"No money." Zhan Yihan shook his head.

Ling Jueqi and Xiao Chen who walked closer were stunned. How can you not have money? Did they take this yard as their own, but they weren't such a person, and one room was obviously occupied.

"The owner of this house said no money." Su Jinyue took out a few teacups and helped everyone to pour a cup of tea.

"Do you know the host?" Zhou Yanjun asked curiously. Not knowing the other party will definitely not let them live for free, unless the other party is a fool.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "Don't guess, just stay at ease."

Seeing that Su Jinyue didn't want to say more, everyone stopped asking more. They have been getting along with Su Han and Zhanyue for so long, knowing how much they are, knowing that they are definitely not the ones who love to take advantage.

After talking for a while, everyone went back to their rooms and rested. In the next more than a month, they plan to use all of them for cultivation, and strive to improve their strength before they get on the immortal boat.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned to the room, arranged a formation, and entered the Chaos World. In the next more than a month, they plan to use it for cultivation. As their strength becomes stronger, their destiny will not be in the hands of others.

"Ling Jueqi, what pill did Su Han give you?" Zhou Yanjun asked. He has always been curious about this, but Su Han and Zhan Yue are not easy to ask him.

"I don't know, I haven't watched it yet." Ling Jueqi shook his head.

"Then you can take it out and have a look." Zhou Yanjun said.

"Yeah." Ling Jueqi nodded and took out the pill.

Opening the jade bottle, a familiar and more intense medicinal scent came out. Ling Jueqi quickly looked at the pill in the jade bottle, and saw that it was really a golden marrow pill, and he stayed in place. It turned out to be a golden marrow pill, and judging from the medicinal aroma of the pill, this golden marrow pill is definitely higher in quality than the golden marrow pill before him.

"What's wrong with you? What kind of pill?" Zhou Yanjun was even more curious when he saw Ling Jueqi's appearance, but his good cultivation prevented him from making the move that he could directly grab the pill from Ling Jueqi's hands. .

Ling Jueqi recovered and took a deep breath, "It's a golden marrow pill, and it's the best golden marrow pill." If the golden marrow pill was not in his hands, he really couldn't believe it was true. I couldn't believe that Su Han would actually give him the best golden marrow pill.

"What!?" Zhou Yanjun opened his eyes in shock, "Are you not mistaken?"

"How could it be wrong? I often take out the golden marrow pill before, and I know its smell and shape the best." Ling Jueqi said affirmatively. He also hoped that he had read it wrong, because the golden marrow pill was too precious. After a while, he went to return the golden marrow pill to Su Han, such a precious thing, he absolutely can't accept it.

"Can you show me?" Zhou Yanjun looked at the jade bottle in Ling Jueqi's hand with a look of expectation. He had never seen a pill above the sixth level. When the golden marrow pill was given to the monks, he regretted that he hadn't used it to take a look at it for a long time. He didn't expect to see what a sixth-level elixir was like. There is even this opportunity.

Ling Jueqi handed the jade bottle to Zhou Yanjun.

Zhou Yanjun took it and looked at the golden marrow pill inside, "It's a beautiful pill, and the smell of this medicine makes people feel refreshed. It really is a sixth-level elixir." He now tells Su. Han and Zhanyue became more and more curious about their identities. Not only were they proficient in formations and talisman, they even took out a sixth-level elixir as a gift without blinking their eyes. This is a sixth-level elixir, something that many people dream of, but can't ask for it.

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