The game started again, and Su Jinyue saw that Qin Feng chose the water dragon talisman and chose to refine the same talisman. Since she wants to win, she has to win convincingly.

Everyone originally thought that Su Jinyue would choose to refine the relatively simple talisman, but when she saw that she had chosen the same talisman as Qin Feng, they let go of their hearts.

"Who do you think Su Jinyue and Senior Brother Qin will win this time?"

"Isn't that nonsense, it must be Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Qin is a sixth-level master of immortal talisman, one level higher than Su Jinyue."

"That is, if Su Jinyue can win this time, I will call her a senior sister from now on."

"Senior Brother Qin is a genius in talisman making. Even among the four major factions, only Li Xiaoran of Tianyi Sect can match Senior Brother Qin. Do you think Senior Brother Qin will lose?"

"But... that Su Jinyue's level of talisman refining is not low, she just won Senior Sister Lin." A disciple said weakly. He didn't take the ambition of others to destroy his prestige, but he was a little worried that their Xianfu Pavilion would be wiped out.

The disciples glared at the disciple fiercely.

"Don't talk if you can't speak." Although this is true, is it time to say this now? Isn't this pouring cold water on them?

The disciple knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Everyone turned their gazes to Su Jinyue and Qin Feng again, and saw that both of them were refining the charms very fast, and they were already halfway through the refining. Secretly admire the two in my heart.

This dragon dragon talisman is more difficult to refine than the frost talisman. It is the top talisman among the five-level fairy talisman. Its effect is definitely not weaker than that of the sixth-level fairy talisman, but the movements of the two of them did not stop at all, as if they had been refined. Thousands of times in general.

Looking at Su Jinyue's proficient refining techniques, Zhao Hexun was even more convinced that Su Jinyue was definitely not a fifth-level immortal talisman master, at least a sixth-level immortal talisman master, or it was possible that he had already broken through a seventh-level immortal talisman master. However, Su Jinyue has only risen to the immortal realm for a few years. How did she improve her level of talisman training? In order to improve the level of talisman refining, it is necessary to have talisman refining materials to practice continuously. Where did she come from? Su Jinyue felt like a mystery to him, the more I wanted to see it, the more I couldn't see it.

Su Jinyue put the refined water dragon talisman on the table and looked at Qin Feng, seeing him also just finished the refining. She was practicing the talisman practice in the golden leaf world. This practice was faster than other talisman practice. Qin Feng was only one step slower than her. It can be seen that his practice of talisman practice is also very good.

Qin Feng put down the water dragon talisman, and saw that Su Jinyue had finished refining first, his face was shocked. He refining talisman is definitely faster than many fairy talisman masters, but Su Jinyue is even faster than him. What kind of talisman practice does she practice? Before, he saw that Su Jinyue's talisman refinement speed was very fast, but it was a bit worse than him. Now it seems that Su Jinyue had reservations before.

"I lost!" Qin Feng said. What he lost this time was convinced.

Su Jinyue smiled, "If Brother Qin let me, I wouldn't have won." If Qin Feng insisted on refining the sixth-level immortal talisman, she could also give up the game. She still decided not to reveal her true level of talisman refining now, even if Zhao Hexun had discovered it, as long as she didn't admit it, he would have nothing to do with her.

Qin Feng raised his lips and smiled, "Sister Su, what do I need to do?" He lost the game and owed Su Jinyue one thing.

"No hurry, wait until I think about it." Su Jinyue smiled.

"Okay." Qin Feng nodded with a smile.

Zhao Hexun smiled and looked at Su Jinyue, "Su Jinyue, are you ready? Would you like to participate in the competition for our Xianfu Pavilion?" Su Jinyue's level of talisman refining is only higher than that of Qin Feng. If Su Jinyue is willing, their Xianfu Pavilion will have a great chance of winning the game this time. As for the formation pavilion, the battle and the cold are naturally a surefire way to win. I really can't figure out what kind of freak this couple is, and how both of them are so capable.

The disciples also looked at Su Jinyue together. Originally, they didn’t want Su Jinyue to participate in the game for them in the Fairy Talisman Pavilion, but after seeing Su Jinyue’s level of talisman refining, they changed their minds, especially It was Su Jinyue who also defeated Senior Brother Qin. Now they only admire Su Jinyue, but unfortunately she is not a disciple of their Xianfu Pavilion, otherwise their Xianfu Pavilion must be stronger.

"Peak Master, I haven't figured it out yet." Su Jinyue said.

Zhao Hexun smiled, took out a jade slip and handed it to Su Jinyue, "You go back and take a look at this jade slip, and it will not be too late to reply to me after reading it." He asked Su Jinyue to come over before, just to be excited. All the disciples, now he sincerely hopes that Su Jinyue can participate in the competition for them Xianfu Pavilion.

Su Jinyue took the jade slip and bowed her hand to Zhao Hexun. "Peak Master! Let's go back first." She is not a disciple of Xianfu Pavilion. It is naturally inconvenient to stay here for a long time after the game is over, and Zhao Hexun There is also something to deal with.

"Yeah!" Zhao Hexun smiled and nodded. After today, he is more satisfied with Su Jinyue.

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