Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1374: Because you have no abilities

Zhan Yihan looked at Mr. Zhao's elder, with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, "If you try, you will know."

The old family member Zhao heard that the cold sweat behind him couldn't control it, and he took a look at the elder of the Jun family on the ground, his figure flashed, and he ran away quickly. He is stupid to try, he doesn't want to be like the elders of the Jun family.

It's just that he didn't run a few steps before being stopped by an invisible barrier.

With the formation method, the Zhao family veteran panicked, and hit the barrier in front of him regardless. He is leaving here, that young man is definitely not something he can provoke.

Everyone in the Xu family came back to their senses, looked at the elders of the Jun family who did not know their life or death on the ground, and then turned their eyes to the elders of Zhao who were trying to escape in a panic, with a happy smile on their mouths. They finally got through this crisis.

Xu Jinan walked in front of Zhan Yihan and respectfully saluted Zhan Yihan: "Friend Zhan Yihan! Thanks to you this time, we were able to overcome the difficulties, thank you!" Zhan Yihan’s kindness, he really didn’t know what to do. How to give it back, if it weren't for him, the Xu family must have already been bloody.

Zhan Yihan shook his head and smiled, "You are welcome."

Xu Jinan thought for a while, took out a storage ring and handed it to Zhan Yihan, "This is a little bit of my heart, and please accept it."

"No." Zhan Yihan shook his head. He shot because he had a good impression of the Xu family.

"Friend Zhan, I will be uneasy if you don't accept it." Xu Jinan looked at Zhan Yihan with persistence in his eyes. After receiving such a great favor from Zhan Yihan, he has to repay something no matter what.

"Okay." Zhan Yihan reached out and took the storage ring, and received his own storage ring.

Zhao's parents always saw that they could not break the barrier in front of them, and their hearts were even more flustered and fearful. It was hard for him to cultivate to his current realm, so he should not fall for it.

Stopped the impact, came to Zhan Yihan, begging: "This fairy friend, please lift your hand and let me go once, and I will return it to you." As long as he doesn't want his life, he is willing to take it out. .

"How to return?" Zhan Yihan asked quietly.

Mr. Zhao quickly took off his storage ring, "I still have one top-grade fairy vein, five top-grade fairy veins, seven middle-grade fairy veins and low-grade fairy veins, and a few fairy stones. As long as the fairy friend is willing to raise his precious hand, these are all for the fairy friend." He just wants to be alive now. As for these extraneous things, one day he will double back from the Xu family's head. He doesn't believe that Zhan Yihan will stay in Xu's family forever.

Everyone in the Xu family took a sigh of relief when they heard what the elder Zhao said. This is too rich!

Zhan Yihan was also a little shocked in his heart. He nodded lightly, raised his hand, and put the storage ring into his own storage ring. These are of great benefit to him and Jinyue's cultivation, don't take it for nothing, don't take it.

Seeing Zhan Yihan accept it, the parents of Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, watching Zhan Yihan waiting for the result.

Everyone in the Xu family also turned their attention to Zhan Yihan. Naturally, they didn't want Zhan Yihan to let Zhao's elders go. For them, it would undoubtedly be a return to the mountains, with disastrous consequences. However, Zhan Yihan had already helped them through this crisis, and even if they were reluctant, they would not be able to oppose Zhan Yihan's decision.

"You go." Zhan Yihan said quietly.

"Thank you fairy friend!" Mr. Zhao said in surprise. He was really afraid that Zhan Yihan had collected things, but he was unwilling to let him go.

Everyone in the Xu family felt disappointed. However, they will not complain about Zhan Yihan. Anyone will do the same. The most important thing for monks is cultivation, so cultivation resources are extremely important for monks.

"Brother Zhan, let him go, he will definitely come to the Xu family again." Xu Youruo shouted anxiously.

The elders of Zhao's parents no longer hesitated, turned and left. He will return this account one day.

Only in the next moment he found that the barrier was still there, enduring the anger in his heart and turned to look at Zhan Yihan, "Didn't you say you want to let me go?"

"I didn't do it, didn't I?" Zhan Yihan said quietly.

"Then this barrier." Family Zhao pointed to the invisible barrier in front of him.

"It has nothing to do with me." Zhan Yihan said.

Zhao's parents were so angry that they almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. It has nothing to do with you, who does it have to do with?

Su Jinyue stepped forward and looked at the elder Zhao with a playful look, "I set up this formation barrier. He agreed to let you go, but I didn't agree."

Everyone in the Xu family couldn't help laughing upon hearing this. Unexpectedly, Su Jinyue is also an immortal formation master in such a case, but can her strength keep the elders of Zhao's parents?

"You and you" Family Zhao was so angry that his chest ached.

"You can leave here, but you have to break this barrier by yourself, or you can choose to defeat me." Su Jinyue said.

"If she loses a piece of hair, you will pay for it with your life." Zhan Yihan's voice was cold, without a hint of joke.

"You and you" Family Zhao was so angry that he couldn't speak at all. Now he knew that he had been tricked, but the opponent's strength was too strong, and he was not the opponent's opponent at all.

"The old man Zhao is almost vomiting blood."

"Yeah, it makes me feel happy to look at it."

"When the Zhao family and the Jun family lose two elders, let's see how arrogant they are in the future."

"The Jun family and the Zhao family have really suffered a heavy loss this time, hahaha"

Seeing the old look of Zhao's family, everyone in the Xu family only felt a burst of invigoration in their hearts. They thought that Zhan Yihan would really let Zhao's elders go, but they didn't expect that they would still have a back hand.

Patriarch Zhao took a few deep breaths before he calmed his emotions, "What is going on before you are willing to let me go?" He has given them all the cultivation resources in his body, why didn't they still? Satisfy?

"It's because you don't have the ability to leave, who is to blame." Su Jinyue said lazily.

"You! I'm fighting with you." Family Zhao angrily rushed towards Su Jinyue. Anyway, the big deal would be death, so he pulled it back.

Su Jinyue hooked the corner of her lips and raised her hand to throw out a talisman.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the elders of Zhao's family were blasted several meters away by the terrifying power emitted by Fu Lu.

He spit out several mouthfuls of bright red liquid, shaking his hands and trying to get up, only to hold up a little, then lay down weakly, and he looked at Su Jinyue not far away unwillingly. Unexpectedly, he has been in the constant heaven for so many years, but in the end he fell into the hands of a little woman. How does this make him willing? But if he is not reconciled, what can he do?

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and slowly closed his eyes. I'm sorry, the owner! I can't help the Zhao family.

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