When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returned home, the sky just lit up. Fastest update

After chatting with Zhan Yihan for a while, when Zhan Yihan left the army, Su Jinyue entered the golden leaf world to practice.

The cafeteria at noon is very lively, and from time to time, groups of students walk into the cafeteria, talking and laughing.

Wang Ruini walked towards her two friends holding the pot of prepared vegetables.

Seeing Lan Ruoyun walking towards her, Wang Ruini frowned and took two steps to the side. Since last semester, Lan Ruoyun has been targeting her, either to stop her threatening, or to let people put nails on her seat, or put disgusting things such as mice and snakes in her table belly. Anyway, he did everything. Its extremely.

"What do you do with such alertness? I won't do anything to you?" Lan Ruoyun stopped in front of Wang Ruini and looked at her mockingly. I really don't understand how Qin Yi would like such a woman.

Wang Ruini ignored Lan Ruoyun and walked around Lan Ruoyun towards her position with a dish. She has said everything she should have said, and Lan Ruoyun can't help it if she doesn't believe her.

"I heard that you are going to see Ringer’s concert. I have two tickets for the concert here. They are both in the front row. As long as you promise not to pester Qin Yi, I will give you the tickets and let Ringer signed with you for a photo." Lan Ruoyun took out two tickets for the concert, and threw it at Wang Ruini with a proud face. The Lan family is the sponsor of this concert, and it's just a sentence to ask Ringer to sign for a photo.

Wang Ruini didn’t even turn her head back, "If Qin Yi is your property, please hold him well, I really don’t want to see him appear in front of me again. And you, please don’t stay with me. In front of you, no matter how beautiful you are, I won't be interested in you."

Lan Ruoyun was about to have an attack, and from the corner of his eyes he caught Qin Yizheng and two basketball team members walking into the canteen. Turning his eyes, he asked, "You really don't like Qin Yi?"

Wang Ruini also saw Qin Yi who walked in, and the corners of her mouth tickled, "Of course I don't like it, so please don't show up in my sight again, I am grateful here." After speaking, she held the dish to herself. To the location.

Qin Yi's face sank suddenly. This girl is so good, she dared to say that she didn't like him in front of everyone, which really made him angry.

Lan Ruoyun smiled triumphantly. Regardless of whether what Wang Ruini said was true or false, Qin Yi's character should not pay attention to her anymore. Qin Yi has always been a proud person. How could he like someone who dismissed himself?

When Wang Ruini sat down in her seat, one of the two girls sitting opposite her said: "Rini, Qin Yi has heard what you said just now. He just walked in when you said it."

"I know." Wang Ruini took out a spoon and spooned a spoonful of rice into her mouth. Today's food is good, and my mood is quite good.

"You know you still said that, you really don't like Qin Yi?" He Qianqian asked in surprise. Qin Yi is the prince charming in the hearts of the school girls, who doesn't want to be his girlfriend.

"Why should I like him?" Wang Ruini spooned a small piece of fried pork into her mouth, chewing with enjoyment on her face.

"He is good-looking, he studies well, plays basketball well, and his family is said to have opened a factory. It seems unscientific to dislike such good conditions." Zhang Lan gave an example. If Qin Yi liked her, she would have agreed to associate with him. It should be a very happy thing to fall in love with such a good person.

Wang Ruini wrinkled her nose, "Because of good conditions, there will be countless rotten peach blossoms around him. Do you want to live with yourself for the rest of your life and be missed by other women every day?"

"That's true." He Qianqian nodded in agreement. She probably wouldn't find a boy who is too popular with girls, so she would feel very insecure.

Zhang Lan looked at the place where Qin Yi was, and saw that there were already many girls around Qin Yi. Even if the other girls didn't surround them, they all looked at Qin Yi with admiration. think

If I became Qin Yi's girlfriend, I would have to be jealous every day, I couldn't help but shudder, and withdrew his gaze. just forget it.

"Renny, are you really going to see Ringer's concert today?" He Qianqian asked enviously. She also likes to listen to Ringer's songs, but the martial art of Ringer's concert is so expensive that she can't afford it.

Wang Ruini nodded and swallowed the food in her mouth, "Do you want to see it?" Sister Su said that she knew Linger and could go in directly, so her two tickets would not be used.

"Yes, but there is no ticket." He Qianqian sighed helplessly. Ringer is now her favorite singer, especially his voice, which can drive her emotions and make her sink into it unknowingly.

Zhang Lan also nodded. When Renee went to buy the tickets, she went with her. She had seen how expensive the fare was. Even if she added up her monthly living expenses, she couldn't buy a ticket.

"My two tickets are here for you." Wang Ruini said with a sip of soup.

"Huh?" He Qianqian and Zhang Lan were both stunned. Did they hear me right?

After regaining consciousness, He Qianqian asked, "Rini, don't you go to see it?"

"Yes." Wang Ruini nodded.

"You are going to see why you are still giving us the tickets? You are not going to get the two tickets of Lan Ruoyun, are you?" Zhang Lan glanced at Lan Ruoyun's location. Even if they are not rivals in love, Renee and Lan Ruoyun will not become friends. She got Lan Ruoyun's ticket, isn't she just a bit weaker?

Seeing He Qianqian and Zhang Lan staring at herself with incredible faces, Wang Ruini almost didn't spray out the meal, "Where did you think, am I the kind of spineless person?" Even if Lan Ruoyun posted it upside down to her, She doesn't even want her things, as the saying goes.

"Then you gave us tickets, how do you go" Zhang Lan asked puzzledly.

"The elder sister who lives next door to my house, she said she knows Ringer, and I can still sign a photo with Ringer at that time." Wang Ruini said. I feel very excited to think about it.

"Really? Can you take us with you too?" He Qianqian looked at Wang Ruini expectantly. She is a big fan of Ringer, and if she can take a picture with him, she will really be happily unable to sleep for days and nights.

"Well, it depends on your performance." Wang Ruini said with a smirk.

"Wait a minute I will wash the dishes for you."

"Are you tired? I'll give you a massage."

Wang Ruini couldn't help laughing anymore, "Well, just kidding with you, I will ask Sister Su in the evening, if possible, we will take a picture with Ringer."

"I know you are the best." He Qianqian and Zhang Lan said happily.

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