Lu Lanxi made a grimace at Yunhan, "Just hit me as soon as I met, be careful I ignore you."

"Ignore me who are you going to care about?" Yun Han lowered his head and asked softly in Lu Lanxi's ear, "Are you talking about that brother? Huh?" His tone was with a hint of danger.

Lu Lanxi shook her head quickly and said with a pleased smile: "I'm joking, in my heart Brother Han is the most important thing. You see, I think you want to lose weight." The consequences of being jealous are serious.

"You little girl." Yun Han rubbed Lu Lanxi's black long hair dozingly, watching her eyes filled with tender love.

Lu Lanxi stuck out his tongue and raised a bright smile, "Brother Han, are you worried that I came to see me?"

"What do you mean?" Yunhan looked at Lu Lanxi with a smile.

"I knew that Brother Han was the best and the best." Lu Lanxi smiled happily.

"Small flattery." Yun Han shook his head helplessly. But who made him fall in love with her?

Looking at the two flirting and scolding, Que Qiyang's face was full of disappointment. It turns out that this man is the one that Junior Sister Lu likes, and he is really inferior to him. He could not see the strength of the opponent at all.

Fang Lianyi spent a long time searching for her with her spiritual sense, and finally saw Yun Han.

When she saw that the person Yun Han was holding was Lu Lanxi, her eyes shot an angry ray, and she hurried towards the two of them. Lu Lanxi was really shameless. After a while, he hooked up with the man she liked, and that man was her fancy, no one wanted to take it away.

"You leave me alone." Fang Lianyi stepped forward quickly, shouting angrily to Lu Lanxi and Yun Han.

Lu Lanxi glanced at Fang Lianyi in surprise, then looked up at Yun Han, "Brother Han, didn't you bring her in, right?"

Yun Han smiled awkwardly, "Yeah." He also regretted bringing Fang Lianyi in now.

"You separated me, did you hear?" Seeing Lu Lanxi and Yun Han ignored them, Fang Lianyi ran to the two of them quickly, reaching out to pull Lu Lanxi away.

Yun Han's figure flashed, leading Lu Lanxi to retreat aside.

"Fang Lianyi, are you crazy?" Lu Lanxi stared at Fang Lianyi. If she didn't know that Brother Han and Fang Lianyi didn't know each other, she would have thought Fang Lianyi was jealous.

"Lu Lanxi, he is mine, you let him go." Fang Lianyi pointed to Yun Han, eyes full of madness. Lu Lanxi dared to **** the man she was fond of, she never finished with her.

Lu Lanxi and Yun Han were taken aback at the same time.

"When did he become yours?" Lu Lanxi glared at Yun Han. Who told you to be nosy and cause trouble, right?

Yunhan shrugged with an innocent look and looked at Fang Lianyi, "You can eat anything but don't talk nonsense." He was really very resentful, he didn't even say a word to that woman, so he did it. Became hers.

Fang Lianyi showed a pitiful look, pointed at Lu Lanxi, and said to Yunhan: "Senior brother, don't believe Lu Lanxi, she is the worst. She hooks up all over the place. Several of our seniors have hooked up. , This is what I saw with my own eyes."

"Shut up!" Yun Han's expression sank, and he raised his hand and waved towards Fang Lianyi.

Fang Lianyi flew out directly and landed heavily on the ground not far away. Her eyes widened, her eyes filled with puzzlement and unwillingness. "Why?" She didn't understand why Yun Han protected Lu Lanxi so much. They were not talented. Did you just meet?

Yunhan pulled Lu Lanxi's hand and walked to Fang Lianyi's face, and looked at her condescendingly, "You are not qualified to slander Xi'er." He knows what kind of person Xi'er is. She has been since he was a child. Watching grown up.

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