Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1478: Chu Ning

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to the side of the crowd and sat down.

Lan Die'er helped each of them pour a cup of tea, "We are discussing when to go to Xianchuan Station."

"Then have you decided?" Su Jinyue took a sip of the tea. There should be five days before the Xianchuan arrived in Hengtian City.

Lan Dieer nodded, "We plan to go to Xianchuan Station tomorrow." They are also the first time to ride Xianchuan. They are not very clear about the process of riding Xianchuan, and they are worried that there will be too many people at Xianchuan station. , So they discussed it and decided to go there earlier.

"It's okay to go there soon." Su Jinyue nodded in agreement.

Ling Jueqi watched Zhan Yihan for a long time, and said: "Su Han, you come to the room with me, I have something to talk to you." He has been waiting for Su Han and the others to come out this month. Return the golden marrow pill to them. The golden marrow pill is so precious, they must have spent a lot of effort to get it.

Zhan Yihan put down his teacup and got up to follow Ling Jueqi.

Looking at the back of the two of them leaving, except for Zhou Yanjun and Lan Die'er who knew the reason, everyone was surprised.

"What did Ling Jueqi ask for Su Han? Is it to ask him about cultivation? But this kind of thing doesn't have to avoid us." Xiao Chen shook his head, somewhat puzzled.

"Zhanyue, how did you cultivate? Is there any quick way?" Huang Yushan asked Su Jinyue, looking at it.

Su Jinyue smiled, "It should be about the same as you, nothing special." The difference between them is that she has space for the cultivation artifact. Of course she would definitely not tell everyone this.

Ling Jueqi closed the door, walked to the table with Zhan Yihan and sat down, took out the golden marrow pill that Zhan Yihan had given him and handed it to Zhan Yihan, "Su Han, I can't accept this because it is too expensive."

Zhan Yihan glanced at the jade bottle in front of him, "I have never recovered the things I sent out."

"But this is too expensive, I really can't take it, you should take it back." Ling Jueqi said. He would accept ordinary things, but this golden marrow pill was not an ordinary thing, and one piece was extremely valuable. If other monks knew it, it would definitely cause a **** battle.

"Don't throw it away." Zhan Yihan stood up and walked towards the door.

Ling Jueqi was dumbfounded, Su Han said that he had thrown it away. This is the sixth-level best golden marrow pill. Is he crazy?

After regaining his senses, he quickly stopped Zhan Yihan, "Su Han, do you really want it?"

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan responded softly, opened the door and walked out. Since it was given to Ling Jueqi, the pill was Ling Jueqi's, and how to deal with it was his own business.

Ling Jueqi sighed helplessly, and put the jade bottle into his storage ring. Su Han gave him such a valuable thing, he really didn't know how to return him.

As soon as Zhan Yihan walked to Su Jinyue and sat down, there was a happy laugh in the room behind him, "I have been promoted, I have been promoted to the fourth-level master of the immortal formation, great, hahaha"

Everyone smiled upon hearing this, and they were also happy for each other. They have lived here for so long. Although they haven't seen the owner, she can give them a place to live so that they don't have to sleep on the street. They are very grateful. Of course, they are most grateful to Su Han and Zhan Yue.

"Squeak!" With a sound, the middle-aged woman opened the door. She looked at the crowd and walked quickly towards Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"I have been promoted. I am now a Level 4 Immortal Array Master. Thank you!" The middle-aged woman gratefully looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Congratulations!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled.

"If it hadn't been for the fǎgong method you gave me, I would definitely not be promoted so soon, thank you!" The middle-aged woman was full of excitement and excitement. She has been stuck in the sānji fairy formation master for a long time. Although the sānji fairy formation master and the fourth-level fairy formation master are only one step away, this step is a gap that countless people can hardly cross. I thought it would be difficult for her to break through to the fourth-level fairy formation master in this life, but she didn't expect that she would meet Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, "It's all your own efforts. We also want to thank you for allowing us to live for so long."

"It doesn't matter how long you live." The middle-aged woman smiled. She is really excited now, very happy to become a master of the fourth-level immortal formation, but she has been dreaming of it for many years.

"The environment here is very good, and I like it very much, but we are leaving today." Su Jinyue smiled.

"Isn't it a few days before the immortal ship arrives in Hengtian City?" the middle-aged woman wondered. In fact, she still envied Su Jinyue and the others, and she also wanted to leave Hengtian Realm to go to other interfaces, but her savings over the years were used to refine the formation flag and research formation method.

"We want to go over and take a look earlier." Su Jinyue said.

The middle-aged woman nodded, took out a map and handed it to Su Jinyue, "This is what I got during my experience, and I will give it to you." This map is the most valuable thing in her body, and Su Jinyue gave it to her After the fǎgong method, she naturally learned of Entupai.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "You can keep it for yourself."

"The map marked on this map is a relic of the Fengtian Realm. I can't leave the Hengtian Realm in my life. It is useless to have this map. Keep it. Maybe one day you will go to the Fengtian Realm." The middle-aged woman will The map was placed in front of Su Jinyue.

"Okay, thank you!" Su Jinyue put the map away. It just so happened that she was going to Fengtian Realm, so she stopped by.

The middle-aged woman shook her head and smiled, "My name is Chu Ning, can you tell me your names?"

Su Jinyue nodded, "My name is Zhanyue, and he is my fairy companion Su Han."

"My name is Landie."

"I am Huang Yushan."

"Zhou Yanjun."

"" Everyone introduced themselves.

"It's nice to meet you. If you don't leave in a hurry, I will cook today to see you off." Chu Ning smiled and looked at everyone. She hasn't cooked for a long time, but she is really happy today.

"Okay, I can also cook, I can help you, just because I still have the seasoning that Zhan Yue gave me last time." Lan Die'er said happily. Thinking of the spice on the barbecue, the deliciousness of the barbecue, she couldn't help swallowing.

"I will do it for you too." Huang Yushan said with a smile. Although her cooking skills are not good, there is no problem in helping them.

"Then I will be together," Su Jinyue said. Since being with Yihan, most of them have been made by Yihan for her to eat. She hasn't cooked for him for a long time. Today, I took this opportunity to cook a few more dishes.

"Then I will go shopping." Chu Ning stood up happily. Although monks seldom eat food, they still buy food. After all, those restaurants also need food.

"I'll go with you, Yushan, Zhanyue, do you want to go together?" Lan Die'er stood up afterwards, she hadn't bought vegetables by herself.

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