When I came to the mall, I saw people everywhere in the mall.

"Sister Su, which brand of clothes do you like?" Wang Ruini looked around and asked Su Jinyue. Her parents have never been harsh on her consumption of food and clothing, and her elder brother will often give her some money, so she wears very good clothes among her peers.

"There is no specific, as long as it fits." Su Jinyue said. She came out today mainly to buy clothes for Yihan. After she leaves, Yihan will definitely not buy clothes for herself.

"I like the clothes at the Oujia counter better, just over there, let's go and see." Wang Ruini pointed to a counter not far away and said.

Su Jinyue nodded, and went to the Oujia counter with Wang Ruini, and saw that there were quite a few customers choosing clothes. Now even in shopping malls, there are very few brands, and brands like Oujia counters that are suitable for all ages are even rarer.

"Sister Su, let's go in and take a look." Wang Ruini took Su Jinyue into the counter.

Seeing a water blue dress on the hanger, Wang Ruini reached out and picked up the dress and compared it with her, "Sister Su, do you think this dress looks good?"

Su Jinyue looked up and down, smiled and nodded, "It looks good!" The design of this skirt is very good, and the waistline design can set off the figure. The waistline is stretched to make the whole person look slender. The bow knot gives people a clear and lively feeling.

"Then I'll try it." Wang Ruini took the dress and walked towards the fitting room.

A middle-aged woman walked into the counter accompanied by a young woman. She saw Wang Ruini walking out of the fitting room after putting on her dress. The young woman's eyes lit up and asked the waiter on the side: "May I ask that Do you still have the dress on the girl?"

The waiter glanced at Wang Ruini, smiled and apologized: "Sorry! There is only one."

The young woman sighed disappointedly, accompanied the middle-aged woman to the hanger aside, looked at the clothes on the hanger, and turned her gaze to Wang Ruini. She still prefers the one worn by Wang Ruini.

Wang Ruini walked to Su Jinyue and turned around in front of her, "Sister Su, do you think it looks good?"

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "It suits you well."

Wang Ruini smiled with joy and walked to the mirror to look back and forth. The more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

Just about to call the waiter, I saw a young woman approaching her.

"Hello! Do you want this dress?" Qin Ye pointed to Wang Ruini's dress. She really likes this dress.

"Yeah." Wang Ruini nodded.

Qin Ye looked at the waiter disappointedly, "Can this dress be delivered?" There will be an inter-school networking party in the school next week, and she would like to wear this dress to attend.

"The tune can be adjusted, but it will take at least a week to mail it," the waiter said.

"The fastest? Will you be there next Saturday?" Qin Ye asked.

"It will take Sunday at the earliest." The waiter shook his head. She also wants to be faster, but the postal service is only that fast.

Qin Ye nodded disappointedly, "Then you can adjust one for me." Although it is a pity that I can't wear this dress for the inter-school networking party, it is already very good to be able to adjust it.

Wang Ruini looked at the dress on her body, then looked at Qin Ye, "Sister, are you in a hurry?" If the other party is in a hurry, then give it to the other party first. Anyway, she is not in a hurry to wear it. It's okay to wait a week.

Qin Ye nodded, "Next Saturday night, there will be an inter-school networking party in our school. I really want to wear this skirt."

"Why don't I let you go first, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to wear it." Wang Ruini said.

Qin Ye heard this, eyes

A hint of surprise flashed in the middle, "Thank you so much, then!" This girl is really nice.

"You're welcome! I'll change it for you." Wang Ruini shook her head and smiled, and walked to the fitting room.

Jiang Pei also looked at Wang Ruini walking towards the fitting room with satisfaction. What a sensible boy.

Wang Ruini walked out of the fitting room and handed the changed dress to Qin Ye, "Sister, here is the dress."

"Thank you!" Qin Ye thanked happily.

Wang Ruini smiled and looked at the waiter on the side, "Hello, please help me adjust the same dress." She also likes this dress quite a bit.

"Okay, please come with me and leave your contact information." The waiter smiled.

"Yeah." Wang Ruini nodded.

Su Jinyue glanced on the hanger, reached out and picked up a white shirt and a pair of jeans, and walked to Wang Ruini, "Try this one." She thinks this one is also very suitable for Wang Ruini.

Wang Ruini looked at the clothes in Su Jinyue's hands and hesitated and said, "I rarely wear jeans." When she comes in summer, she usually wears a dress or a shirt with a long skirt. "Because her mother wants her to be a little ladylike.

"Try it, maybe it looks good." Su Jinyue smiled. Wang Ruini's body is tall and slender, and she wears pretty good clothes.

"Yeah." Wang Ruini reached out and took the clothes, turned and walked into the fitting room.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze, walked to the hanger again, and helped Wang Ruini pick a few pieces. Although these clothes are not as good-looking as the first dress, they have their own characteristics.

Wang Ruini got dressed and walked out of the fitting room, took a picture in front of the mirror, and smiled satisfied, "Sister Su, your eyes are so good!" She is the first time she has tried this style, and it looks really good.

Su Jinyue handed the clothes she had just picked to Wang Ruini, "Try these two again."

"Okay." Wang Ruini took the clothes happily and walked into the fitting room.

Qin Ye came out of the fitting room and nodded appreciatively when he saw the clothes Wang Ruini was wearing. "This suit is suitable for you."

"I think so too." Wang Ruini smiled and agreed.

"Thank you for this dress. Can you tell me your name?" Qin Ye asked. She really wanted to know the girl's name, and she also wanted to introduce her to her brother. She thought they matched.

"Sister, you really don't need to be so polite. I'll go in and try on the clothes." Wang Ruini raised a bright smile and took the clothes into the fitting room. She really felt that there was nothing, just a piece of clothing, and she didn't buy it, just got it a few days later.

Seeing that Wang Ruini didn't want to tell herself her name, Qin Ye didn't force her, and smiled and followed the waiter towards the counter. If they are destined, they will always meet again.

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