Su Jinyue heard the comments from the military sisters, and a cold arc appeared in the corners of her mouth. The update is the fastest. It turns out that those military wives think of her this way.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, wait here for a while, I'll go to the army to fetch the car." Wang Ruixiang said to Su Jinyue. When his dad went to the army this morning, he told him that he had arranged the car for him and asked him to pick it up by himself.

"Don't be so troublesome, just drive my car." Su Jinyue said.

"Your car?" Wang Ruixiang asked in surprise. It is not easy to buy a car now, at least 100,000 yuan. Although Su Jinyue's medical skills are superb, it is impossible to earn so much money. As for Zhan Yihan, his monthly allowance should be similar to that of his father. Where did they get so much money? Yesterday she said that she would give him a few pieces of emeralds. Wouldn't the money be made from gambling on rocks?

Su Jinyue walked to the car, "Are you driving, or me?"

"Let's drive." Wang Ruixiang reached out and took the car key in Su Jinyue's hand, walked to the main driver and sat in the car door.

Su Jinyue also reached out to open the co-pilot's door and got into the car.

Wang Ruixiang waited until Su Jinyue put on the seat belt, then started the car, hesitated for a moment and said: "Sister Zhan, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Did you buy that stone to help me?" Wang Ruixiang asked. Both he and Lu Jiyao had seen that stone, it was just a worthless waste stone.

"No, I really want that stone." Su Jinyue shook her head.

"But that stone is not valuable at all. It is just a waste stone. If you give me so much money, my conscience will really be disturbed." Wang Ruixiang glanced at Su Jinyue. Not to mention a piece of waste stone, even if it is a piece of top-quality Hetian jade, the money she gave him is enough, not to mention that she has to give him jade.

"As long as I think it's valuable." Su Jinyue curled her lips. Gold leaf is useless to ordinary people, but in the eyes of cultivators, it is invaluable.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, if you don't lend me the money, I will return it to you when I earn it." Wang Ruixiang said. Let him exchange a broken stone for so much money, he feels at ease.

"If you feel too much money, then donate it directly." Su Jinyue smiled lightly.

Wang Ruixiang sighed helplessly. He knew that whatever he said was useless.

"Sister Zhan, have you played rock gambling?" Wang Ruixiang still couldn't help but asked. He is really curious about this.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "No, I went to Myanmar with my cousin last time. I was lucky to buy some jadeites with good texture. Those jadeites are in the trunk. Don’t forget when you go back. take it out."

"Have you been to Myanmar?" Wang Ruixiang said in shock.

Seeing Su Jinyue nodding, Wang Ruixiang continued to ask: "I heard that Myanmar is very messy, and they don't restrict guns at all, aren't you afraid?" How dare she go to such a dangerous place as a woman?

"Actually, it's okay. My cousin knows a boss there, so there's no need to worry about safety." Su Jinyue said. She intends to introduce Wang Ruixiang to Xu Jinfeng. If Wang Ruixiang follows Xu Jinfeng in the future, Myanmar will definitely go.

"That's it." Wang Ruixiang nodded clearly. He heard that the bosses in Myanmar are very powerful, and with the help of the bosses, others dare not bully at all. No wonder Su Jinyue's cousin dared to take her to Myanmar.

When the two came to the bank, they saw that the bank was empty, with few people. Although the standard of living has improved, not many people have spare money to deposit in the bank.

Going directly to the counter, Su Jinyue took out a passbook and handed it to the bank staff at the counter, "Comrade, please help me transfer the account." Not to mention the current bank, it will be necessary to come to the bank to withdraw so much money. reserved.

"Okay, how much do you need to transfer?" the bank staff asked, taking the passbook.

"Transfer 500,000 to this passbook." Su Jinyue took the passbook in Wang Ruixiang's hand and handed it to the bank staff.

The bank staff froze for a moment, "Okay, please wait!" This was the first time she saw someone transfer such a large sum of money, and also the first time she saw such a rich person.

"Isn't it three hundred and seventy thousand?" Wang Ruixiang asked in surprise.

"The remaining hundreds of thousands will be lent to you." Su Jinyue said. Not to mention 500,000, even if you give him 5 million, she is taking advantage of him.

"I don't need to take that much money." Wang Ruixiang looked at the bank staff, "Comrade, you can transfer 370,000 yuan."

The bank staff turned to look at Su Jinyue and asked her opinion with his eyes.

"It's only half a million." Su Jinyue looked at Wang Ruixiang, "Don't worry, I won't ask you for interest. You can pay me back anytime you want. When you go to Myanmar later, the money is probably not enough. It's."

Wang Ruixiang originally wanted to refuse. Hearing Su Jinyue's words, he thought about it and nodded, "Well, I'll take it first, and I will return it to you when I make money."

Su Jinyue smiled carelessly.

Not far from Su Jinyue and Wang Ruixiang, a middle-aged man was looking at them sharply. He will come here every day these days, but the people who come to the bank are poor people with no money, some deposit dozens of yuan, and the most deposit a few hundred yuan. Even if he robbed the money, he couldn't solve his current urgent need. Today he finally saw a big fat sheep. As long as he grabs the other party's passbook, he will have nothing to worry about in his life.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Wang Ruixiang walking out of the bank, the middle-aged man immediately stood up and followed.

Su Jinyue had noticed the middle-aged man a long time ago and said to Wang Ruixiang: "You should drive to work first. My friend and I have made an appointment to meet nearby."

"I drove the car away, how do you go back?" Wang Ruixiang asked. It’s not close to the military yard, and buses will only be available in the afternoon.

"I just let my friend send me off, don't worry." Su Jinyue smiled.

"Well, be careful, and go back early." Wang Ruixiang exhorted in an uneasy voice, and took the car key in Su Jinyue's hand and walked towards the car.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze, turned and walked towards an alley. Since the other party is in a bad mood, she must give him a chance.

Seeing Su Jinyue walking into the alley, the middle-aged man showed a happy expression on his face and immediately followed Su Jinyue. This time, God is really helping him. He was a little scrupulous about the man, but now that the man is gone, the woman dared to walk into the alley. Isn't this for him to grab?

Su Jinyue walked toward the depths of the alley and stopped in a remote corner of no one, with her arms around her chest, leaning against the wall and waiting for the arrival of the middle-aged man.

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