Xu Jinan gritted his teeth and said nothing, but the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing down. I'm sorry, the second elder!

"I see how long you can hold on." The elder of the Jun family snorted coldly, and the second elder squeezed with a hard hand, and he wanted everyone in the Xu family to have a visual impact.

Only the next moment he was stunned, because his hand was bounced away by a force. The person who can bounce off his hand must have a cultivation base that is no lower than him. Is there a strong person in the upper immortal period in the Xu family? It should be impossible. If the Xu family had such a strong man, the Xu family would have let the other party out long ago.

Seeing that the second elder fell to the ground safe and sound, everyone in the Xu family was also taken aback. It is definitely impossible for the elders of the Jun family to let go of the second elders, so someone is helping them Xu family. But who will it be?

"Who? Come out for me!" Family Zhao cried coldly. His feelings were not as deep as the elders of the Jun family, but he also felt a trace of the aura of a strong man.

A pair of young men and women walked out of the night. The men were tall and straight, with deep black eyes, exuding a cold chill, which made people feel like they wanted to shiver.

The woman is beautiful and moving, without a trace of expression on her delicate face, making her look like a flower of kaolin, unattainable.

"Friend Zhan Xian! Friend Su Xian!" Xu Jinan looked at Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue in surprise. If the second elders were rescued by them, doesn't it mean that their strength is not weaker than that of the elders of the Jun family and the parents of Zhao? Then isn't their Xu family saved this time? They are really the saviors of the Xu family.

"Who are you?" The elder of the Jun family looked at Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue inquiringly. One of the two cultivation bases was in the late Golden Immortal stage, and the other was in the mid-celestial stage.

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhan Yihan said quietly.

"I see, you are the immortal formation master who trapped our Zhao family and Jun family with formations." The Zhao family members thought of what the Patriarch said to him before he came, and immediately guessed who Zhan Yihan was.

"What about it?" Zhan Yihan raised his hand and threw out a formation flag, trapping Jun Yiran and their formation immediately activated, only to see strong winds and thunder and lightning in the formation.

A scream came out from the formation one after another.

"You stop for me." The elder of the Jun family flushed his eyes and rushed towards Zhan Yihan angrily. He didn't believe that this young man's cultivation was the same as him, it must have been his illusion just now.

Zhan Yihan stood still on the spot. When the elders of the Jun family were about to approach him, his hand waved, his movements were like driving a mosquito at random. His current cultivation base seems to be only in the late Golden Immortal stage, but his actual strength has already reached the Xianjun stage, let alone dealing with a cultivator in the middle stage of the Immortal, even if a cultivator in the middle stage of the Xianjun comes, he is completely not afraid.

The elder Jun's family was like a kite with a broken string. It was shot and flew out. After it fell on the ground, it stopped moving after struggling for a few times. He didn't know whether it was life or death.

When the elder Zhao saw this scene, his eyes widened in shock, and his eyes were filled with disbelief, "What is your cultivation base?" His strength is comparable to that of the elders of the Jun family, but he cannot be so relaxed The elders of the Jun family patted flying. Could it be that Xianjun went to the monk? But he had never heard of the existence of a monk immortal in Luoyan City.

Everyone in the Xu family has already been stunned. If it wasn't for pinching themselves, they would feel pain, they thought they were not waking up in a dream.

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