing their strength can they improve faster.

Time flies, and it is getting closer and closer to the martial arts disciple exchange competition.

This time, all the martial arts can send a hundred disciples to participate in the exchange competition, and the winning disciples and martial arts can receive corresponding rewards.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at the roster for participating in the martial art disciple exchange competition, and nodded in satisfaction. The disciples on the roster are all selected by them after careful selection. Whether it is strength or in the field they are good at, they are in the forefront of the disciples of the sect.

"Let these disciples gather in the martial arts field." Zhan Yihan handed the roster to the seventh elders.

"Yes." The Seventh Elder took the roster and walked outside the hall.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to the high platform and looked at the 100 disciples on the competition ground below, with a touch of satisfaction in their eyes.

Zhan Yihan stepped forward, "Soon you will represent our Feng Tianzong and go to Yanyue City to participate in the Sect Disciple Exchange Competition. My only requirement is that you go safely and come back safely." These disciples They are all elite disciples among the inner disciples of the sect, and losing each one is the loss of the sect.

"Yes!" a hundred disciples responded in unison.

"There is still half a month before the martial arts exchange competition. During this time, everyone has a good rest and strives to participate in the competition in the best condition." Zhan Yihan said. After he and Jin Yue came back from Fenglin, they personally selected two hundred inner elite disciples, gave them the most suitable practice methods according to their skills, and allowed them to enter the time to practice for a month. The current one hundred disciples are selected from two hundred disciples.

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison. They really feel lucky to be the disciples of Feng Tianzong. They will definitely fight for the honor of the martial arts back.

Su Jinyue looked at the energetic disciples, and the corners of her mouth raised a shallow arc. Seeing Feng Tianzong getting stronger and stronger, she felt very relieved. Now just waiting for her brothers' cultivation level to improve, she can ascend with Yi Han at ease.

Although her current cultivation base has not yet reached the tribulation period, she has the time to form a formation, and she has the assistance of the pill. It is not too difficult to improve her cultivation base.

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