After arranging the disciples participating in the sect exchange competition, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the main peak to do other things. They won't go to this martial exchange meeting, and the leaders of the martial arts are the Seventh Elder and the Ninth Elder.

Su Jinyue looked at the jade slips handed in today, picked up one of the jade slips, and frowned when he saw the contents.

Zhan Yihan noticed Su Jinyue's expression and asked, "Did something happen?"

Su Jinyue handed the jade slip in her hand to Zhan Yihan, "You will know it by just a look."

Zhan Yihan took the jade slip, scanned the content on the jade slip, and frowned. The jade slip said that in the outer bazaar, many foreign monks rented stores of the martial art. They bought the nine-level pill from the inner bazaar through their relationship, and then sold it to the auction at a high price, or bought the pill with Lai Feng Tianzong. The monk of medicine.

Although they did not lose anything to Feng Tianzong by doing this, if things go on like this, Feng Tianzong's reputation will definitely be affected. Others would think that Feng Tianzong did this deliberately, just to get greater benefits.

"Let's go to the market to see." Zhan Yihan stood up and said.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Let's change our dress and go again." They must be unable to find out anything if they go like this.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

The outer market is crowded with people, and it is very lively. Whether it is a restaurant, an inn, or a shop, the business is very good.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, who were disciples of the Yi Rongcheng family, walked into a shop, and immediately a friend greeted him enthusiastically, "Welcome! Are the two distinguished guests wanting to buy pills, magical artifacts or talisman? We have everything here. Have."

"We want to buy Level 9 Ice Wing Pill, do you have one here?" Su Jinyue asked.

The dude hesitated a little, and said for a long time: "We don't have a nine-level pill in the outer market. You can only buy it at the inner market."

"We don’t have the jade card in the inner market, and we can’t get in. Otherwise, you can help me ask your shopkeeper if you can help us figure out a solution. As long as we can buy ice wing pill, we are willing to pay double the price. Price." Su Jinyue put on the look that money is not a problem.

"This...then I'll go and ask, you guys wait a moment!" The guy finished speaking and walked inside.

When he came to the shopkeeper who was keeping the accounts, the man whispered in his ear: "The shopkeeper, there are two customers who want to buy a nine-level ice wing pill."

The shopkeeper stopped his movements, "Which two people are they?"

The guy pointed to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan not far away, "It's them, they said that the price is no problem, as long as they can buy it."

The shopkeeper nodded, "Let them go to the lounge."

"Okay." The guy agreed and walked towards Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

Seeing the buddy coming, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan curled their lips. They had heard the conversation between him and the shopkeeper, and it seemed that there was something going on.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me to the lounge." The guy said to Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded, and followed the buddy into the lounge.

"Two, please wait a moment, our shopkeeper will come over soon." After the man said, he exited the lounge.

After waiting for a while, I saw the shopkeeper walk in with a smile, "Let the two of you wait for a long time, I heard the buddies say that you want to buy ice wing pill."

"Yes." Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Our shop does not have ice wing pill, only grade ice wind pill, you two can consider it." The shopkeeper walked to the opposite side of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue and sat down.

"If we want Ice Wind Pill, we will go directly to Pill City to buy it." Zhan Yihan said displeasedly.

The shopkeeper thought for a while, wondering: "But there is really no ninth-level pill in our store."

Su Jinyue stood up to fight and said coldly: "Let's go to another house and have a look."

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan replied, and walked outside with Su Jinyue.

"Wait a minute! I don't have one here, but I can help you find a way, but the price is..." The shopkeeper looked at Su Jinyuehe

The battle is also cold. He doesn't know how much they can bear.

"As long as you have it, the price is easy to negotiate." Su Jinyue said indifferently.

"That's all right, you two, wait a minute, I'll go out." The shopkeeper finished speaking and walked quickly outside. He doesn't have it here, but he can find someone to help him go to the inner market to buy it.

The shopkeeper walked out of the shop, went to another shop, and found a big man with a big beard, "I have business there and I need ice wing pill."

"What about the price?" asked Dahan Hu. He heard that someone had reported this incident recently. If the price did not meet his requirements, he would not take the risk.

"Half of the pill." The shopkeeper said with five fingers.

Dahan Hu thought for a while, then nodded, "I will go now, and I will send it to your store later."

"Okay." The shopkeeper nodded with a smile, and walked out of the shop.

When the shopkeeper walked out of the shop, the big man Hu also got up and walked out of the shop, heading for the inner bazaar. He is an outer disciple of Feng Tianzong, and he has the qualifications to enter the inner bazaar. Because of his cultivation resources, he thought of this way of making money.

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