Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1194: accept mission

Su Jinyue's group walked into the mission hall, and saw that there were quite a few disciples in the mission hall. Some of them were looking at the task array screen scrolling on the wall, and some were serving táibàn to take care of the procedures for receiving the mission.

"So many tasks! Which one should we choose?" Ling Xiaoqiu looked at the array screen in front of him, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

"I think the task of going to the Xuanguang Forest and catching a hundred Xuanguang ants is more suitable for us." Wu Zheng said. Their cultivation base is too weak and they can only take on some first-level tasks. Although the points for first-level tasks are relatively small, they are more secure.

"The task of going to Baili Lake to find water spirit crystals is also suitable for us, but it seems that two disciples have already signed up." Ling Xiaoqiu said. Generally, a first-level task requires only four to six people at most. There are too many people, and even if it is completed, there are not many points.

They are still new disciples. Although the sect will give them specific pill and resources for cultivation every month, a little pill and resources are simply not enough for them to cultivate. If they want to get more resources, they still have to rely on them to pick up tasks and exchange points for them.

"Yihan, let's take the task of collecting Xuanfeng wolf skins." Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yihan and said. She thinks this task is more suitable. Although there will be a certain danger, the rate of return is relatively high. After the wolf skin is handed in, the remaining materials can still be used for refining talisman and refining tools.

"But that is a second-level task, and our cultivation base won't be completed even if we take it." Ling Xiaoqiu said. Of course she also wants to take on higher tasks, but her abilities are limited.

"I think it's okay, or let's try." Wu Zheng hesitated.

"I really don't know how high the sky is, let alone killing the Profound Wind Wolf based on your cultivation base, even if you see the Profound Wind Wolf, you can only be killed." A ridicule came from the side.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and saw the four people who had conflicts with them in the cafeteria before, but at this time, there was a man who was in the early days of the immortal beside them.

"Why are you again?" Ling Xiaoqiu glared at each other. It seems that the comer is not good.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were too lazy to pay attention to each other and walked towards the service desk. They have already decided to take on the mission of the Profound Wind Wolf. They are not taking the mission for points, but for training themselves. If you want to improve your strength, you have to dare to face danger. When they were in the realm of cultivation before, they also came here in this way.

Ling Xiaoqiu glared at the other side fiercely, and followed Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. They won't really want to pick up that second-level task.

Seeing Su Jinyue and four of them walking towards the service desk, those who deliberately found fault sneered and followed Su Jinyue's four. They wanted to see if these new disciples had the courage to take the other two. Level task.

"Hello! We want to take quest 174." Zhan Yihan handed himself and Su Jinyue's disciple Yupai to the old disciple who was in charge of registration at the service desk. The staff in the mission hall are all old disciples of the peaks.

The old disciple in charge of registration glanced at the jade medal Zhan Yihan handed over, and looked at Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue in surprise, "Are you sure?" This is a secondary task, even a disciple who has been in the sect for three or four years. Not necessarily dare to pick it up.

These two disciples had just entered the sect for a few days, so they didn't know the heights of the sky, whether they really had that kind of strength, or was not afraid of death. However, he felt that they shouldn't be afraid of death, otherwise, with their strength in the early and middle stages of dispersing immortality, how dare to take on such a task.

"Senior Brother Zhan, Senior Sister Su, do you really want to take on this task?" Ling Xiaoqiu asked in surprise. She thought they were just talking.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Then I will participate too." Wu Zheng hesitated. He still doesn't have much confidence.

"You should choose the first-level task, it will be safer." Su Jinyue said. She and Yihan have a hole card and are confident that they can complete this task, but it is different if they take them. The cultivation base of the two is too low. If they follow her and Yihan, they will have to take care of them everywhere.

Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng looked at each other, "We want to take this task with you." Since Senior Brother Zhan and Senior Sister Su dared to take it, they

What's not to dare, the big deal is a life.

The two took out their disciple jade cards and handed them to the old disciple who was in charge of registration, "We will also take this task." They decided so quickly that they didn't want to let themselves have a chance to regret.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads and smiled. It seems that they can only act as bodyguards once.

"It's really irresponsible. This is the first time I have seen a person in such a hurry to die."

"Some people just don't see their abilities clearly."

"When they are in danger, they can't find a place to cry." The disciples who followed Su Jinyue laughed and said. But to be honest, they were still a little surprised. After all, a cultivator who hadn't reached the Heavenly Immortal level for the second-level task would definitely not dare to accept it, nor did he have the strength to accept it.

"Are you sure you want to take on this task? If your cultivation base does not reach the Heavenly Immortal level, it is no different from sending you to death." The old disciple in charge of registration said. He really didn't want to see them go to death in vain.

"We are sure." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan said affirmatively.

"I'm also sure." Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu were actually a little hesitant in their hearts, but they had already said what they said. Now that they retreat, they will definitely leave an indelible mark in their hearts. Adverse.

The old disciple in charge of registration nodded and began to help Su Jinyue four people register. He has already said what should be said, and they can't help it if they don't listen to him.

Walking out of the registration hall, Su Jinyue looked at Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu, "You go back and prepare, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu nodded.

At this time, a disciple ran over quickly, "Zhan Yihan, Su Jinyue, Elder Mo invites you over."

"Good." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded. They had guessed what Elder Mo asked them to do in the past. Elder Mo must have received the news, knowing that they have taken up the second-level task.

Following that disciple, Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue came to the Lingxiao Pavilion where Elder Mo lived.

Walking into the Lingxiao Pavilion, I saw Elder Mo sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

"I have seen Elder Mo!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan saluted. They are still very grateful to Elder Mo, if it weren't for his instructions, they wouldn't live together.

Elder Mo nodded slightly and pointed to the chair opposite to him, "Sit down and talk."

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded, and Yiyan sat down and watched Elder Mo wait for him to speak.

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