Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1477: Promotion

Ling Jueqi nodded, "I can't accept such a precious pill, I will return it to them now."

Zhou Yanjun handed the pill back to Ling Jueqi. He wouldn't accept it if he replaced him, this pill is too precious. Although their Zhou family has a big business, but with the strength of the Zhou family, it may not be able to buy this sixth-level best golden marrow pill.

Ling Jueqi took the jade bottle, carefully covered it, got up and walked outside.

Zhou Yanjun thought for a while, and got up to follow Ling Jueqi.

When he came to the door of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, Ling Jueqi raised his hand and knocked on the door, but he knocked for a long time, but there was no movement inside.

"They should be cultivating. You should wait for them to come out before giving it to them. Anyway, they are not in a hurry." Zhou Yanjun said.

"Yeah." Ling Jueqi nodded. He was also afraid of disturbing Su Han and Zhan Yue's cultivation.

Time passed quietly and quickly, and before I knew it, a month had passed.

Su Jinyue opened her eyes and looked at Zhan Yihan with joy, "Yihan, I have broken through to the Xuanxian stage." She hadn't expected her cultivation base to improve so much this time. I thought that even with the blessing of the time formation, she could only be promoted to the middle stage of the Golden Fairy in a month, but she did not expect that she would suddenly rise to a level. I don't know if it is because of the power of stars in the chaotic world.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to embrace Su Jinyue in his arms, "I have also advanced, and now I am in the middle stage of Shangxian." It should be because the Chaos World has absorbed the elemental stars, and the power of the stars and the spiritual aura are fused together, so they 'S cultivation speed is faster than the original cultivation with fairy spiritual energy alone.

"Great, it must be because of those elemental stars." Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yihan happily. Since the Chaos World has absorbed the elemental stars, they are also practicing in the Chaos World for the first time.

Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile, and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair dozingly, "I'll know if it's the next practice."

"I really want to find the Jin Lingzhu sooner. When the Chaos World is complete, we will definitely be able to cultivate faster here." Su Jinyue smiled. Now the chaotic world is so defying the sky before it is complete, and it will definitely be even more serious when it is complete.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming out, everyone turned their eyes to them.

Realizing that I can't see through Zhan Yihan's cultivation base, and Su Jinyue's cultivation base has also been promoted to the early stage of Xuanxian, everyone's eyes widened unimaginably. There are only two possibilities now. One is that Su Han and Zhanyue concealed their cultivation base from the beginning; the second is that they spent a month, surpassing the progress of their cultivation for decades. But this is too exaggerated, even if there is a chance, it is impossible to improve so quickly.

"Su Han, Zhan Yue, right now is your true cultivation base?" Xiao Chen asked. Even if he killed him, he wouldn't believe that someone could improve his cultivation so quickly in a month.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded. Since they think so, let them think so.

"No wonder your strength is higher than ours. It turns out that your cultivation base is really hidden." Mo Yiren suddenly. When he first saw Su Han and Zhan Yue, he guessed that way. His cultivation base is similar to Su Han's cultivation base, but his strength is far inferior to Su Han, the only possibility is that Su Han has hidden his cultivation base.

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