Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 823: Water spirit fruit

When the middle-aged man saw where Su Jinyue was standing, he was happy in his heart. He took out the knives prepared early in the morning and walked forward, fiercely raising Su Jinyue, "Take all the money and passbook you have. Come out, or don’t blame me for being rude. The update is the fastest"

"Are you sure?" Su Jinyue looked at the middle-aged man playfully.

"What nonsense, hurry up!" The middle-aged man took a step forward and pointed the knife at Su Jinyue.

"What's the rush? I'm not taking it." Su Jinyue reached out and took out a few stacks of Great Unity from her bag. "Is this enough?"

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he shouted in a deep voice: "Take out the passbook too." This woman is too rich, and she has so much cash on her body. It's really a big deal this time.

Su Jinyue reached out and took out a stack of passbooks from her bag, "Is these enough?"

The middle-aged man burst out a few swear words in his heart, "Throw them all on the ground, and then get out." With so much money and so many passbooks, what will he worry about in the future.

Su Jinyue Yiyan threw the passbook and money on the ground.

The middle-aged man quickly bent over, picking it up with excitement. It's developed this time, it's developed!

Only soon he stopped his hands, because he found that his two hands became black and swollen without knowing when, "What's wrong with this? How could it be like this?"

"I forgot to tell you that the money and the passbook are all medicated, and your life will be counted down from now on." Su Jinyue laughed playfully.

"You lied, you have touched the money and passbook yourself, why are you fine." The middle-aged man held the money and the passbook and glared at Su Jinyue. She definitely wanted him to return the money and passbook to her, she thought of the beauty.

"Of course I have taken the antidote." Su Jinyue looked at the middle-aged man playfully, "You are just an arm now, and soon your whole body will become black and swollen."

"Give me the antidote, or I will kill you!" The middle-aged man glared at Su Jinyue angrily. He wanted to take the knife at Su Jinyue, but found that when he took the money, the knife had already been thrown at him. On the ground, he quickly bent over to pick up the knife on the ground and pointed the knife at Su Jinyue. Anyway, this woman is dead, and the money and passbook belong to him.

Su Jinyue stepped forward, "I don't believe you dare to stab."

"Don't force me, I have killed people." There was a fierce light in the middle-aged man's eyes. Originally, he wanted to let the other party go. Since the other party wanted to die, he had done her. As for the antidote she said must be on her body, he will look for it slowly after killing her.

A trace of killing intent flashed in Su Jinyue's eyes. She originally wanted to try the other person to see if the other person would regret it, but now it seems that this kind of person doesn't need to stay.

Seeing Su Jinyue walking towards her step by step, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, and the knife in his hand stabbed Su Jinyue's stomach fiercely.

Only the next moment, the middle-aged man was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the knife he stabbed was held in Su Jinyue's hand. Even if he tried harder, his knife couldn't stab it anymore. Who is the other party? How could her strength be so great?

Su Jinyue's hand was slightly hard, and she heard a "click", and the knife in the middle-aged man's hand broke in two at the sound.

"You!" The middle-aged man's eyes widened in disbelief. He swallowed and looked at Su Jinyue with a look of fear in his eyes. What kind of pervert is she? This knife is made of stainless steel. Even if he wants to break it, it takes a lot of effort, but the opponent doesn't seem to spend much effort to break the knife. If it weren't for the time, he would want to test whether his knife was a fake one.

Letting go of the hilt, the middle-aged man took a few steps back and turned to escape, but he staggered and fell to the ground just two steps.

The middle-aged man wanted to get up, but he realized that he couldn't move at all. He knew he had kicked the iron this time.

"Please let me go

Me, I don't need a penny, please let me go. "The middle-aged man looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly, as long as he can live now.

Su Jinyue walked up to the middle-aged man and looked at him condescendingly, "Let's let you go on robbery?" She has seen those things the middle-aged man did in the past with her heavenly eyes. Robbery and murder are just like to him. It's a commonplace meal, and his anti-detection ability is very strong. Keeping such people is a curse.

"This is the first time for me. I have never done anything bad before. I thought of robbery when I was desperate. Really, please believe me, I won't dare anymore." The middle-aged man kept begging.

Su Jinyue smiled coldly, raised her hand to photograph the money and passbook on the ground, and waved her hand to throw a ball of flame.

The middle-aged man disappeared into the flames without even having time to scream.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze, took a step forward, and disappeared in place.

Han Yiyuan was looking at this month's financial report, and when he heard someone knock on the door, he responded, "Come in."

Su Jinyue opened the door and walked into the office, walked across to Han Yiyuan, and looked at him with a smile.

Han Yiyuan saw that the visitor had been silent for a long time, raised his head in surprise, and saw that it was Su Jinyue. His face immediately showed surprise, "You are back!" Su Jinyue has been missing for almost four months. He had been worried about her for a while, but fortunately, she came back safe and sound.

"How are you doing recently?" Su Jinyue sat down in the chair.

"No, I'm so busy every day, I don't care about anything like you, the shopkeeper." Han Yiyuan teased. He and Su Jinyue are both superiors and inferior and friends, so he doesn't speak too scrupulously.

"Are you reminding me to raise my salary?" Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows with a smile.

"I want to rest." Han Yiyuan gave Su Jinyue angrily. He didn't care about Qian, and Su Jinyue never treated him badly.

"I didn't restrict your rest." Su Jinyue took out a bag of Lingguo from her bag and handed it to Han Yiyuan, "I brought it specially for you, try it."

Han Yiyuan took the Lingguo handed over by Su Jinyue, "This is the first time I have seen your stingy boss, who works hard for you, so you just want to send me a bag of fruit." He reached out and picked it up. A spiritual fruit was put into his mouth.

"If one bag is not enough, then I will give you another bag." Su Jinyue smiled and took out a bag of spirit fruit again.

"It's almost the same. What kind of fruit is this? It's delicious." Han Yiyuan stuffed another sip of spirit fruit and put it in his mouth.

"This is a water spirit fruit, you can only eat three pieces a day, otherwise you will not be able to eat it." Su Jinyue looked at Han Yiyuan with a smirk.

Han Yiyuan was about to put the fourth water spirit fruit into his mouth. Hearing Su Jinyue's words, his hand stopped quickly, "You didn't say it earlier, I almost ate it."

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