Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1195: Xuanguang Forest

Elder Mo put down the tea cup in his hand and took out two tea cups to help Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan pour one cup each. "I heard that you just went to the mission hall to pick up a mission?"

"Yes." Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Don't you know the danger of the second-level mission? With your current strength, you are simply going to die." Elder Mo said displeased. When he learned about it, he almost fainted out of breath. Zhan Yihan is the hope for the future of Escape Immortal Palace. With his spiritual roots, the future is bound to be limitless, so why rush for a while.

"Elder Mo! We know it is dangerous, but we have already decided." Zhan Yihan said.

"I will cancel the task for you. You stay in the martial arts and practice hard." Elder Mo said. He absolutely can't let Zhan Yihan get into trouble.

"Elder Mo! If this task is cancelled, it will definitely affect our cultivation in the future." Zhan Yihan said.

Elder Mo shook his head and sighed. Knowing that what Zhan Yihan said was the truth, he took out an umbrella-shaped fairy and handed it to Zhan Yihan, "Use it when you go to experience, it can help you through the difficulties. "

"Thank you Elder Mo!" Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue thanked each other.

"Don't make this kind of decision beyond your ability in the future." Elder Mo said solemnly. He really didn't want to see the fall of a genius like Zhan Yihan.

"Yes." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue replied. Of course, they will not do anything beyond their own ability. This time they will take over the task after careful consideration. There will definitely be some dangers, but their lives will not be endangered.

Elder Mo took out two communication charms and handed them to Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue respectively, "If you encounter danger during the experience, please notify me in time." Fortunately, the place where they experienced is not far from the school, when he can Go to the rescue in time.

"Thank you Elder Mo!" Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue took the communication symbol.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returning, Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu hurriedly greeted them, "What can Elder Mo ask you for?"

"Just ask why we need to take the second-level task." Su Jinyue said.

Ling Xiaoqiu nodded, and asked worriedly, "Elder Mo, wouldn't it be that I told you not to go?" Zhan Yihan is a sixth-line pure spiritual root. Elder Mo valued him for sure, and it is normal not to let him go. . If Zhan Yihan doesn't go, Su Jinyue will definitely not go either. If they don't go, what should she and Wu Zheng do?

"How come?" Su Jinyue smiled.

"Then I can rest assured." Ling Xiaoqiu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, what I was worried about did not happen.

"You have a good rest tonight, we will leave tomorrow morning." After Su Jinyue finished speaking, He Zhan Yihan walked towards their room.

Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng withdrew their gazes and sighed in their hearts. They are now on the string and have to send it.

"Are you really going to take on second-level tasks?" The three disciples walked to the side of Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng and looked at them in disbelief. When they heard the news, their first reaction was that Ling Xiaoqiu and the others were crazy. With their current strength, even if they were to take on first-level tasks, it would be dangerous, let alone second-level tasks.

"Yeah." Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng nodded.

"You are so impulsive, even many old disciples dare not take up second-level tasks."

"Even that kind of task is dead."

"I really don't know how to say you are good, you guys do it well."

Listening to the three of you and me talking, Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu felt more regretful in their hearts. It's just that they have already accepted the task now, and they can't cancel it. It can only be counted as one step.

Seeing Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu were silent, the three disciples shook their heads, turned and walked towards their room. No matter how much they can say, it is now a foregone conclusion.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the room and saw Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu sitting listlessly on the stone chairs in the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to the two of them and asked.

Wu Zheng shook his head, stood up and said: "Nothing

,Let's go. "He is ready to go and not return.

"Senior Brother Zhan, Senior Sister Su, how sure are we going this time?" Ling Xiaoqiu asked.

"I don't know." Su Jinyue shook her head. But since they followed themselves and Yihan, she and Yihan would definitely try their best to protect them.

After hearing this, Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu were even more depressed. It seems that they really did not go back this time.

The four of them went out of the school, offering flying swords all the way towards the Xuanguang Forest.

The wàiwéi in the Xuanguang Forest are not too dangerous. They are all small beasts like Xuanguang ants, and it is very simple to deal with them.

"The front is the territory of Xuanfeng Wolf." Ling Xiaoqiu looked at the front with a pale face. If she can regret it now, she must regret it.

"Let's stop and take a rest." Wu Zheng said. He was about to die, he wanted to stop and calm himself.

Seeing the expressions of Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng, Su Jinyue said: "If you are afraid, you stay here."

Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu shook their heads, "Let's go with you." They are already here, what's the point of their shrinking.

Gritting their teeth, Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng walked towards the territory of Xuanfenglang. Just die!

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled.

The four of them had just stepped into the territory of Xuanfeng Wolf, and immediately heard howling a wolf.

Ling Xiaoqiu and Wu Zheng quickly sacrificed their magic weapons and looked around nervously.

Su Jinyue sighed helplessly in her heart, and took out a stack of talisman to divide it among the two, "When there is a wolf attacking you, use this talisman to deal with them." Xuanfeng wolf is a second-level fairy beast, use sānjí. Fu is more than enough to deal with them.

"Okay." Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu took the talisman. After they could see the level of the talisman clearly, they shook their hands and almost threw the talisman in their hands. This is a sānjí talisman, where does Su Jinyue come from so many sānjí fairy talisman?

As he was thinking, he heard a rustling footsteps coming, turning his head and looking around, only thousands of Xuanfeng wolves were gathering here quickly.

The huge size, the sharp claws like a knife, the sharp white teeth and the dark green eyes all illustrate their horror.

Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu took a deep breath and tried to calm themselves down. They can now be sure that they have come back and forth this time. Although they have sānjí talisman in their hands, the number of Xuanfeng wolves is really astonishing.

Zhan Yihan glanced at Wu Zheng and Ling Xiaoqiu, raised his hand and waved, a defensive formation was formed beside them. He is now a Level 2 Immortal Array Master. Although the Level 2 Array cannot defend against these Profound Wind Wolf for long, as long as he can control the Profound Wind Wolf King in a short period of time, the battle will end immediately.

After exchanging a glance with Su Jinyue, the two of them rushed towards the wolves in a flash.

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