Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1305: Reflection

When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left, Zhao Hexun looked at the disciples in the temple, "Do you have anything to say?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Zhen Heran walked out, looking at Zhao Hexun with a look of guilt, "Master! I was wrong! I shouldn't be so impulsive to challenge Su Jinyue." If you know Su Jinyue's charms With such a high level, he would not challenge Su Jinyue, it was simply looking for abuse.

"Peak Master! We are also at fault!" All the disciples said in unison. They originally wanted Su Jinyue to flee after losing, but they didn't expect that the loser would be them, and the whole army would be wiped out.

Zhao Hexun nodded slightly, "You lose to Su Jinyue, besides frustration, do you have other feelings?"

Everyone glanced at each other and replied in unison: "Regret!" They really regretted that they had to challenge Su Jinyue and lost so badly in the end.

Zhao Hexun's face sank, his eyes faintly swept across the crowd, "What I want is not regret, but reflection, reflecting on why you lost to Su Jinyue, is it because you are too proud or have too low expectations of yourself Now, go and think about it. Everyone will give me an answer tomorrow." The reason why he proposed to use Su Jinyue to come here was to boost their morale, not to hurt them.

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison.

Zhao He nodded slightly, "Do you know what kind of spiritual root Su Jinyue is?"

Everyone shook their heads. They had only heard that Zhan Yihan was a sixth-line pure spirit root. As for Su Jinyue, they only knew that she had a good level of talisman refining. After all, the peak master wanted to accept Su Jinyue as his personal disciple, and it wouldn't be too bad if he wanted to come to Linggen.

"Many lines of mixed spirit roots." Zhao Hexun said.

"Ah!" Everyone looked surprised. In the immortal realm, many mixed spirit roots are waste materials. Since Su Jinyue is a mixed spirit root, why does the school still accept Su Jinyue as an inner disciple? Why would the peak master of Formation Peak accept her as a direct disciple? Why can Su Jinyue beat them?

"You can ask about this matter, and you can think about it. A disciple of Zalinggen can become a Level 5 Immortal Talisman Master with his own efforts. What excuses do you have for not working hard?" Zhao Hexun Looking at everyone.

Everyone was even more guilty and bowed their heads. If Su Jinyue is really a multi-line mixed spirit root, they really have no excuse for not working hard. They can enter the inner door, and their cultivation qualifications are definitely very good. Of course they can't lose to a multi-line mixed spirit root disciple. So they must work harder in the future.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Zhao Hexun nodded with satisfaction, and walked toward the outside of the hall.

"Master, can you let Su Jinyue play with us?" Lin Yuan asked Zhao Hexun, who was about to leave. After seeing Su Jinyue’s level of talisman refining, she really hoped that Su Jinyue would be able to play with their disciples in the fairy talisman pavilion. Su Jinyue’s level of talisman refining was so high that her chances of winning would be great. Many, maybe Su Jinyue can defeat Tianyizong's Li Xiaoran.

The other disciples also raised their heads and looked at Zhao Hexun. Regardless of whether Su Jinyue had more mixed spirit roots, facts proved that their level of talisman refining was not as good as hers. After this time, they will definitely work harder, but they also hope that they can win this martial exchange meeting. After winning the game, they would hope to go mining for three days in Yunling Mine. I heard that Yunling Mine not only contains fairy spirit stones and spirit essence, but also has fairy spirit veins.

"Su Jinyue must agree to this." Zhao Hexun smiled and walked out of the hall. He also hoped that Su Jinyue could play with the disciples of Xianfu Pavilion. Of course, if Su Jinyue was unwilling, he had nothing to do.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the small courtyard and saw Luo Qianao and Zhou Zishuang waiting for them.

"Sister Su, how did it turn out? Did you win?" Luo Qianao asked impatiently. He and Zishuang have been waiting here for a long time.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

"Sit down and talk to us." Luo Qianao smiled. He knew that Junior Sister Su would not lose.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to the opposite side of Luo Qianao and sat down, Su Jinyue briefly told the story.

Luo Qianao couldn't help laughing, "Junior Sister Su, you are so amazing, even Qin Feng is not your opponent."

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "If Qin Feng insists on refining the sixth-level immortal talisman, I will still lose."

"It's already amazing. Don't forget. You are a disciple of Formation Peak. It is not easy for you to achieve this achievement in talisman training. If you originally chose the fairy talisman pavilion, maybe you are now practicing Fu level has surpassed Qin Feng." Luo Qianao said. When Junior Sister Su entered the formation peak, she was just a sānjí immortal formation master. In just a few years, her formation level was already the same as them. If he hadn’t asked Junior Sister Su to test Linggen again to prove that she was indeed a mixed spiritual root, he really wanted to doubt whether Junior Su’s spiritual root was tested incorrectly. He had never heard of it. Ji Za Linggen is so powerful.

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, took out the jade slip that Zhao He had just found for her, and scanned it with God's Sense. Seeing that Luo Qianao and Zhou Zishuang were looking at the jade slip in their hands, "This is the jade slip that Zhao Feng just gave me. Yes, the above are the disciples of the other three schools with higher level of talisman refining. Among them, Li Xiaoran of Tianyizong has the highest level of talisman refining. Now he has been able to refine the sixth-level best fairy talisman. I believe he will break through the seventh-level fairy talisman It's coming soon." She knew that Zhao He was looking for these materials for her to let her play with the disciples of Xianfu Pavilion.

"Then are you going?" Zhou Zishuang asked.

"Let's think about it for two days." Su Jinyue smiled. She had a decision in her mind, but she still wanted to wait two days to say it.

After Luo Qianbai listened to Zhao Hexun's description of the game, "You mean Su Jinyue's level of talisman refining may have surpassed Qin Feng?" Isn't Su Jinyue multi-spirited? Why is she so different from other multi-line mixed spirit roots, not only has the formation level reached the seventh level, but even the talisman level is not inferior. If it weren't for Su Jinyue's cultivation base, he really would doubt Su Jinyue's spiritual roots.

Zhao Hexun nodded, "I have listed the top ten disciples of the other three factions and the level of talisman refining, and gave the information to Su Jinyue. I don't know if she will agree. Qin Feng shouldn't be heaven. In a case of Li Xiaoran’s opponent, if Su Jinyue really hides her level of refining, then only Su Jinyue can beat Li Xiaoran."

Luo Qianbai nodded, "I'll talk to Junior Brother Gu about this, but the final decision still depends on Su Jinyue."

"Good!" Zhao Hexun nodded.

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