Xuan Le was reading in the study, and when he heard the pharmacist begging to see him, he nodded, "Let him in." He knew whether the medicine was really effective.

"I have seen the prince!" The pharmacist walked in with a bowl of medicine, and the fragrance of the medicine immediately escaped the entire study, making people startled by smelling it.

Xuan Le nodded and looked at the medicine in the pharmacist's hand, "Is this the medicine on the prescription?"

"Yes." The pharmacist nodded and replied. He cooked according to the prescription.

"You put the medicine here." Xuan Le pointed to the desk.

The pharmacist nodded and walked up to put the medicine on the table.

"Continue to bring me the medicine tomorrow, go down." Xuan Le waved to the pharmacist.

"Yes." The pharmacist bent down and stepped back.

Xuan Le put down the book in his hand, looked at the steaming bowl of medicine on the desk, and wondered who should try the bowl of medicine.

After a long time, he raised his head and shouted at the door: "Come here!"

The guard hurried in.

"You carry this bowl of medicine, and follow me to Xuan Tong's." Xuan Le pointed to the bowl of medicine on the desk.

"Yes!" The guard stepped forward, picked up the bowl of medicine and followed Xuanle.

Xuan Tong was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at a man lying on the bed in a daze. She went to ride a horse at the Royal Manor that day, and found him on the hillside who had been unconscious. At that time, the guards thought he was an assassin and stabbed him again. Had it not been for her to stop him quickly, he would be dead now.

When she first saw his face, she was moved. It was the first time she saw a man who looked better than her brother. Of course, he looked better. The most important thing was his inner-out temperament. Even with his eyes closed, he still gave people a kind of superior. A sense of oppression. She can be sure that he is definitely not simple.

"Princess! The prince is here." A report from the maid came from outside the door.

Xuan Tong returned to his senses, reluctantly retracted his gaze, stood up and greeted him.

"Brother, why are you here?" Xuan Tong happily walked towards Xuan Le.

"I heard that you picked up a man." Xuan Le turned to look at the inner room.

Xuan Tong blushed, "Brother, are you looking for something to do with me?" Originally, his father wanted the man to be put in a jail, but she begged for a long time before his father agreed to hand him over to her.

Xuanle smiled, "I just asked the pharmacist to boil the medicine, and I heard that the medicine is good for the injury, so I sent it to you." He didn't know the effect of the medicine, whether it was really as written on the prescription. Like that. Anyway, he just wanted to find someone to test it, as long as the kid can't die after taking these medicines.

Xuan Tong looked at Xuan Le with some surprise. What's wrong with brother? Why did you think of sending medicine?

Being embarrassed by Xuan Tong's look, Xuan Yue cleared his throat and said, "You give him a drink. The medicine will have no effect when it is cold."

Xuan Tong nodded, stepped forward to take the medicine from the guard, and walked towards the inner room. She fed the medicine for the past two days, and she was worried about being fed by others.

Xuan Le thought for a while and followed. He hasn't met that person yet, and he wants to know what charm that person really has that can make Xuan Tong put down his identity as a princess and take care of him personally.

Xuan Tong walked to the bed, put the bowl of medicine on the bedside table next to him, reached out to support the unconscious man, put the pillow behind him, and then picked up the medicine bowl and fed him carefully. She and her brother grew up together, and she knew her brother, he has always done things with integrity, and he probably wouldn't do anything with medicine.

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