Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 837: pissed off

When the school bell rang, Wang Ruini said to He Qianqian and Zhang Lan, then picked up the bag and walked out of the classroom. She is going to see a concert tonight, so naturally she has to tidy up.

Passing the corner of the corridor, a big hand suddenly stretched out, grabbing Wang Ruini's hand, and pulling her towards the small woods at the back door of the school.

"What are you doing, let me go, Qin Yi, you let me go." Wang Ruini kept struggling, she found that the moves she practiced were like a fake in front of Qin Yi, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of him. Control.

Qin Yi pulled Wang Ruini to the depths of the small forest with an ugly expression, and pushed her against a tree, looking at Wang Ruini in front of him with a raging anger in his eyes, "What you said in the cafeteria just now is true. ?"

"Of course." Wang Ruini nodded without fear of death. She admitted that she liked him a little bit, but the rotten peach blossoms around him made her retreat.

"Do you have someone you like?" Qin Yi stared into Wang Ruini's eyes. She is the only girl he has liked since childhood, especially her eyes are shining, as if they are emitting light all the time, and they are attracting his eyes all the time.

"This is my own business, what does it have to do with you?" Wang Ruini looked at Qin Yi provocatively. Although she was pretending to be nonchalant, her heart was not at peace at this time, her heartbeat was beating rapidly, and she couldn't control it. Qin Yi was so close to her, he could almost feel his breathing when he was close.

"Do you think it doesn't matter?" Qin Yi's black eyes narrowed dangerously. This girl actually said that she had nothing to do with her, but she was the person he had decided to live his entire life. It is precisely for this goal that he has been constantly working hard, hoping that he can give her a happy future in the future.

Wang Ruini swallowed with some fear, and bit her hair and said: "Of course it doesn't matter, I am not your rotten peach blossoms." She Wang Ruini is a spineless person and will never compromise under the evil forces.

"You said that you don't like me because of this? Are you jealous?" Qin Yi's mood suddenly improved.

"Who is jealous? Don't talk nonsense." Wang Ruini pushed Qin Yi away and hurried out of the woods.

Seeing Wang Ruini's back, Qin Yi's mouth raised in a good mood. Although those rotten peach blossoms were not what he wanted, he would keep those rotten peach blossoms out for her.

When Wang Ruini ran out of the woods, she let out a long sigh. Thinking of what happened just now, her face turned red involuntarily. She stretched out her hand and patted her face, "Wang Ruini, you have to be sober. Beautiful boy, you must stay away from the big carrot, you must not fall into his trap, or you will be bruised all over."

Making a cheering gesture to herself, Wang Ruini walked out of the campus.

The tuned alarm sounded, Su Jinyue retired from her practice, turned off the alarm, and exited the Golden Leaf Realm. She and Wang Ruini have made an appointment to see Ringer's concert tonight.

After changing her clothes, Su Jinyue walked out of the house and opened the courtyard door to see Wang Ruini standing outside with a grin. Seeing her raised hand slowly lowered, she knew that she was just about to knock on the door.

"Sister Su, I'm about to knock on the door, you will open the door." Wang Ruini said happily. As long as I think of waiting to see the idol in my heart, I can't help being excited.

"Are you ready?" Su Jinyue looked up and down Wang Ruini. Today, she rarely put on a skirt and looks more beautiful and youthful.

Wang Ruini nodded, "I also brought some water and dry food." This is also the first time she went to a concert, and she didn't know what to bring.

"Then let's go." Su Jinyue stepped towards the direction of her car.

Wang Ruini hurriedly followed with a happy face and stretched out her hand to put Su Jinyue's arm, "Sister Su, how did you meet Ringer?" She wanted to ask yesterday when she heard Sister Su said that she knew Ringer. .

"We met in the capital city, and he was disappointed at the time. I think he will have a place in the music scene in the future, so I invested a sum of money in him." Su Jinyue said. She didn't talk about it now, and Linger would tell about their relationship in a while.

"Sister Su, you are so discerning, otherwise I won't hear Ringer's song." Wang Ruini looked at Su Jinyue with admiration. Sister Su is really a bole, she knew Ringer was a Maxima early in the morning.

Su Jinyue smiled. She was also exposed to the light of a new life, otherwise she would not know that Ringer would become a popular singer, and would not invest money in him.

"Sister Su, are you considered Ringer's boss?" Wang Ruini asked after thinking about the point.

"Forget it." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Then I can ask Ringer to sign for a photo anytime in the future?" Wang Ruini asked excitedly. Just think about it, it feels exciting.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

"Great! Great!" Wang Ruini laughed excitedly.

Sister-in-law Yang was taking the child for a walk. Hearing Wang Ruini's laughter, the child ran to Wang Ruini's face and looked at her with her head up, "Sister Wang, what is so happy?"

Wang Ruini stretched out her hand and rubbed Yang Ruirui's hair. "My sister is going to the concert. Shouldn't you be happy?"

"What is the concert?" Yang Ruirui asked with a look of incomprehension.

"You will know from now on." Wang Ruini smiled.

"You are going to the concert? Isn't that Ringer's concert that he sings really well?" Sister-in-law Yang smiled.

Wang Ruini nodded, "Sister-in-law Yang, do you also know Ringer?" Most of the sister-in-laws in the military academy don’t know about Ringer. They can’t even finish housework and need to bring children. There are other things. Time to listen to songs, let alone star chasing.

"I went to the market to buy vegetables yesterday, and saw banners hung everywhere on the street, and Ringer's songs were also displayed on the stalls where I bought tapes," said Sister Yang.

Wang Ruini nodded clearly, looked at her watch and said: "Sister Yang, we won't talk to you anymore, we won't be able to catch up with the concert when it's too late."

"Rui Rui, say goodbye to Sister Wang, and Aunt Zhan." Sister-in-law Yang nodded with a smile, and said to Yang Ruirui with her head down.

"Sister Wang, Aunt Zhan, goodbye!" Yang Ruirui obediently waved to Su Jinyue.

"Goodbye Ruirui!" Su Jinyue and Wang Ruini also waved to Yang Ruirui, smiled at Sister Yang, and walked forward.

Sister-in-law Yang looked at the back of Su Jinyue and Wang Ruini away, her eyes full of envy. It's nice to be young! There is not so much burden. Although Su Jinyue is also married, she still has no children, and she doesn't have to bring children. Unlike her, she doesn't have any time to do housework or take care of children every day. Not to mention going to the concert.

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