Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1388: Just passing by

Slowly feeding a bowl of medicine into Zhan Yihan’s mouth, Xuan Tong put the bowl back on the bedside table and gently supported Zhan Yihan to let him lie back on the bed, and covered him with a quilt, acting extremely gentle. .

Xuan Le frowned and looked at all of this, "You should leave these things to your subordinates to do."

Xuan Tong turned his head and looked at Xuan Le, "I don't worry about being a servant." She likes to take care of him personally. She hopes that when he wakes up, he can see her first.

"But you are a princess, and it is not appropriate for a single man and a widow to be in the same room. If you really want to take care of him, you can arrange him in another room." Xuan Le said. Even if that man is injured, it can't change the fact that he is a man.

"Brother, why are you thinking this way too? His injury was stabbed by my guard. Of course, I will be responsible for it to the end. When his injury is healed, I will naturally arrange for him to live in another room." Xuan Tong changed his eyes. Looking towards Zhan Yihan, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile. When he wakes up, will he be willing to be her husband?

Xuanle shook his head helplessly, "Do you like him?"

"Where is it?" Xuan Tong's face fainted with a blush. She fell in love with him, she fell in love with him the first time she saw him, but how could she be embarrassed to admit it.

Xuan Le stood up and looked at Xuan Tong seriously, "Tong'er, you have to remember that you are a princess. Even if your father and mother spoil you again, your marriage will not be your turn to be the master. You It's better to take back the thoughts you shouldn't have as soon as possible." Of course he hopes that his sister can marry someone he likes, but her identity does not allow it. She bears responsibility, a responsibility of being a princess.

"I know my brother." Xuan Tong nodded, his face full of loneliness. Yes, she is not qualified to love others. Her future was already planned when she was born. But she is really unwilling!

Seeing Zhan Yihan in his sleep, Xuan Tong's heart seemed to be held severely, which made her feel more painful. Is it true that she and him can only miss it?

"Tong'er, some people are destined to be only passers-by in your life. It is still too late to take it back before you sink too deep." After Xuan Le finished speaking, he walked towards the outside. He hoped that his sister could think clearly and put it down in time.

Xuan Tong looked at Zhan Yihan. For a long time, she slowly stood up and shouted outside the door: "Come here!"

A maid came in, "Princess!"

"Clean up the next room and send him to the next room." Xuan Tong ordered. Although she felt very uncomfortable, she had to keep a distance from him. But she will still take care of him every day until he recovers. When he recovers, she will send him out of the palace and never see him again.

The maid looked at Xuan Tong in surprise, "Yes!" She had also persuaded the princess several times, but the princess was unwilling, and she wanted the prince to go out.

Xuan Le returned to the study and took out the prescription written by Su Jinyue again. When she saw Shang Juanxiu's handwriting, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

He picked up the brush on the table and drew on the paper.

In a short while, a woman with exquisite features and a fairy-like figure appeared on the paper.

Xuan Le picked up the drawing paper and looked at it for a long time, "Come here!"

The guard came in, "Prince!"

Xuanle handed the drawing paper to the guard, "People wanted for drawing all over the country." As long as she was still leaving the country, she would never want to run out of his palm. If he dares to **** his horse, he will let her know the price of snatching his horse.

"Yes!" The guard accepted the painting and responded respectfully.

As soon as Su Jinyue entered the city gate, she saw her own portrait posted on the city gate and sighed helplessly in her heart. Unexpectedly, one day I will become a wanted criminal.

"It's her, get her up!" A sharp shout came from behind him.

Su Jinyue turned her head and saw that she was already surrounded by a group of guards. She sighed again in her heart and glanced at the guards. When the guards were stopped by her, she turned her head and looked in the direction of the city gate. I don't know when, the city gate was closed, he shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand to pat the daytime under him, and turned and ran towards the official road. It seems that this city cannot be entered.

Don't guess, other cities must have her wanted portrait posted. It seems that the matter of finding Yihan can only be slowed down a bit.

Riding a horse, Su Jinyue galloped towards the forest. She is going to find some herbs and brew a liquid medicine that will help restore spiritual power. She didn't want to be in this passive situation forever. As long as she can regain her spiritual power, she can use her divine sense and enter the golden leaf world.

Entering the deep mountain, Su Jinyue leaped off her horse, stretched out her hand and patted it during the day, "Go back to your master." She has already decided that she will never go out of the mountain without regaining her consciousness. When she regains her consciousness, she can fly, and naturally she won't have to ride horses anymore.

Looking at the rolling green hills in front of him, Su Jinyue curled her lips and walked towards the mountains.

Xuanle received the news that Su Jinyue had appeared in Yushui City, and was planning to send more people there, when he saw a guard hurriedly walked in.

"Prince! Your horse is back." The guard reported.

Xuan Le raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Where?" What did the woman think? Why would you put the day back? Isn't she without money? Why didn't you think of changing money during the day? Of course, even if she exchanges money during the day, no one should dare to accept it.

"In the stable," the guard replied.

Xuanle stood up and walked towards the stable. During the day, it was not an ordinary horse. The woman put it back, and he asked him to take him to find the woman during the day.

When he came to the stable, Xuanle walked to the side of the day, stretched out his hand and stroked its head, leaped and rode into the day, "Take me to find that woman."

There was a neigh during the day, and he hurried to the front.

Seeing Xuanle running towards the racecourse during the day, she was a little puzzled, "Could that woman hide in the palace secretly?" She shouldn't be so bold, right?

Came to the racecourse during the day and hurried happily on the racecourse.

It took a long time for Xuan Le to figure out that during the day he didn't take him to find Su Jinyue, gritted his teeth angrily, "Go find that woman!" Command, it can be executed very well.

During the day, I didn't seem to hear it, and continued to run on the racetrack.

Xuan Le pulled the reins and jumped off his horse angrily. It must have changed during the day after following a woman, and he would not even listen to his orders. That **** woman, he will definitely catch her.

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