Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1324: Martial Exchange Competition (5)

As the last disciple finished refining, the deacon opened the defensive array and swept the talisman made by everyone with his spiritual sense, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

Withdrawing her gaze, she glanced at the Tianyi Sect Master and the elders on the stands, and announced to everyone in the audience: "This time the winner is Su Jinyue, the disciple of the Escape Fairy Palace. She has completed the seventh-level fire dragon. Fu, the time used is a stick of incense, and the score is 10 points."

When Su Jinyue finished refining the fairy talisman, everyone in the audience had already guessed that Su Jinyue might be the winner of this competition, but when they really heard the result of the competition, many people still thought it was very incredible.

After all, Li Xiaoran of Tianyi Sect, Xue Mengyao of Xianchi Palace, Zhang Zhexuan of Flowing Cloud Sect, and Qin Feng of Escape Immortal Palace are all long-established talisman geniuses among young disciples, especially Li Xiaoran and Qin Mengyao. But this time, they all lost to a disciple who hadn't even heard of the name, which really surprised them.

"Junior Sister Su turned out to be a seventh-level Immortal Talisman Grandmaster." Qin Feng looked at Su Jinyue incredulously. He thought Junior Sister Su was a fifth-level fairy talisman master, one level lower than him, but she did not expect her to hide her talisman refining level. No wonder Master wants to use Junior Sister Su to compete in the Fairy Talisman Pavilion. It seems that Master has long known that Junior Sister Su hides her level of talisman refining.

Thinking that the Escape World Immortal Palace won the first place in these two games, Qin Feng couldn't help but raise his lips. As long as the disciple of Escape Immortal Palace wins the game, he doesn't care whether he wins or other people win.

"Damn it!" Xue Mengyao gritted her teeth and stared at Su Jinyue, wishing to go up and slap her to death. She is a genius disciple of Xianchi Palace, but a seventh-level fairy talisman grandmaster, but she lost to a woman who has never heard of her name. Why does this make her feel so embarrassed? No, she must find the opportunity to teach Su severely Jin Yue had a meal to let her know that she was just an ant compared to herself.

Li Xiaoran raised his eyebrows and showed a smile. He was right, Su Jinyue was not easy.

"Sister Su won! Great! We won another game!"

"According to this momentum, we are set to win this time!"

"Next, we have to cheer. This time we must let the other three factions look at each other with admiration."

"Yes! Come on, everyone!" The disciples of the Escape Immortal Palace were all fighting spirits.

Zhan Yihan looked at the two Xianchi Palace disciples who were ashen-faced, faintly hooked his lips, raised his hand, and put the storage ring of the two into his own storage ring, and then put the storage ring on On your own finger.

"Wait a minute! I am willing to give you all the fairy stones in the storage ring, please return the storage ring to me." One of the disciples looked at Zhan Yihan pleadingly. He really didn't expect that Junior Sister Xue would lose to Su Jinyue. At first, when Su Jinyue finished refining talisman, he thought that what Su Jinyue refined was only low-level talisman, otherwise the speed would not be so fast, but he didn't expect that she was refining a seventh-level talisman.

"Do you think it's possible?" Zhan Yi said with a cold smile. Since you dare to gamble, you have to be prepared to lose.

"You are deceiving. You know that Su Jinyue has already refined the seventh-level fairy talisman before pitting us. That doesn't count." Another disciple of Xianchi Palace shouted unwillingly. All his savings over the years, as well as various materials, the pill is in the storage ring, and when the storage ring is gone, he has nothing.

"That is, if you don't return it to us, we will tell our suzerain." The disciple threatened.

"Do you think this is a child's play? You can go back if you say repentance?" Zou Bo mocked.

Zhan Yihan took out an image crystal ball and handed it to the two disciples, "This is the complete story of the matter. Show it to your Sovereign. If he wants to get back your storage ring after reading it, let him He came to me."

Seeing that Zhan Yihan actually took out the image crystal ball, the faces of the two Xianchi Palace disciples turned blue and red, red and blue, and could not say a word. If they really show this image crystal ball to their suzerain, the suzerain will definitely slap to death.

they. And even without this image crystal ball, the Sect Master would not be able to stand out for them, after all, they are not direct disciples of the Sect Master.

Glancing at Zhan Yihan fiercely, the two disciples turned and squeezed out of the crowd. This time they can only admit that they are in luck.

Su Jinyue stepped off the stage, just in time to see the two Xianchi Palace disciples leaving, "What happened to them?"

"They lost the bet with me." Zhan Yihan smiled lightly.

Su Jinyue gave a narrow smile, "You are really bad! But I like it." Needless to say, Yi Han must have given the two disciples of the Escape Immortal Palace to the pit.

"You like it." Zhan Yihan smiled and held Su Jinyue's hand.

"Junior Brother Zhan, Junior Sister Su, can you think about the feelings of our single dogs, we will be broken if we spread dog food like this." Qin Feng smiled.

"Where did Senior Brother Qin learn this? Why have you never heard it?" Su Jinyue smiled.

"I learned it from a planet called the Earth." Qin Feng took out a mirror and handed it to Su Jinyue. "This is a through mirror. You can see the situation on the earth through it. Sister Su, would you like to try it? "

"Is it popular on the earth to talk like this?" Su Jinyue asked in surprise. She has only left the earth for a few years, has the earth changed so much?

"Yeah, I thought it was fun, so I learned to say it, but the planet is changing really fast. When I saw it last time, there were still low bungalows everywhere. Now there are tall buildings everywhere. They don't use communication. Fu, they all use mobile phones, almost everyone has them." Qin Feng said. It's a pity that he can only see that planet, but can't go to that planet, otherwise he really wants to see it in person.

"When did Senior Brother Qin watch it last time?" Su Jinyue asked curiously.

"About ten years ago," Qin Feng said. He has been cultivating, and he has long forgotten the existence of the Transverse Mirror, and only recently discovered the Transverse Mirror when he cleaned the storage ring. When I opened it and saw the situation on the earth, I found that it had changed a lot. I watched it for a while, and I thought it was very interesting when I heard these words and wrote it down.

"Yihan and I are actually people on Earth, and we arrived at the Tianyue Continent later." Su Jinyue raised her hand and waved, the scene on the earth immediately appeared on the lens.

The spacious road, the endless stream, and the high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, and it is no longer the earth in the memory.

A familiar figure caught Su Jinyue's eyes.

Su Jinyue raised a small smile, "Nana is back to Earth."

Zhan Yihan looked at the Transverse Mirror and saw that Nana was shopping with an older woman. They also knew that woman. She was Nana’s best friend Pan Yanqin. Although she was well maintained, the years are still in her life. Marks were left on the face.

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