Fang Lianyi pressed her mouth and followed Yun Han. Looking at Yun Han's back, there was a glimmer of light in her eyes. She likes such a man, strong and powerful.

Yunhan entered the thick fog and glanced with his spiritual sense, the next moment, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes. Is that little girl itchy butt? Even talking and laughing with a man alone.

With a flash of figure, Yun Han walked towards Lu Lanxi's direction.

"Senior Brother Yun, wait for me." Fang Lianyi shouted and chased Yunhan, but with her strength, how could she catch up with Yunhan.

Fang Lianyi looked at the direction in which Yun Han disappeared, and stomped angrily, "I will definitely chase you, and you are destined to be mine." The man she fell in love with would never let him escape.

Lu Lanxi and Que Qiyang came to a raised hill.

Stopping, Lu Lanxi carefully looked at the small mountain bag in front of him. She thinks there must be something good in this small bag.

Que Qiyang watched for a long time, but didn't find anything special about this small mountain bag, and turned to look at Lu Lanxi, "Junior Sister Lu, is this small mountain bag special?"

Lu Lanxi nodded, and said helplessly: "There is a hidden formation outside this mountain bag, but the formation is too high, I can't break it." She plans to find Sister Jinyue and Brother Zhan, and let them come and have a look. .

"Really? Then let's inform Junior Brother Zhan them, they will definitely be able to open the formation." Que Qiyang said happily. He also didn't want to share cultivation resources with Zhan Yihan and the others, but who made him not understand the formation. Hopefully, as Senior Sister Lu said, there are good things in this small bag.

Lu Lanxi nodded, took out the communication symbol and activated it, but after waiting for a long time, no one responded, "Sister Jinyue, they should be busy with something, please contact them later."

"Let's sit there and rest for a while." Que Qiyang pointed to a stone not far away.

"Yeah." Lu Lanxi walked to the stone and sat down.

Que Qiyang walked to the side of Lu Lanxi and sat down, took out a bottle of water and handed it to Lu Lanxi, "Sister Lu, drink some water."

"Thank you! I have it myself." Lu Lanxi took out his water and shook it with a smile.

Que Qiyang smiled, opened the bottle cap and took a few mouthfuls, "Junior Sister Lu, you just said you have someone you like, then does the person you like know that you like him?" He just wanted to know if he still had a chance.

Lu Lanxi raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Brother Que, why do you care about this issue so much?" Normal men rarely ask women such questions, and she and him are not familiar enough to talk about it.

Que Qiyang smiled embarrassedly, "I'm just curious." If Junior Sister Lu is just unrequited love, then his chances will be much greater.

"Of course I know." Lu Lanxi was about to speak, another voice spoke faster.

Lu Lanxi was taken aback when he heard the words, eyes full of disbelief. How could this be? How could she hear Brother Han's voice?

After regaining his senses, he hurriedly followed the prestige, and saw Yun Han slowly walking towards him, Lu Lanxi put on a surprise smile on his face, "Brother Han!"

She didn’t care about anything anymore, stood up, rushed towards Yunhan quickly, and plunged into Yunhan’s arms like a happy bird, jumping and jumping happily, “Brother Han, am I dreaming? ?How did you come?"

Yun Han smiled and looked at Lu Lanxi in his arms, his eyes full of spoiling, and he stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead lightly, "What do you mean?"

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