Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1323: Martial Exchange Competition (4)

Xue Mengyao put down the talisman and saw that Su Jinyue and Li Xiaoran had already finished. At the same time, she was surprised, she felt unwilling. It doesn't matter if it is overtaken by Li Xiaoran, and it is overtaken by a little-known disciple. What will others think of her in the future. She must teach Su Jinyue severely to let her know that she is good at Xue Mengyao.

"Junior Sister Su was the first to complete it. Will she win?" Zou Bo looked at Su Jinyue excitedly. At first he thought that Senior Brother Qin would definitely finish it before Junior Sister Su, but he didn't expect Senior Sister Su to finish first.

"I will definitely win. If Junior Sister Su doesn't have the ability, will the peak master of the Xianfu Pavilion lend her to it?"

"Yes, it seems that we are the number one again this time."

"Junior Sister Su is mighty!" The disciples of the Escape Immortal Palace looked at Su Jinyue on the stage with excitement in their eyes. This is the first time they escaped from the Immortal Palace faster than the other three factions, and they also won the first game. I hope Junior Sister Su can also give them a surprise this time.

"What are you excited about? The results haven't come out yet, maybe your disciple is only refining first-level immortal talisman."

"If it is really a first-level talisman, it would be really embarrassing, hahaha" the two disciples of Xianchi Palace on the side laughed mockingly. What is the speed of refining? Winning the game is the most important thing. Their Junior Sister Xue, even if they really lose, it is impossible to lose to a disciple who has never heard of the name.

"Our Junior Sister Su is amazing, just wait and see."

"When the result of the game comes out, don't drop your chin in surprise." The disciples of the Formation Pavilion said each and every one of you. They knew Sister Su more than the disciples of other peaks. If Sister Su had no abilities, how could the peak master of Xianfu Pavilion come to Sister Su once or twice.

"Then we wait and see!"

"What if our Xuemei wins?"

"What do you want?" Zou Bo asked.

The disciple of Xianchi Palace threw out a storage bag, "There are a thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones. If you lose these, I will give them to you. If you win, how about you double them out?

Zou Bo frowned and was about to speak.

Zhan Yihan on the side had already spoken first, "Since you are so confident, is this kind of bet a little less?

He took off the storage ring in his hand, "If you lose, the storage ring will belong to the other party, dare you?"

The two Xianchi Palace disciples glanced at each other and looked at Xue Mengyao on the stage. Seeing that she was staring at Su Jinyue fiercely, she gritted her teeth, "Okay!" Senior Sister Xue is a genius in the Yuntian realm, how can she? May lose.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand to arrange a formation, put the storage ring in it, and looked at the two disciples of Xianchi Palace, "It's your turn."

The disciple of Xianchi Palace stretched out his hand to take down his storage ring and put it into the formation.

"You set up this formation, what if you shamelessly?" one of the disciples asked worriedly.

Zhan Yihan curled his lips, "So many people are watching, what are you worried about?"

"Okay, then we'll wait and see." The two disciples of Xianchi Palace turned their eyes to the stage and looked at Su Jinyue, only to see that she was closing her eyes and rested, without the slightest worry. Turning her gaze to Xue Mengyao, she was staring at Su Jinyue with anger. There is no bottom in my heart, Sister Xue won't lose, right? Certainly not, Junior Sister Xue is a seventh-level fairy talisman, she can beat Su Jinyue even with her eyes closed.

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