Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1222: Find the difference

At the other end of the stream, a few people were catching anchovies in the stream, and they found that the anchovies suddenly seemed to be called, and they were swimming upstream.

"What's going on? Is there a treasure in the upper reaches?" A monk of the late Golden Immortal guessed.

"Let's go take a look." Another late Jinxian monk said.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded and walked upstream along the stream.

They are all disciples of Xuanyuanzong, and this time they were sent by the school to look for opportunities in Phoenix Valley. They wanted to rest for a while by this creek, but found that they had never seen the fish in this creek, so they decided to catch a few and try them.

It's just that this kind of fish is very sensitive. They caught only two of them after a long time. After eating it, they discovered that this fish is not only fresh and tender, but also contains a rich fairy spirit, which is very good for cultivation, so they decided to catch more.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan retracted their hands, both of them were holding two anchovies in their hands.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and smiled, and shouted to Zhang Fengyu who was catching fish in the stream: "We caught the fish." The fairy aura of anchovies is contained in its flesh, and it can only be eaten. Discover its benefits.

Zhao Yan straightened up, looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and saw that they were holding two fish in each hand, and their eyes immediately lit up, "You are so amazing! I caught four fish, and I haven't caught one yet. Now, this fish is so flexible."

"I caught one, and I caught it with the formation method." He Yunping smiled. This fish is not only flexible, but also very creamy. It is really difficult to catch.

Xia Xin raised his hand to wipe the drops of water on his face, smiled and looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "It took a long time for the two of us to get one together."

"That happens to be one for each of us." Su Jinyue shook the fish in her hand and walked towards the shore. The fairy aura contained in this kind of anchovy is too rich, with their current cultivation base, eating too much will backfire.

"Okay!" He Yunping smiled and nodded.

Several people came to the shore, and Xia Xin took out the pot and prepared to cook the fish.

"This fish is grilled." Zhan Yihan said.

"Why?" Xia Xin asked puzzled.

"This kind of fish is called anchovy. It is a fairy fish. The fairy spirit in its meat will not be lost if it is grilled and eaten.” Su Jinyue explained.

"But why can't I feel the fairy aura on its body?" Zhao Yan questioned.

"Its fairy aura is contained in the meat, and you can only feel it when you eat it. This kind of fish is extremely good for cultivation." Zhan Yihan said.

"So it's like this." Everyone nodded clearly.

"Then let's grab a few more." Xia Xin said that he was about to walk into the stream again.

"With our current cultivation base, we can only eat one piece at most, and if there is more, it will be exploded by the fairy spirit." Su Jinyue said.

Xia Xin stopped quickly, walked back to the crowd and sat down, "Forget it then."

"Senior Brother Zhan, Sister Su, how do you know this?" He Yunping asked curiously. Had it not been for Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan to tell them, he didn't know that there were such fish.

"What we saw in a note left by a predecessor, which recorded a lot of knowledge of the heaven and earth spirit treasures, but unfortunately that note was too old, we only had time to read a little, it turned into smoke and dust. "It's a pity that Su Jinyue said. These were all what Huofeng and Huohuang told her and Yihan. Of course she couldn't tell everyone the truth. She said that was also a precaution. Everyone asked them to read the book she fabricated.

"What a pity!" everyone sighed regretfully. If that note is still there, they can borrow it to read it and gain some knowledge.

"The fish is cooked, everyone eat." Su Jinyue said.

"Good." Everyone smiled and nodded, then picked up the fish and ate it.

"What a rich fairy aura!" With one bite, an extremely rich fairy aura immediately dissipated among the people, making everyone couldn't help but shēnyín comfortably.

After eating the fish in their hands quickly, everyone closed their eyes and began to absorb the rich aura.

As soon as Zhan Yihan finished absorbing the aura, he felt that the formation he had arranged was being attacked, and released his divine sense, only to see a few monks attacking their formation.

Stepping out of the formation, Zhan Yihan glanced at everyone, "Why are you attacking our formation?"

Seeing that Zhan Yihan's cultivation was only in the late Sanxian stage, all of them were taken aback, and then burst into laughter.

"Unexpectedly, a cultivator in the dispersal stage would come to Phoenix Valley. Did he come to die, or to die."

"Boy, hand over your storage ring, or don't blame us for being rude to you."

"You will have to die sooner or later when you come here with this kind of cultivation. Why don't we do it well and see you off."

Su Jinyue opened her eyes, her face raised with a joyful smile. After absorbing the fairy aura of the anchovy, her cultivation base has improved a bit, and now she has reached the middle stage of the golden fairy.

I looked around and saw that everyone was still absorbing the fairy aura of the anchovies. Turning to look to their side, they found that Zhan Yihan was not there. They looked up outside the formation, and saw that a few people were laughing at Zhan Yihan, standing. Got up and walked out of the formation.

Seeing another person coming out of the formation, several cultivators all looked at Su Jinyue together, and they laughed louder when they found that Su Jinyue's cultivation was the middle stage of Sanxian.

"I really saw it today, I don't know which school is so rubbish, even this kind of cultivation can be sent out, it is sent to die."

"It's so ridiculous, let me do a good deed today and send you on the road."

Su Jinyue glanced at everyone like an idiot, and walked to Zhan Yihan's side, "I have improved a bit, how about you?"

"Me too." Zhan Yihan smiled and held Su Jinyue's hand.

"Is that going to break through?" Su Jinyue asked expectantly. Yihan's actual cultivation base is the peak of Jinxian's late stage. If he improves a little, it means that he is about to break through.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "Let's talk to everyone later, we'll find a place to break through."

"Good." Su Jinyue nodded happily.

Seeing the two ignoring themselves and others, Xuan Yuanzong's disciples looked ugly. If the opponent's cultivation base is higher than theirs, that's fine, and even if they dare to ignore them with such a low cultivation base, it's just going to die.

"Have you two said enough?" The late Jinxian cultivator said coldly.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan didn't even turn their heads, they talked to themselves, completely ignoring each other.

The monk's face in the late Jinxian period became even more gloomy, and the aura on his body was released endlessly. If the tiger doesn't show his power, does he really treat him as a cat? He let them know what a strong one is.

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