Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 845: Self-investment

The subordinates recovered and looked at Zhu Xingzheng one after another. Seeing that he had not issued an order, they did not dare to act without authorization.

Then the phone on the desk rang.

Su Jinyue looked at the phone, a cold arc formed at the corner of her mouth, and walked forward to answer the phone.

"Xiaozheng, how is your side? Has Su Jinyue caught it?" Zhu Yanling's expectant words came from the other side.

"Caught it, now it's controlled by my people, sister, do you want to come over?" Su Jinyue said in imitation of Zhu Xingzheng's tone and voice.

Zhu Xingzheng and his men were once again shocked by Su Jinyue's methods.

Wang Ruini and Ringer's eyes were full of excitement, excitement and admiration. They really admire Su Jinyue to the point where they are all five-body, how can anyone be so powerful, if they close their eyes, they all think that the speaker is Zhu Xingzheng. The same grew up eating rice, how could it be so much worse?

"Okay, we will come right away." Zhu Yanling said excitedly.

Putting down the phone, Zhu Yanling looked at Lan Jianshe and Lan Ruoyun on the side, "Su Jinyue has been controlled by Xiaozheng, and Wang Ruini and the little singer are also with Xiaozheng." Xiaozheng told her, Su Jin Yue has agreed to give them all the shares of Beautiful Lady in her hand, and let her go to sign the share transfer contract. It seems that the one who can be trusted is his own brother.

"Then let's go quickly." Lan Ruoyun said happily. It would be best if Wang Ruini was there. Seeing how she tortured Wang Ruini this time, she would make her regret it for a lifetime.

"Will there be fraud?" Lan Jianshe asked uneasyly. His eyelids jumped fiercely, and he always felt that something would happen today.

"That's my brother, can he cheat his sister?" Zhu Yanling gave a white look, got up and walked to the closet, opened the closet and took out a set of clothes from it, and walked towards the bathroom. That's beautiful lady's shares, she has to wear a little ceremoniously, so as to have a sense of ritual.

Lan Jianshe retracted his gaze, frowning and thinking. He always feels a little uneasy today, but what his wife said is not wrong, how could Xiaozheng cheat his own sister.

Lan Ruoyun thought for a while, and shouted to Zhu Yanling in the bathroom: "Mom, I'll go back and change my clothes." She is a winner, so naturally she will appear in front of Wang Ruini as a winner.

Zhu Xingzheng looked at Su Jinyue, and at this moment, apart from regret, he still regretted. His head must have been caught by the door, how could she have thought of provoke Su Jinyue, she didn't have any means to establish such a huge business as the Beautiful Beauty Group?

There was a sound of car brakes outside the door, followed by a sound of neat footsteps.

Zhu Xingzheng's men looked at Zhu Xingzheng one after another, waiting for him to give orders.

"Brother, there are people coming from outside, there should be a lot of people, how should we deal with it?" Seeing Zhu Xingzheng not speaking, the second child Fang Tao couldn't help but ask. He and Zhu Xingzheng are the best brothers, and their relationship can be said to be closer than their brothers, so Zhu Xingzheng did not speak, and he did not dare to cross him and issue orders.

Zhu Xingzheng is still in trouble now, he can't move anything except his eyes. If he could speak, he would have asked Su Jinyue for mercy a long time ago. Perhaps Su Jinyue just didn't want to give him this opportunity, so she wouldn't let him speak.

"Brother, don't you stop talking?" Fang Tao saw that Zhu Xingzheng kept a movement from beginning to end, knowing that he could not move, but he did not expect that he could not even speak. He always thought that his eldest brother didn't dare to speak because he was afraid of Su Jinyue, after all, Su Jinyue's methods were too terrifying. That's why he didn't dare to step forward and help Big Brother pull out the silver needle.

Zhu Xingzheng could only move his eyes. What he wants most now is to let everyone withdraw, and only with his power can he be preserved.

When Fang Tao saw the anxiety in Zhu Xingzheng's eyes, he knew that he was right. It seems that now he can only give orders.

About to speak, a bunch of lotus

The soldiers with live ammunition rushed in from the door, "Nothing is allowed to move!"

Upon seeing this, Fang Tao and Zhu Xingzheng felt desperate in their hearts. They are really over this time!

A tall and straight figure walked in from the door, his facial features were firm and handsome, his two arrogant sword eyebrows, and the deep black eyes like a spring like a cold star in the winter night, the body and life The coldness that comes with him, and the majesty and domineering exuding from his body are awe-inspiring.

The moment he saw Su Jinyue, the cold breath on his body instantly disappeared, leaving only gentle warmth and strands of tenderness.

Su Jinyue winked at Zhan Yihan playfully.

Zhan Yihan curled his lips slightly, his eyes were tender.

Wang Ruini returned to her senses and exclaimed excitedly, "Sister Su, is Big Brother Zhan." Big Brother Zhan brought so many soldiers over, none of these bad guys could escape. But how did Brother Zhan know that they are here? Did he install a tracker on Sister Su's body?

"Catch them up." Zhan Yihan ordered in a low voice. After he came to the northeast, he had already begun planning to destroy Zhu Xingzheng's power. This power did nothing evil, and the people suffered greatly, but they dared not speak.

Su Jinyue walked to Zhan Yihan's side and smiled at him, "Let's wait a while, and someone else will come over." The other party is the master of this incident, how could it be let go.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, and looked at Li Yao on the side, "Take someone to hide the military vehicles." There were so many military vehicles, and the other party knew something had happened.

"Yes!" Li Yao regained his senses, replied, and trot out the door with a few soldiers. He had heard that the head of the group and his sister-in-law had a very good relationship before, and he realized it only when he saw it today. It turns out that in the face of love, ice can really melt into water, and steel can really turn into softness.

Lan Jianshe drove the car into the manor, seeing that there was nothing unusual, and slowly letting down a holding heart. It seems that I have been thinking too much.

Parked the car on the grass in front of the villa, the three of Lan Jianshe pushed the door and got out of the car. Seeing the bright lights in the villa, they walked towards the villa.

Lan Ruoyun shone with excitement, excitement, and expectation. Wang Ruini, you would never have thought that you would fall into my hands, would you? I will ruin your face this time, depending on what you use to seduce Qin Yi in the future. Dare to **** Qin Yi with her, almost knowing nothing about life or death.

As they stepped into the villa, Lan Ruoyun and the others were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them. They saw that Zhu Xingzheng was being controlled by a soldier at this time, and his men were the same as him, and Su Jinyue and the others were now Sitting on the sofa, looking at them playfully.

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