Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1221: Anchovies

At this moment, two roars came, and the body of the black magic eagle attacking them paused, and then fell straight to the ground.

Zhang Fengyu and Xia Xin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, never daring to be distracted again.

Zhan Yihan saw the right time, raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand drawn a deep purple sharp light, with a terrifying and powerful aura, sweeping towards the black demon eagle who had captured Zhao Yan.

Zimang sank into the body of the black demon eagle who could not dodge, and as the black demon eagle uttered a hoarse cry, its body instantly turned into two halves, and the huge body was directed towards Zhao Yan, which was grasped by its paws. Falling to the ground.

Su Jinyue rolled Zhao Yan behind her, "Sister Zhao."

Zhao Yan was stunned and regained her senses. Seeing that she was safe, she let out a long sigh, reached out and patted her chest, and said with lingering fear: "It's very risky. I thought I was dead this time, thank you. You guys." She was really frightened just now.

"It's okay." Su Jinyue shook her head, while continuously bombarding the surrounding black magic eagles with talisman. She came out this time but made enough preparations, there were tens of millions of Fu Lu on her body alone.

The black magic eagle was continuously beheaded by Su Jinyue's Fulu and Zhan Yihan's sword light, but in just half an hour, there were only a few black magic eagles left to attack them.

The remaining Black Magic Eagle saw that he was not Su Jinyue's opponent, and no longer wanted to fight, and quickly retreated to the surroundings.

In a short while, apart from the corpse of the Black Demon Eagle on the ground, there was no longer a living Black Demon Eagle around.

"Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, you are really amazing." He Yunping looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan with admiration on his face. This time he really saw the combat effectiveness of the two, which was only stronger than him in the middle stage of the golden fairy. He really doubted whether they were Sanxian cultivation bases.

"Junior Sister Su, are you refining all those talisman?" Zhao Yan asked. She had long heard that Su Jinyue was talented in refining talisman, and the peak owner of Xianfufeng personally asked her to join Xianfufeng.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded. There will be many places where Fulu will be used in the future, and she has nothing to deny.

"Sister Su, why are you so good?" Zhao Yan looked at Su Jinyue admiringly. Long Yijian, if they knew that Junior Sister Su and Junior Brother Zhan were so good, they would definitely regret it. But they deserve it too, who makes them look down upon others.

Su Jinyue smiled, "Let's put away the corpses of these black magic eagles first." The things on the black magic eagle are good things for refining tools and talisman, so naturally they cannot be wasted.

"Okay!" everyone replied and began to pick up the corpse of the black magic eagle on the ground.

"Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, is your cultivation really in the stage of dispersing immortality?" He Yunping still couldn't help but asked. Before, he teamed up with Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue because they were both disciples of Formation Peak, and that he had seen their perverts and was able to bring his own formation in just ten days. Raising the level of Dharma by two levels is definitely not something that humans can do. Now it has proved that the two are more powerful.

"Yes." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded. As long as they don't admit it, it's useless for others to doubt.

"Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, you saved our life again this time." Zhang Fengyu and Xia Xin stepped forward, looking at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan with gratitude in their eyes. They know that the choices they make can't be wrong.

"Let's move on." Zhan Yihan said. Since they chose to believe in him and Jin Yue, they would not abandon them.

"Yeah." Everyone smiled and nodded, and continued to walk forward. Now they are more confident.

Long Yijian and his party ran in embarrassment. After this fight with the Black Magic Eagle, they suffered heavy losses. Originally, their group consisted of ten people, but now there are only twelve people left, which puts pressure on their hearts. Extremely heavy. This is just the beginning, they have already lost so many people, and there will definitely be more dangers in the future.

"Senior Long, where are we going now?" Ma Zewen held his injured arm and followed Long Yijian.

"First find a place to stop and recover from the injury." Long Yijian used it as he ran.

Divine consciousness is looking for a suitable place. Although they escaped the Black Eagle's siege, their injuries were not light.

"It would be great if there were disciples from the Formation Peak, they can set up a defensive formation so that we can recover from our injuries." Xu Yanran of Xianfu Pavilion said. She used almost half of the talisman in her body this time. Although it could be refined, the materials on her body were limited and she couldn't refine it much.

"Don't mention them, there are those two wastes from the dispersal period, they may have fallen by now." Zhang Che said. With so many of them, they are all cultivation bases above the Golden Immortal stage, and they have lost a third, not to mention those few people.

"That's, let's go if you mention what they are doing." Long Yijian gave Xu Yanran a displeased look and quickened his pace.

Su Jinyue and her group stopped and went. Although they were dangerous along the way, no one fell apart except for some minor injuries.

"There is a creek ahead, let's go to the creek to rest for a while." Xia Xin proposed. He really wants to take a bath in the stream now, and he has taken care of himself with clean water these days, but he prefers the invigorating and dripping feeling when taking a bath in the stream.

"Okay." Everyone nodded and walked towards the stream in front of them.

"Master! This is the Phoenix Creek. There are anchovies in the stream. The anchovies contain rich fairy aura. Eating them is very good for cultivation. You can also use them to refine Phoenix Spirit Pills." Huofeng said.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue replied. She had been communicating with Yihan and the Fire Phoenix and Fire Phoenix along the way, and the direction they were going now was the direction where the Phoenix Ruins were.

A few people sat down by the stream, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan sacrificed formation flags and talisman at the same time, and arranged a formation around them. This side seems to be peaceful, but it is the place of the fifth-level fairy beasts, blazing beasts, and they can't deal with those blazing beasts with their current cultivation base.

"The fish in this stream are so beautiful, especially its tail, which looks like a phoenix's tail." Zhao Yan saw an anchovy swimming by and stretched out her hand to catch it, but was nimbly avoided by the anchovy.

"This fish is beautiful, I don't know if it can be eaten." Xia Xin said, looking at an anchovy swimming in front of him.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan put their hands in the stream, washing their hands.

After Su Jinyue quietly put in a shielding talisman, she opened her own space at the same time as Zhan Yihan, and brought the anchovies in the stream into her own space. This anchovy is a good product for cultivation, and of course they should keep more.

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