Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1303: Qin Feng

Lin Yuan glanced at Zhao Hexun and walked towards Su Jinyue. It was they who challenged Su Jinyue, and now even if it is not comparable, they can be compared, it's just that they underestimated Su Jinyue.

When she came to Su Jinyue, Lin Yuan arched her hand to Su Jinyue, "Junior Sister Su, this is Lin Yuan, please advise!"

"Sister Lin, please!" Su Jinyue also bowed to Lin Yuan. Just now Zhao Hexun told her with his eyes that she didn't need to show mercy.

"What we refined this time is a fifth-level Frost Talisman, and the rules are the same as the previous one." Lin Yuan said. Frost Talisman is much more difficult to refine than Blazing Fire Talisman. Although Frost Talisman is a fifth-level fairy talisman, its level is almost close to the sixth level. She is also very difficult to refine. I don’t know if Su Jinyue will be able to refine it this time. It will be the same as the previous one.

"Good." Su Jinyue nodded in response.

When the disciple on the side announced the start of the competition, Su Jinyue picked up the talisman refining materials on the table and refined it.

Seeing Su Jinyue's method of refining talisman, Zhao Hexun narrowed his eyes slightly. Su Jinyue's method of refining talisman was very special. It was the first time he saw it. I don't know which expert taught Su Jinyue's talisman refining technique. He really wanted to meet him and ask him for some tips.

Like the previous one, Su Jinyue still only spent about a stick of incense this time.

Seeing Su Jinyue finished refining so quickly, not only the disciples present, but also Zhao Hexun was a little surprised. The fifth-level Frost Talisman is a very difficult talisman to refine among the fifth-level fairy talisman. Su Jinyue actually finished refining it in less than a stick of incense, if her level of talisman refining has not reached the sixth level. He didn't believe it. I regret once again why Su Jinyue is not a disciple of Xian Fufeng.

Lin Yuan glanced at Su Jinyue, a trace of frustration flashed in her eyes, and felt that the talisman in her hand had changed. She quickly retracted her mind and concentrated on refining the talisman in her hand. Even if she has already lost, she can't lose too ugly.

They really shouldn't challenge Su Jinyue. The younger junior and younger sisters who came back clearly said that Su Jinyue's level of talisman refining was very high, but they just didn't believe it. I thought that Su Jinyue was a disciple of the Formation Pavilion, no matter how high the level of talisman refinement was, it would definitely not be as good as their core disciples in the inner sect. Now who can be blamed when losing to Su Jinyue.

About half an hour, Lin Yuan put down the talisman in her hand and looked at Zhao Hexun guiltily. They have lost two games in a row, and they are really ashamed of Master.

Zhao Hexun shook his head and smiled, and looked at Qin Feng next to him, "You go and try with Su Jinyue, show your best strength, don't accept mercy." Su Jinyue can practice so quickly. Made a fifth-level Frost Talisman, her level of refining amulet will never be lower than the sixth-level.

"Yes!" Qin Feng replied and stepped forward.

Coming to Su Jinyue's side, Qin Feng bowed his hand to Su Jinyue, "Junior Sister Su, please advise! The talisman we refined this time does not have a specified level, so we can play it at will, but the loser must agree to the winner. One thing, can junior sister agree?"

Su Jinyue smiled, "I heard that Senior Brother Qin is a Level 6 Master of Immortal Talisman, and I am only a Master of Level 5 Immortal Talisman. Naturally, it is impossible to win Senior Brother Qin. The proposal of Senior Brother Qin is unfair to me." Agree, then she has only one choice, which is to win Qin Feng.

Qin Feng laughed, "So Junior Sister Su have any suggestions?" This Su Jinyue is really not a person who will suffer.

"Senior Brother Qin and I are one level behind in talisman refining, so we will both refine fifth-level immortal talisman. It's the same as before. Whoever finishes first wins, and whoever loses promises to win is one thing, Brother Qin said. How?" Su Jinyue smiled and looked at Qin Feng, with a hint of provocation in her eyes. Now she would not reveal her true level.

Qin Feng smiled playfully, "Okay! Just follow what Junior Sister Su said." He is a sixth-level immortal talisman master, and it is impossible for him to lose to a fifth-level immortal talisman master. He is set to win this game!

"Let's start then." Su Jinyue smiled slyly.

Zhao Hexun looked at Su Jinyue, shook his head and smiled. What a cunning girl, it seems that Qin Feng is going to slap Su Jinyue's hands this time.

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