Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 817: Worthless

Saying goodbye to Xu Tiansheng and the Zhan family, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan drove away from Shangxin Village. Fastest update

Seeing the village drifting away, Su Jinyue felt a trace of melancholy in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Zhan Yihan turned his head and looked at Su Jinyue tenderly.

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, "I feel a little uncomfortable thinking that it will take a long time to come back." She still doesn't know how long it will take to return to Tianyue Continent this time.

"Or you don't go to the Tianyue Continent." Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, his deep eyes were full of reluctance. He really didn't want to be separated from her for so long, but he also knew it was impossible.

"I don't want to go, but I won't go this time, I will go later." Su Jinyue leaned her head on Zhan Yihan's shoulder. Yi Han is a soldier. It is impossible for him to take such a long vacation to go to the Tianyue Continent with her. She can only arrange everything as soon as possible and come back.

"Sometimes I really hope we are just ordinary people." Zhan Yihan lowered his head and kissed Su Jinyue's forehead. He sometimes hopes that he and Jinyue can be together every day like ordinary couples.

"I thought about it too, but the life of ordinary people is too short, and I don't want to be separated from you so soon." Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yihan, her eyes full of deep love for him. She would rather not be ordinary, would rather suffer the pain of a brief separation, than be with Yihan for decades.

Zhan Yihan squeezed Su Jinyue's hand slightly, "Never separate." Not to mention dozens of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, he felt short.

Wang Ruini walked quickly towards the school gate with a bright smile on her face. Sister Su is coming back today, she must go back soon. I haven't seen Sister Su for so long, and I really miss her.

Lan Ruoyun took the two girls forward and blocked Wang Ruini's way.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Ruini took a step back and looked at the three Lan Ruoyun with alert. You don't need to think about knowing that they are not good.

"I want to have a good talk with you." Lan Ruoyun looked at Wang Ruini disdainfully. She really didn't understand how Qin Yi would like a stunted little girl like Wang Ruini, regardless of her looks, body, and family background. What made her most puzzled was that Aunt Qin tried her best to oppose Qin Yi and Wang Ruini being together, but now she maintains a tacit attitude.

"We have nothing to talk about." Wang Ruini said. Lan Ruoyun was looking for her only for Qin Yi, she and Qin Yi could not be together at all, and it was useless for Lan Ruoyun to find her.

"If you don't talk to me today, you can't leave school." Lan Ruoyun waved to the two girls behind him, and the two girls stepped forward, standing next to Wang Ruini one by one.

Wang Ruini frowned, "What do you want? If it is for Qin Yi, I don't think you need to find me. Qin Yi and I can't be together at all. I don't like him." Qin Yi has so many rotten peach blossoms, She won't be bored with him after being with him.

"You lied." Lan Ruoyun said in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, it's not that I pester Qin Yi, but he pester me. If you can keep him away from me, then I will be very grateful to you. I have to leave beforehand." Wang Ruini reached out and pushed A girl next to her walked towards the school gate. She is not a bullying person, she irritated her, she could not miss the opponent regardless of who it was.

"Wang Ruini, stop for me!" Lan Ruoyun caught up and stopped Wang Ruini's path again.

"What do you want?" Wang Ruini scowled and looked at Lan Ruoyun coldly.

"What you said is true? You really don't like Qin Yi?" Lan Ruoyun looked at Wang Ruini's eyes. She heard that human eyes are not deceiving.

"Qin Yi is not a Chinese coin, and not everyone likes it. Maybe he is a treasure in your eyes, but in my eyes he is worthless." Wang Ruini said quietly.

"This is what you said, if you and Qin Yi are together in the future, I won't let you go

of. "Lan Ruoyun threatened.

Wang Ruini curled her lips in disdain, and walked around Lan Ruoyun towards the outside of the school. Her Wang Ruini is the daughter of a soldier, and the decision will not change.

Looking at Wang Ruini's distant back, Lan Ruoyun smiled triumphantly, and turned to look at Qin Yi, who had already come close, "You have heard it all, you are not worth anything in her eyes." She just saw it. Qin Yi came over and stopped Wang Ruini again, she just let Qin Yi hear it and made him completely give up on Wang Ruini. Qin Yi is an arrogant person, she does not believe that he hears Wang Ruini's words, and will still have a deep affection for Wang Ruini.

"My business has nothing to do with you, stay away from me in the future." Qin Yi said coldly. He was full of anger in his heart now, and he really couldn't think that he was like that in Wang Ruini's eyes.

"Qin Yi, I am the one who suits you best. My mother has already discussed with Aunt Qin. We will let the two of us get married when we graduate from university." Lan Ruoyun smiled. Qin Yi can only belong to her, don't even think about it.

"There won't be that day." Qin Yi sneered and walked out of the school. His Qin Yi is not a person to be controlled, even his family is the same.

Lan Ruoyun looked at Qin Yi's leaving figure and smiled confidently, "There will be one day." She overheard the conversation between her father and second uncle. They are planning to annex the Qin family's property and believe in the near future. Qin Yi would beg her to let her marry him.

When Wang Ruini returned to the Military Academy, she knocked on the door of Su Jinyue's house first. Seeing no one responded, she knew that Su Jinyue had not come back.

When I returned to my home, I saw my mother busy in the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm back." Wang Ruini put her schoolbag on the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

"Go outside and rest, leave it to mom here." Tian Cuifang smiled.

"I'm not tired, I'll cook with you." Seeing that the dishes in the sink hadn't been washed yet, Wang Ruini walked over, raised her sleeves and washed them, "Mom, when will Sister Su come back?"

"Xiaosu called yesterday and said that he will be there today, maybe at night." Tian Cuifang said. She just went to see it, there is no one in Xiao Su's house.

"It's been a long time since I saw Sister Su, and I don't know if she is good." Wang Ruini sighed. I haven't seen each other for several months, so I called Sister Su last time.

"When you come back, don't you know." Tian Cuifang smiled. Since Xiao Su left, she has been worried about her, but fortunately, she is fine.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Wang Ruixiang's tired voice came in, "Mom, I'm back."

"I'll see your brother." Tian Cuifang wiped her hands with her apron and walked outside.

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