Looking at Qin Chuqin who was in pain, Qin Chuning, who was in the crowd, couldn't help but raise a happy smile. There are still three days left. After these three days, Qin Chuqin will not be saved, and then Big Brother Yang will be hers.

Yang Shengtong looked at Qin Chuqin with a red eye, and his heart was getting more and more painful. He stepped forward and pushed the doctor away, bent down to hug Qin Chuqin, and looked at the Qin Patriarch, "Uncle Qin, I will send Qin'er back to the room first. "Even if there is really no way to save Qin'er, he will accompany her to the end. He is the woman she loves, the only woman she loves in this life.

Seeing Yang Sheng holding Qin Chuqin, Qin Chuning gritted his teeth angrily. Qin Chuqin, you really deserve to die, and you wouldn't let Big Brother Yang go before you died, but what about that? You are destined to be unable to be with Big Brother Yang in your life, Big Brother Yang is destined to be mine.

Patriarch Qin nodded faintly and looked at the doctor, "Doctor Liu, you go back and look at the doctor, and everyone will go back." Now that he is still in the mood to continue the banquet.

Everyone also understood Patriarch Qin's feelings at this time, comforted a few words, and left one after another.

"Father, Qin'er will be fine, I will definitely find the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada." Qin Yunfei finished speaking, and followed Yang Sheng, who was holding Qin Chuqin, to the outside. Even if he went through all the books and jade slips, he still had to find a way to cure Qin'er.

Qin Chushuang sighed and followed Qin Yunfei's trio.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other, and then walked out of the banquet hall.

When everyone left, Patriarch Qin looked at Yang Yitian and said, "Patriarch Yang, you go back first." He will now call the elders in the family for a meeting immediately, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

Yang Yitian nodded, "I will find a way when I go back." The marriage contract has been announced, and Qin Chuqin is already a member of their Yang family. Looking at his son, he knows his infatuation with Qin Chuqin. Moreover, marrying the Qin family is also of great benefit to their Yang family.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the room and entered the Golden Leaf Realm.

Walking into the Golden Leaf Pagoda, Su Jinyue opened the book and looked at it. This book not only records all kinds of fairy grass and various materials, but also records all kinds of fairy beasts, but the book in the Golden Leaf Pagoda is different from other books. It must be turned back page by page, and it must be understood. Only after reading the entire content of the previous page can you turn to the next page. Therefore, she usually spends her time on cultivating techniques.

After arranging a time formation, Su Jinyue was completely immersed in the book "The Book of Things." She didn't know if there would be a record of poisonous fire flying cicadas in this book, but even if there was only a little hope, she didn't want to give up.

Qin Chuqin shēnyín shēnyín in pain, her consciousness slowly became blurred, but she was unable to pass out, because the pain was steadily intensifying, she firmly held the objects she could grasp, hoping to relieve herself pain of.

Yang Sheng's hand was firmly grasped by Qin Chuqin, and it had already turned red. He had no plan to withdraw it, and looked at Qin Chuqin distressedly. If his own pain can alleviate her pain, he is willing to endure hundreds of times more pain than this.

Qin Chuning watched this scene jealously, clenching his fists under his sleeves tightly. If one day Big Brother Yang treats her like this, she will definitely feel very happy, but that day will soon arrive. When Qin Chuqin is dead, Dad will definitely re-select the person to marry the Yang family. Then she only has to show According to his own intentions, Dad would pair her with Big Brother Yang.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the jealousy in his heart, Qin Chuning walked to Yang Sheng's side, "Big Brother Yang, don't worry, she will definitely be able to survive this second sister." Her mother told her, The immortal world couldn't find the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada, so Qin Chuqin had only a dead end. She just waited by the side now, watching Qin Chuqin die in pain.

Yang Sheng did not look up, but looked at Qin Chuqin without saying a word. His only hope now is that everyone can think of a way to save Qin'er.

Seeing Yang Sheng ignored herself, Qin Chuning continued: "Brother Yang, let me take care of my second sister." She wanted to leave a good impression on Brother Yang and let him know that she was a kind and good girl.

"Go!" Yang Sheng raised his eyes to Qin Chuning, his eyes full of coldness. He didn't know why he hated Qin Chuning so much, especially when she cared about Qin's childhood appearance, which made him feel so fake.

"Big Brother Yang, I know I'm very worried about the second sister, and I'm also very worried about her, but I'm also very worried about you." Qin Chuning looked at Yang Sheng aggrieved.

Yang Sheng retracted his gaze and continued to look at Qin Chuqin. Except for Qin'er, he doesn't need any woman's care.

"Brother Yang, let me take care of the second sister." Qin Chuning said again.

"Do you want me to throw you out?" Yang Sheng glanced at Qin Chuning coldly. If she continues to bother him here, he doesn't mind throwing her out.

Qin Chuning tried to suppress the anger in his heart, "I will stand by, and if necessary, Brother Yang will call me." Why did he treat her like this? Why is she inferior to Qin Chuqin? When it comes to looks, she is no worse than Qin Chuqin, and she is no weaker than Qin Chuqin. They are sisters from family background. The only difference is that Qin Chuqin is more favored than her. The reason why Qin Chuqin is favored is not because her mother is in the family.

Yang Sheng didn't even click his head, as if he didn't hear Qin Chuning's words, and focused all his attention on Qin Chuqin.

Qin Chuning gritted his teeth unwillingly, walked to the side and sat down. One day, you will know how good I am and fall in love with me.

"I found a way to save Qin Chuqin!" Su Jinyue shouted happily.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, "Then let's go out now." He didn't want Qin Chuqin such a beautiful woman to die away.

"Hmm." Su Jinyue happily replied, "Do you know what the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada is? It's the snow bee." She really didn't expect that the snow bee would be the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada, and by coincidence , She and Yi Han have snow bees on their bodies.

Qin Chuqin's face gradually showed lifelessness. After nearly three days of torture, she had already lost a trace of strength in pain, and her consciousness had long since become confused.

"Qin'er, you must hold on. Everyone will find a way to save you. You must not give up. I believe you can survive this level. We all believe in you." Yang Sheng held tightly. Qin Chuqin kept talking with her hand in her ear, and looking at her pale paper face, his heart was aching as if it were torn apart.

Footsteps came from outside the door, and Qin Chuning walked in with a tray, "Brother Yang, you can eat something, I will take care of the second sister." She knew that Brother Yang could not eat, she came here only because Qin Chuqin made it. The deadline is approaching, she wants to watch Qin Chuqin die.

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