Tian Jiaojiao came to Zhan Yihan's house early in the morning, and stood at the door waiting for Zhan Yihan to come out. In order to know how much trouble Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue got last night, she stayed at her uncle's house last night. Men generally hate women making trouble unreasonably. When a woman makes trouble, a man will get upset. She took this opportunity to comfort Zhan Yihan and didn't believe that he was indifferent to her.

"Why are you here?" Wang Ruini opened the door and asked in surprise when she saw Tian Jiaojiao standing in front of Su Jinyue's house. Isn't this woman the reporter from that day? How did she get in?

Tian Jiaojiao also recognized Wang Ruini and snorted coldly, "Where do I love to be, do you care?" This woman and Su Jinyue were in the same group, and they played with her that day.

Wang Ruini thought for a while, and suddenly said: "You are not here to find Brother Zhan, are you?" This woman was too shameless, chasing men to other people's homes.

"You need to care!" Tian Jiaojiao heard the sound of the door opening, turned her head and looked around, and saw that the person who came out was Zhan Yihan, with a happy smile on her face. This man really became more stylish as he watched, and he really made him like him more and more.

Taking a step forward, he shyly said: "Big Brother Zhan early!"

Zhan Yihan ignored Tian Jiaojiao's existence, nodded at Wang Ruini, and walked towards the direction of the troops.

Tian Jiaojiao hurriedly followed up, "Big Brother Zhan, wait for me, I'm going to find uncle for something to go with you." Zhan Yihan is in a bad mood now is something she expected. Yesterday It's strange that he can be in a good mood when the noise is so fierce.

Zhan Yihan ignored Tian Jiaojiao and walked forward. It was the first time he saw such an annoying woman.

Tian Jiaojiao smiled carelessly, "Brother Zhan, are you in a bad mood? Did your sister-in-law misunderstand our relationship? I'll explain to her and tell her not to be angry with you."

"Go!" Zhan Yi said coldly.

Tian Jiaojiao showed an aggrieved look, "Brother Zhan, I know you are in a bad mood, I just want to comfort you." She likes to challenge. The more rare a man gets, the more fulfilling she gets.

Zhan Yihan stopped and looked at Tian Jiaojiao with cold eyes, "I have nothing to do with you, please call me Comrade Zhan, or the commander of the battle team. And this is the last time, and I will appear in front of me later. , I will throw you out directly, I am not a gentleman, and there is no rule not to beat women. Anyone who wants to destroy my family, I will not be merciful." After speaking, he stepped forward and walked forward.

Tian Jiaojiao reacted and hurriedly chased after her. She didn't care what Zhan Yihan said, he, she decided.

Wang Ruini frowned and looked at Zhan Yihan and Tian Jiaojiao who were leaving. After thinking about it, she stepped forward and knocked on Su Jinyue's door. She must tell Sister Su to make her beware of that woman. Although I believe that Brother Zhan is not that kind of person, but what if the woman uses means? And she heard from her mother that Sister Su and Brother Zhan had a quarrel yesterday. Her family lives next door, and their family naturally hears what is happening here.

Su Jinyue heard the knock on the door, got up lazily, stepped forward to open the door, and saw Wang Ruini outside the door, only to remember that it was the weekend today.

"Sister Su, I just saw the female reporter from the day before yesterday. She was waiting outside your door early in the morning. She probably has an attempt to fight the big brother. You have to be careful." Wang Ruini said worriedly.

Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled, "I know, let's go in and say."

Wang Ruini nodded and followed Su Jinyue in.

"Have you had breakfast?" Su Jinyue asked.

"I have eaten it, my mother cooked the noodles today." Wang Ruini said.

"Sit down for a while, I'll bring you some fruits and snacks." Su Jinyue walked into the kitchen.

"Sister Su, don't bother." Wang Ruini stopped Su Jinyue and said. She just came here uneasy. The female reporter was not a good person at first glance. If she succeeded in her conspiracy, it would be too late.

Su Jinyue took a plate of cut apples and put a plate of self-made desserts on the table, and sat down beside Wang Ruini.

"Sister Su, that female reporter is not a good person at first sight. You must be careful with her. She just saw Big Brother Zhan and immediately got entangled." Wang Ruini couldn't help frowning at the scene just now.

Su Jinyue nodded, "I know, it's okay."

"Sister Su, you can't be careless. I read that the third party in the novel is broken, and some even directly forced her to divorce her husband." Wang Ruini saw Su Jinyue's indifferent appearance, and couldn't help worrying for her. . Sister Su is such a good person, she can't let her be harmed. Next time she saw the female reporter, she would just blast her away with the broom.

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, "You read too many novels, but there is no such thing in reality." It might be like that when you change to another man, just like Mo Feiheng, who was not with Song Yiren behind her back in her previous life. But Yi Han absolutely won't, he is a man who loves her with his life.

"Anyway, the defensive heart is indispensable. It's always right to be defensive. I heard my mother said that you and Big Brother Zhan had a quarrel yesterday?" Wang Ruini couldn't help asking. She knew that she shouldn't ask about it, but it's an extraordinary time now.

"It's a joke." Su Jinyue picked up a snack and put it in her mouth. How could she quarrel with Yihan, even if they were really quarreling, they wouldn't be able to quarrel. That guy was broken, she asked him to quarrel, he didn't hear it, turned around and carried her to toss until she begged for mercy.

Thinking of this, Su Jinyue's mouth couldn't help but raise a happy smile.

"Sister Su, are you really not worried?" Wang Ruini asked curiously when she saw the smile on Su Jinyue's face.

"I have the handle of Tian Jiaojiao in my hand. If she doesn't know what's good or bad, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." Su Jinyue curled her lips. If she is a cultivator who can't handle even an ordinary person, then she will practice for nothing.

"Really?" Wang Ruini said in surprise. She knew that Sister Su was the best, and that female reporter was definitely not Sister Su's opponent, so she was finally relieved.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Are you busy today?" She is about to leave soon. She doesn't know how long to leave this time. She wants to buy more clothes for Yihan.

"It's okay." When Wang Ruini was in a good mood, she had an appetite, and she reached out and picked up a snack and put it in her mouth.

Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled, "Let's go out shopping."

"Okay, it just so happens that I want to buy clothes too." Wang Ruini said happily. She wanted to buy clothes today, but her mother said that she didn't have time today, and she would accompany her next time on vacation.

"Then let's go now." Su Jinyue stood up and said.

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