Su Jinyue was having breakfast with her family, and Xu Tiansheng came to the Zhan Family. Fastest update

"Dr. Xu sit down, have you had breakfast? Let's have some here." Wang Meizhen put down the chopsticks in her hand and got up to greet her.

"After eating, you don't need to greet me. I just came to talk to Jinyue for a while." Xu Tiansheng looked at Su Jinyue who had put down his chopsticks and walked in front of him, "Jinyue, let's go outside and talk."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue replied and followed Xu Tiansheng to the outside. If the master does not come to see her today, she is also going to find her. After lunch, she and Yi Han will leave Shangxin Village and return to the Northeast. There are some things she has to say to the master.

After walking out of the Zhan Family, Su Jinyue and Xu Tiansheng came to the riverside behind the Zhan Family House.

Xu Tiansheng stopped, looked at Su Jinyue, and asked with a serious face: "Jinyue, tell Master, are you really sure that Yiren is no longer there?" Without seeing the corpse, there is some hope of being alive.

"I'm sure that the police have found the Yiren under the cliff, and they notified me." The guilt in Su Jinyue's eyes flashed by. She didn't want to give Master a glimmer of hope. Although it was cruel to do so, she could completely cut off Master's thoughts.

Xu Tiansheng sighed sadly, "Where is she buried?" He has raised Yiren for more than ten years. Yiren and Jinyue are both his heart and soul. If something happens to Yiren, it is tantamount to being cruel in his heart. Got a knife.

"On the cemetery outside the village." Su Jinyue said. After telling Master Song Yiren's death that day, she erected a tombstone for Song Yiren on the grave outside the village that night. That cemetery is the common cemetery of several villages here, as long as someone dies, they will be buried there.

"In the graveyard outside the village?" Xu Tiansheng asked in surprise. It turned out that Yi Ren was so close to him.

"I'm going to prepare something for worship, and I'll take you there later." Su Jinyue said. All the grudges between her and Song Yiren have disappeared with Song Yiren's death.

"Yeah." Xu Tiansheng nodded. He also wanted to know where the Yiren’s tomb was, so he could go to the tomb to worship later on Ching Ming Festival and Chinese New Year.

Su Jinyue returned home, prepared some fruits and joss stick paper money, and took Xu Tiansheng to the graveyard outside the village.

Looking at the back of Su Jinyue and Xu Tiansheng leaving, Wang Meizhen shook her head with regret, "I didn't expect Song Yiren to have gone at a young age." Just when I heard Jinyue said that they were going to worship Song Yiren, She was really taken aback. At the same time, I also thought of my daughter. I wonder how Yiping is now? Could it have been...every time she thinks of Yiping, she doesn't dare to think further, she can only lie to herself, as long as there is no bad news, Yiping still has a glimmer of hope to come back.

"Mother, don't think too much, Yiping will be fine, she will definitely come back." Qin Xiaoyun stepped forward and comforted. Seeing the sad look on her mother's face, she knew she was thinking of Yiping again. Just now I heard that Jinyue said that Song Yiren fell off the cliff to death, which is so similar to Yiping.

Wang Meizhen reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes, "I'll see if Dabao Erbao is awake." She also hoped that Yiping would come back one day.

Watching Wang Meizhen walk into the room, Qin Xiaoyun shook his head and sighed. It would be great if Yiping could come back, so that my mother wouldn't always be sad for her.

Su Jinyue took Xu Tiansheng to the graveyard, bypassing the tombstones, and finally came to a pile of small graves, "Master, this is the Yiren's tomb."

Xu Tiansheng had already seen the words on the tombstone, his eyes immediately reddened, and he walked forward and stretched out a slightly trembling hand to stroke the tombstone, "Yi Ren, I'm sorry, Master has only come to see you for so long, so you won't blame Master. "He really didn't expect that the person he was thinking of would be so close to him.

Su Jinyue glanced at Xu Tiansheng with complicated eyes, put the basket in her hand on the ground, and took out the sacrifices one by one in front of the tombstone. Song Yiren had no bones a long time ago.

This tomb is just an empty tomb. Just to give Master a spiritual sustenance.

Xu Tiansheng squatted down, stretched out his hand and took out the paper money from the basket and burned it, "Yi Ren, you must stop being self-willed there. In the next life, I hope you can vote for a good person. Don’t be like this life, even who your parents are Do not know at all."

Thinking of Song Yiren's cute appearance when she was a child, Xu Tiansheng's tears slipped down again.

"Master, don't cry, otherwise Yi Ren will be uneasy there too." Su Jinyue reached out and patted Xu Tiansheng's back to comfort him.

Xu Tiansheng nodded, wiped away the tears on his face, stood up and said: "Let’s go back, you and Yihan will be there for two nights later." Qiu Yu told him that Jinyue and Yihan will leave today. Northeast, so he went to Zhanjia early in the morning. In addition to wanting to know about Yi Ren, it was also to see Jinyue and Yihan off.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, bent down and picked up the basket on the ground, and walked towards the village with Xu Tiansheng.

"Leaving this time, how long will it take to come back again?" Xu Tiansheng asked. This time Jin Yue had no news for a few months, and he was really anxious.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "I will have to go to the far door this time. If it is fast, it is three or four months, if it is slow, it is also possible in one year. Master, you don't need to worry, I will be fine." Participating in the sect exchange competition, you must also establish your own sect. Establishing the sect is not a matter of overnight, so she doesn't know when she will come back now.

"Can't your child stop to rest and rest? You are busier all day than Yihan. You and your husband have no time to get along with each other. If things go on like this, won't you be afraid that your relationship will fade?" Xu Tiansheng helplessly persuaded. He felt that if a woman married someone, it was enough for her husband to teach her son, and other things should be left to the man. Jinyue is too tired like this.

"No, my relationship with Yi Han will only get better and better." Su Jinyue said confidently. She didn't know other men, but she believed in Yi Han 100%, and she was confident in herself. Her heart towards Yihan will never change.

Xu Tiansheng shook his head helplessly, "Anyway, husband and wife should stay together often. It is best to have children early, so that the family is complete."

"I know Master." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. She wanted to establish a sect on the Tianyue Continent just to be with Yihan forever and with her family forever. With the sect, everyone will have security in the future. What she had to do was to work hard to make the sect stronger, so that no one in Tianyue Continent would dare to bully.

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