Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 844: Man and money

Su Jinyue and Wang Ruini were **** by Wuhuada and pushed into a van.

The van drove fast all the way, half an hour later, the van drove into a luxurious courtyard.

The car stopped, Su Jinyue and Wang Ruini were pushed out of the car and walked towards the white three-story villa.

Walking into the villa and entering the hall, only a burly, crude-looking man was sitting on the sofa drinking red wine. Ringer and his agent were standing aside under the control of the other's two men.

"President Su." Seeing Su Jinyue being brought in, Ringer struggled to get rid of the people who controlled him. They got out of the stadium. Not long after the car drove out, they were stopped by these men and tied up. He thought the other party was aiming at him, but he didn't expect that they even **** President Su. It seems that these people should be related to the Lan family.

Seeing Su Jinyue, Zhu Xingzheng's eyes flashed with astonishment. He has seen countless women, but none can compare with Su Jinyue. Su Jinyue's beauty is like the flower of Gaoling, unattainable. But she has fallen into his hands now, and he can climb whenever he wants.

"Are you Su Jinyue?" Zhu Xingzheng took a sip of red wine and squinted Su Jinyue. This woman is a superb, and she is still so rich, if he can conquer her, then he can get both wealth and wealth. As for her husband, he wouldn't look at him. Zhu Xingzheng has not been in vain on this piece of land these years.

Su Jinyue's red lips were coldly hooked, "You are Lan Ruoyun's uncle." She has seen Zhu Xingzheng's memory with her heavenly eyes. He can be said to be extremely sinful, and there is nothing bad that he has never done.

Zhu Xingzheng was taken aback for a moment, "How would you know?"

"Not only do I know who you are, I also know that you and your power will be destroyed tonight." Su Jinyue raised her lips. After Yihan knew that she had been tied up, he had assembled his troops, and now several military vehicles were already on their way here.

Although she and Yi Han can make these people disappear by just waving their hands, these people should be punished by law for doing so many detrimental things, so that they can be very happy. At the same time, it can also deter those little forces that are ready to move.

"Fart!" Zhu Xingzheng put the red wine glass in his hand heavily on the table, and the red wine glass broke.

Zhu Xingzheng stood up and looked at Su Jinyue with cold eyes, "Since you know who I am, you should know what I stand for in this land boundary. If someone can get me, it won't wait until today. Now that you are under my control, I advise you to be obedient, don’t try to argue with words, it’s meaningless.” His action this time was kept secret, and no one knew that he was **** except his sister’s family. Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue moved her hand slightly, and the rope that bound her hand was loosened, "Then let's watch the change."

Seeing Su Jinyue untie the rope so easily, the person who controlled Su Jinyue and Zhu Xingzheng were shocked at the same time.

After reacting, the two of them took out Qiang and aimed at Su Jinyue at the same time. Su Jinyue was able to untie the rope easily, and she should have been able to do some work. But what can you do if you know how to do it? They are not vegetarian either.

Su Jinyue didn't seem to see the Qiang in the hands of the two, walked to Wang Ruini's side, pushed away the person who was controlling her, and helped her untie the rope, "Are you afraid?"

Wang Ruini shook her head, "I feel very irritating." She was a little scared at first. After all, these people were not good at first sight, but after seeing Su Jinyue's calm performance, she was not afraid at all.

The subordinate who controlled Wang Ruini looked at Su Jinyue blankly. Obviously he is taller than Su Jinyue and stronger than Su Jinyue, but he was pushed away by her gently.

Seeing Su Jinyue ignoring the qiang in her hands, Zhu Xingzheng said angrily: "Are you sure I don't dare to open the qiang?" This woman is really bold. If you change into the pants that ordinary people have already scared, they are not ordinary. People, q in their hands

iang is not a toy.

"Then you can try it." Su Jinyue took Wang Ruini's hand and walked towards Linger.

Ringer looked at Su Jinyue walking towards him, filled with admiration. Only she dared to be so bold under the influence of others.

Zhu Xingzheng gritted his teeth, he really wanted to collapse Su Jinyue, but thinking of the wealth behind her and her beauty, he abruptly endured it. But he couldn't collapse Su Jinyue, he could collapse the people around her, he didn't believe that deterrence could not deter her.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xingzheng's qiang first turned and pointed to Ringer's agent. Here he is the most useless.

When the agent saw Zhu Xingzheng pointing Qiang towards him, his face suddenly turned pale, "Don't... let me go..." He is just an agent. He has never experienced such a scene before. Is he going to die today? ? He died his wife and son, and what about his parents?

After Zhu Xingzheng pointed Qiang at the agent, he pulled the trigger without hesitation. He believed that as long as he saw blood, Su Jinyue would become honest.

"Bang!" A qiang sound sounded.

The agent screamed and squatted on the ground. For a long time, he didn't feel any pain in his body, and opened his eyes suspiciously.

I saw the qiang in Zhu Xingzheng's hand. I don't know when it had fallen to the ground. At this time, there was a silver needle in his hand, and the bullet he shot also landed not far from him.

Upon closer inspection, the agent's eyes widened in shock, and his eyes were filled with incredulous light. I saw a silver needle pierced through the middle of the bullet. What kind of power is this to pass such a thin silver needle through a hard bullet.

Not only the agent, but everyone present was stunned by this scene. Just now they only saw Su Jinyue's finger flick, and then the bullet fell to the ground, and the qiang in Zhu Xingzheng's hand also fell. All this happened so quickly that it was over before they could see clearly.

Zhu Xingzheng wanted to speak, but found that he could not speak at all, and his body could not move at this time, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. It seemed that Su Jinyue was more difficult than he thought. Is he really going to be planted this time?

No wonder Su Jinyue can make such a career at a young age, no wonder her medical skills can be famous all over the world, it turns out that she is so terrifying. Being able to intercept a bullet in mid-air is an extremely difficult task, and with such a silver needle, she not only intercepted his bullet, but also passed through the bullet. Is this something that a person can do? ? Knowing that he would not listen to her sister, he tied Su Jinyue. He regrets it now, but he can't even beg for mercy.

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