Yang Sheng stared at Qin Chuning angrily, "Are you very happy?" Although her face didn't show up, he could hear the lightness in her footsteps.

Qin Chuning put the tray in his hand on the table and looked at Yang Sheng with a grieved expression, "Big Brother Yang, what are you talking about? My second sister is like this, how could I be happy?" Of course she was happy, her eyes were pierced, and her flesh pierced. Is dying, can she be upset?

"You know it well." Yang Sheng snorted coldly and ignored Qin Chuning.

Qin Chuning did not speak, and sat down aside. Anyway, she was here to wait to see Qin Chuqin fall. As for Brother Yang, she had some time to spend with him.

There was the sound of footsteps outside the door again.

Qin Chuning looked up, saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming in, and curled his lips. As long as it is Qin Chuqin's friend, she hates it.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to the bed, and Su Jinyue said to Yang Sheng: "Young Master Yang, you can wait a while, and I will help her take a look."

"Do you have a way?" Yang Sheng raised his head to look at Su Jinyue, his eyes full of expectation. Su Jinyue is a seventh-level elixir grandmaster, maybe she has already thought of a way to save Qin'er.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

Yang Sheng stood up happily and walked to the side, "Su Jinyue, please." He knew that Qin'er would be able to tide over this crisis.

Qin Chuning panicked when he heard the words. Her mother clearly said that only the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada can restrain the poisonous fire flying cicada, and there is no other way to draw out or kill the poisonous fire flying cicada. There is no nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada in the immortal world, so Su Jinyue certainly cannot save Qin Chuqin.

Standing up, ran to Su Jinyue's side quickly, "Don't move my second sister, my second sister is already like this, you don't torture her anymore, let her go with peace of mind."

Su Jinyue smiled coldly, "Do you want us to save your second sister?"

Qin Chuning was startled, and shook his head quickly and denied, "How could I not want you to save the second sister, but I heard that only the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada can save the second sister, and there is no such thing as the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada in the fairy world."

"How did you know that you didn't?" Su Jinyue asked mockingly. At first she was only skeptical, but now she is sure.

"I...I also heard..." Qin Chuning said with a guilty conscience.

Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows. "I have also heard of one thing. As long as the nemesis of the poisonous fire flying cicada is to pull the poisonous fire flying cicada out of the body of the person who has been hit by the poisoned fire flying cicada, the poisonous fire flying cicada will Fly back to its original owner, and then counterattack its owner."

Qin Chuning's body trembled uncontrollably, "You...you look at me and say why...that poisonous fire flying cicada is not mine..." She has never heard of it, it must be Su Jinyue. Frightened her. She must remain calm and not guilty.

Su Jinyue smiled mockingly and turned to look at Qin Chuqin on the bed. The urgent task is to save Qin Chuqin. As for Qin Chuning, she doesn't have to worry about it at all. Some people deal with her.

With a flick of Su Jinyue's finger, a snow bee with white body and icy air suddenly appeared. It flapped its wings and slowly landed on Qin Chuning's eyes.

Upon seeing this, Qin Chuning showed an expression of disbelief, panic, anxiety, and tension in his eyes. She didn't know if the snow bee was the nemesis of the poisonous fire and flying cicadas, but she was really scared, afraid that her plan would fail. Once Qin Chuqin was out of danger, her fate could be imagined.

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